Chapter Eleven

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A/N Here's the second chapter I said I would post. 

I hope it's good. Enjoy! 


Derek is a cuddler. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? PRINCE DEREK HALE LIKES TO CUDDLE IN BED. He's so sweet, he defended himself by saying that it's how he knows I'm safe and to make sure that I feel protected.

Which I did, don't get me wrong, and it was the best feeling ever. But. Derek. Cuddles. My god. I won't get over that for a while I can tell you that.

I think he knows I won't either considering the scowl he had on while brushing his teeth this morning.

Damn, who knew we could become so domestic and mundane so quickly. I know that there is going to be a lot of responsibilities that comes with being a prince, and I'm willing to endure those just to see Derek look so calm and not-princely in the mornings. When his hair is all dishelved and eyes drooped because he's still not fully awake, and the sweat pants he wears that hang dangerously low on his hips as he shuffles around the room getting ready for the day.

Ugh. I hate how attractive he is, but love it so much at the same time.

I wonder how he could possibly ever think I'm attractive when I'm all lanky limbs and clumsiness. He tells me that it's part of my endearing charm. But I don't see how falling off the side of the bed when I tried to be graceful about it, and stubbing my toe on the end bed post shouting out a loud 'FUCK' that I know Queen Talia heard.

I have a feeling.

Not the best start to my first official day as being Derek's mate and prince of the kingdom. Upside is that all this happened in private and not in public where I actually could threaten the reputation of the prestigious royal family.

Derek trusts me too much I think.

I'm also inwardly panicking over the fact that they are introducing me properly tonight with a live filming and everything. Derek's doing the best he can to keep me calm, but I'm still tense about it.

Especially when I'm sitting in the library with Queen Talia standing before me. She's certainly intimidating, but there's something about her that makes me think that she likes me.

"Sit please, Stiles," she says as she herself takes a seat in one of the large, plush, chairs that fashionably litter about the large room.

I do as she requests and take a seat in the chair opposite her so we can comfortably look at one another as we speak. Which is what I assume she has brought me here to do.

"I just want to tell you, and I hope this will calm some of the nerves that are running through you at this moment, that I know you won't ruin tonight's introduction. You are a breath of fresh air this kingdom needs, so even if you say something that isn't technically correct, I'm hoping it will give the kingdom an idea of how beneficial having you be a king beside Derek will most certainly be."

This sounds a bit like a back-handed compliment, but I brush off that feeling, not wanting to dwell on that and just focus on the fact that she's being positive about this and it's definitely helping my nerves.

"I also want to let you know that Derek is hiring some private Tutors to educate you on proper royal etiquette. He's not doing this because he doesn't think you are prince quality, no, far from it, you have great potential, but it is necessary for you to be taught the proper ways of a prince. You have great potential and we all want you to flourish."

I smile a little at her reassurance that Derek isn't insulting me. But I understood that he wasn't anyway, I know that I'm not ready to be a prince yet. "I feel a lot more comfortable with the prospect of being tutored. It will make me feel a lot more comfortable when I go out with Derek to perform our duties knowing that I what I am doing is appropriate. The last thing I would ever want to do would be to taint the royal family's reputation because I was acting incompetent. That would make me feel as though I failed you and my dear Derek."

"I'm happy that you are taking all this in stride and accepting everything with no worries," she says with a smile. "You're already becoming a wonderful prince. It's going to be something when you finish your tutoring. I believe that you will be quite magnificent."

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