14. Definitely not a date

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"So where are you taking me?", you ask. Saiki doesn't respond, he just stares forward. "Hello? Saiki, can you hear me?", you ask, waving your hands in front of his face. He turns his head towards you, raising an eyebrow. "Yes?". "I asked you where are you taking me". He nods and looks back in front of him. "It's a place I visit often, I think you would like it". You wondered what it was. There wasn't much you knew about Saiki except that he was a psychic, a student at your school and that he enjoyed your company, finding everyone else annoying. You let out a quiet giggle which gathered his attention. "What is it?", he asks. You shrug your shoulders. "I don't know, I was just thinking about something Kaidou said earlier", you lie. Saiki knew it was a lie, he couldn't hear your thoughts, you didn't want him to. Even though Saiki admitted he enjoyed your company you weren't sure you could say the same, it's not like you didn't like him it was just difficult for you to say something like that. Your confidence had been shattered once before and you had difficulty trusting others, it was nice meeting someone like Saiki after going through all of that.

"We're here", Saiki says, nodding towards a building up ahead. You read a sign which said 'Cafe Mami'. You walked in through the front doors and sat across from Saiki in one of the many booths. Suddenly someone appeared who you hadn't expected to see. "Hey, what can I get you guys today?", Chisato asks. You had never spoken to Chisato before, she seemed like a nice girl but you preferred keeping to yourself during class. She noticed you and smiled brightly. "Oh, you're (Y/n)-san, right?", she asks. You nod. "Yeah, we've never spoken before, you're Chisato-san". She happily nods. She then notices Saiki and looks between the two of you. " I knew you two were close but I didn't know you were dating". Your face heats up. "Oh no, we're not dating", you say. She tilts her head to the side in confusion. "Oh, I'm sorry, it just looked like the two of you were on a date. I apologize, anyway, what can I get you two?". Before you can open your mouth, Saiki orders for you. "One coffee jelly and a (Favorite dessert)". Chisato nods and skips off to grab your food. "I didn't know you had a sweet tooth", you giggle. Saiki's face didn't change at all except for the fact that his cheeks were tinted a light pink.

A few minutes later Chisato arrived with your desserts, placing them on the table in front of you. Halfway through eating it, you noticed someone in another booth watching you. They looked pretty shady. "Uh Saiki, whose that guy over there watching us?", you whisper. Saiki doesn't bother looking up. "Just ignore him and he'll go away". Oh, how you wished that would've happened. The guy stood up from his booth and walked over to yours. He sat beside you, removing his disguise to reveal a blue haired male. He glared at Saiki. "Can we help you?", you ask, diverting his attention. His eyes widened at the sight of you. He gave his signature smile that usually gets girls to fall at his feet but you were unfazed. "My name is Makoto Teruhashi". You cringed at his last name, he must be Teruhashi's brother or something. "Do you recognize me?", he asks. You shake your head. "No, I've never seen you in my life". He pouted like a child begging his parent to buy him candy. "Are you sure?". "Yep, 100% sure I have no clue who you are". "Well I'm an actor if you didn't already know, which you should", he added. You shrugged your shoulders. "And what did you want again?". He was lost for words at that. "I um.. well". In the time it had taken him to talk you finished your dessert and Saiki had too. Saiki stood up, pulling you with him. "Hey, you can't go yet!", Makoto calls out. But it was too late, you were out the door of the cafe and had now teleported somewhere new.

You looked around and saw a beautiful park which you had never seen before. "Where are we?", you ask. Saiki looks around and then meets your gaze. "A park in (country)". "Wow (country), I've always wanted to come here", you say looking around. Saiki leads you over to a park bench and sat down. "We can sit here for three minutes and then teleport back". You hesitantly nod and then continue to look around with bright, excited eyes. Suddenly Saiki taps you on the shoulder, causing you to look at him. "Yeah?". "I want to try something", he says. You slowly nod, watching as he reaches up and takes off his glasses. He looks you right in the eye with his uncovered magenta orbs. "Interesting", he whispers. "What is it?", you ask. "Usually when I looked at someone with uncovered eyes they turn to stone". You jump up and glare at him. "Hey! What if you turned me into stone, huh?!". He shrugged his shoulders. "It doesn't really matter, I can turn you back anyway. I'm surprised that it doesn't work, it must be part of your defense ability". You slowly nod and watch as he holds his hand out to you. "It's been 3 minutes, do you wanna go home?". You nod and place your hand in his, appearing inside your apartment. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow". He then lets himself out the front door. You walk into the kitchen and begin making something to eat. An hour later you realized something. Tomorrow was Saturday, how would he be seeing you then?

I think you can already guess what will happen in the next chapter. I'm excited to write it! Yayayayayaya Idk why I just did that. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the rest of the story so far. Have a wonderful day my readers. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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