23. Now you know

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Saiki watched as you disappeared from right in front of him. The school faded away and he found himself in a dark room where there was barely any light. In the corner of the room sat a crying (Y/n), her wrist restained by chains to the floor. She tugged at them will all her might but they wouldn't let go. She hugged her knees to her chest and sobbed quietly. She was covered in bruises and marks. Suddenly the door opens and Tamaki enters with something slung over his shoulder. He drops it to the ground, it was a large sack. He opens the top to reveal the face of a younger boy. "I told you if you tried to escape I would punish you. For all of the superhero talk, your brother sure was weak, I only had to stab him a couple of times before he died". Your eyes widened and you began crying harder. "But nothing was as difficult as your mother, a psychic was she? Well, she was weak anyway, she overworked herself and I killed her when she fell unconscious". The expression on your face was horrified. He knelt down beside you and brought his face close. "Now give me a kiss". You struck him in the face. "You bastard, you killed my family, hurt me and kidnapped me and you expect me to love you. I hate you!", you scream. He glares down at you and pulls a knife from his pocket. "You're forgetting who you belong to, do I have to spell it out for you?". You don's answer so he pins you down. "You are M". You scream as the blade comes in contact with your skin, writing the letter. "I". You struggle but you've grown weaker. "N". You cry out in pain but nobody hears you. "E". He finally pulls the blade away and smiles at his work. "Now if you ever forget, just have a look because I'd hate to have to remind you again". He then leaves the room, a bright smile on his face.

Saiki then expected to see another setting but he stayed in the same room, the only difference was that you were quietly singing to yourself. Suddenly the door burst down and several police officers enter the room. "This is the police, are you ok ma'am?", one asks. Your eyes fill with tears and you nod your head, offering your wrists to be freed. They free you from your restraints and carry you out, wrapping a blanket around you for warmth. You were carried to an ambulance and checked up before the police took you away.

Next Saiki found himself in what looked to be an office. There you sat all healed up, playing with your bandages. A police officer enters and sits down. "We're going to transfer you to a different town and you'll be attending school there". You nod and bite your lip. "Don't worry, we'll find him". You nod and rub your wrist. "Tomorrow we'll have a car take you there and that is where you will live from now on". You nod and smile lightly at the floor. "Thank you".

Back to reality

Your eyes widened and tears began sliding down your cheeks as you stare into Saiki's covered eyes. You read his emotions and he had read your past. You placed your hands over your mouth and sniffled quietly. Saiki stepped closer to you and pulled your hands away from your face. He then lent down and hovered over your lips for a moment. "I know you read my emotions". You give a quick nod, not breaking eye contact. "And so now you know that I love you". Before you could even respond he pushed his lips gently against yours. And it was true, he had taken your hand and there were three emotions there. Worry, happiness and love.

Hope you enjoyed but the story isn't over yet. I'll update in the next couple of days!

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