26. Invitation

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Eyes followed the two of you as you made your way towards you desks, trying to gather as less attention as you could. But unfortunately, the people in your class weren't the type to let something like this go. "I knew you two were dating!", Chisato cheers as she nibbles on half a cookie someone had left on their desk. Yumehara sends you a small smile and then turns her attention to Kaidou who sits, slumped in a depressed state at his desk. Once Saiki releases your hand you both take your seats, noticing that even though you two were apart the attention was still focused on you two. But since Saiki didn't really speak unless spoken to you were the center of attention. 

Hairo rushed over to your desk, looking pumped up. "Who confessed first?! I bet it was Saiki". You only really heard half of what he was saying since he was blabbering on about how to never give up on your dreams and other classic Hairo sentences. You blinked a few times before answering, feeling a little guilty as you could see the pain behind his usual overexcited activity. After getting his answer, which was 'Saiki confessed to me' he walked over to the pink-haired boy, patting him on the back for 'never giving up' and such. Kuboyasu seemed happy for Saiki, giving a happy smile as a small tick mark appeared on his cheek but we all chose to ignore it. Before you could be approached by even more of the curious students in the class the teacher arrived, shooing everyone to their own desks. Even though class started it was full of whispers as the teenagers couldn't get enough of the new PK academy couple.


"I don't get why they find it so interesting, Saiki and I have only been going out for one day", you mutter, taking a bite of your lunch. Kaidou shrugs his shoulder as he picks at his food. "People feed off that kind of stuff, but since you're apart of the jet black wings I know that you don't associate with something so incompetent". You giggle, holding a hand over your mouth. "Why are you acting so depressed today? You seem like somethings bugging you". His uninterested expression is replaced with one of pure confusion. "You seem to be able to read peoples emotions very well", he mutters quietly. You pick up a book from your bag and rip out a page, writing on it. "What are you writing?", Nendou asks, trying to peek at the paper. You cover it with your other arm. "You can't see, its top-secret jet black wings business".

When you finish you fold the piece of paper in half and hand it to the baby blue-haired boy, who stares at it in awe. It was a note, basically confirming your understanding of his feeling and telling him he was more of a brother and friend than a love interest. He placed his bandaged across his chest, like a character from AoT, giving you a bright smile. "Of course, we are siblings of the jet black wings!", he announces, probably a bit too loud. You copy his gesture and send him a goofy smile before returning to your food.

Just as the bell rang you meet the eyes of Teruhashi, you hadn't spoken to her since Saturday but could tell that she still regretted everything that she did to you. She smiled angelically and waved, making a majority of the boys and girls in the cafeteria sigh dreamily. You giggle at their ridiculous responses and waved back, walking by Saiki's side back to class.


The day went by reasonably fast and before anyone could stop you from reaching your goal, that being the front gate. You were stopped. You looked up and meet the overly happy face of Teruhashi. "How can I help you, Teruhashi?", you ask curiously. She gave a small giggle, sakura petals appearing from nowhere and falling around her. "I was wondering if you would like to come to my house after school to study together. You wouldn't be the only one though, Mera and Chiyo will be there too". Your face lit up. "Yeah that sounds great, I'll just tell Saiki that I'll be going home with you". She nods understandingly and sends you a wave as she begins walking towards the front gate. "We'll wait for you, don't be too long, okay?". You nod and send her a sweet smile before snapping your head to the side suddenly. "Saiki you can come out now". Saiki appears beside you. "I'm surprised that she isn't angry at you or anything". You shrugged your shoulder as you watched the perfect girl walk away. "What was she thinking?". "She seems interested in actually becoming your friend so I'll let you go". You roll your eyes and playfully nudge his shoulder. "Since when do I have to ask for your permission to go somewhere?". He shrugs his shoulders, giving you an amused look. "You don't, I just want you to be safe". He leaned forward and placed a kiss on your forehead before beginning to walk back to the school building. "I'll see you tomorrow morning", he calls. You wave to his retreating figure. "Okay, see ya!". Once he had disappeared you made your way towards the front gates, noticing the perfect blue-haired girl standing next to the two brunettes, one with glasses and the other with a bow in her hair.

I was on a roll today as well as having a coke and bowl of popcorn sitting next to me so get ready!

Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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