3. Do you believe?

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Your POV

The large boy named Nendou called Saiki over. He hesitantly walked over and took a seat next to me, placing his food in front of him on the table. He doesn't bother to say anything, I wonder why? "Hey (Y/n)!", Nendou calls. "Y-yeah?", I reply. I must've zoned out. "What are you doing after school?", he asks. "Uh nothing". "You should hang out with us", Kaidou says with a confident smile. "Are you sure? You're not doing this out of pity, right?", I ask. "What? No we just think you're cool and want to be friends".

Saiki's POV

(Y/n) seemed to freeze. "They want to be friends with me... I haven't had friends since***************". Static once again, there is something going on in her mind. Nendou waves his hand in front of her face and snaps out of her thoughts once again. She zones out a lot and she overthinks everything too. I sigh and rest my cheek in the palm of my hand. I'll never be able to collect information on her if these two idiots are around. And just my luck too, Teruhashi is coming over.

The perfect blue haired girl skips over and stops at our table. She flips her hair and gives her signature smile. "Hey there", she greets. Kaidou and Nendou change into completely different people and (Y/n) seems unfazed. She looks at (Y/n) and fakes a smile. "You're the new girl, right?", she asks. (Y/n) nods. "Yeah and you're the really sparkly girl in class". She giggles and nods. "You should come over and sit with me and my friends", she says, pointing at a table of just girls. (Y/n) looks over and shakes her head. "No its fine, I prefer sitting here". "Ugh this girl really thinks she can take my Saiki away from me". I was a little surprised, Teruhashi is supposed to be perfect. Jealousy isn't an attractive attribute. "Well I'll see you all later". Teruhashi leaves, swinging her hips as she walks. "Thank girl doesn't like me at all, I wonder why?". I turn and look at (Y/n), that was the first time I could hear a full thought in her mind. She turns and meets my gaze. Unsure what to so she sends me a small smile, an awkward yet friendly gesture. "Is pink your natural hair color?", she asks. I nod. Strange, her mind isn't trained to believe abnormal hair colors are normal. Its quiet at the table, Nendou and Kaidou are staring at Teruhashi and (Y/n) is looking down at her hands, trying to cover them. I stand up and look down at (Y/n). "Lets go somewhere else", I say. She nods and stands, picking up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. No one is looking at us, I take her clothed wrist and we teleport.

Your POV

I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them I was no longer in the cafeteria. My eyes widen as I look up at the sky, we must be on the roof. Saiki doesn't let go of my wrist and leads me over to a seat. He sits down and pulls me down with him. He lets go and looks forward. "Do you believe in psychic abilities?", he asks suddenly. Your eyes widen. "I-I do". "And why is that?", he asks. You look down at your lap where your hands play with the white bandages. "I knew some one with them". He turned and looked at me. "And who was that?". You look away. "I-I don't want to talk about it". He sighs and adjusts his glasses. The bell rings and you stand up and begin walking away. His eyes watch as you disappear through the door and down the stairs. You would like to tell someone but there is no one you can trust and there might never be, never again. You take deep breath and walk into class, Saiki is already in his seat. You stop in the door way and just stare at him, how did he get there? Then it seems almost obvious. The way you got from the cafeteria to the roof and now he's come from the roof to the class room... teleportation. He must me a psychic... just like her...

Sorry if its too short. Now you know Saiki is a psychic but who is this other psychic you know? Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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