Chapter Eight

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A/N I just wanna thank all of you that responded, it was really helpful and super nice!

Enjoy this chapter!

When we enter the huge palace I immediately notice Derek's mood change beside me. I look at him with a confused expression as his jaw clenches, staring down a specific person standing in the foyer, whom I assume are waiting to greet us.

I turn and follow the direction he's staring and see that it's a smug looking blonde woman, arms crossed and smirking at Derek. I'm almost afraid to think about what must've gone down between the two to warrant such expressions. 

Yet I can't help but think the worst and it really doesn't help the mood within the room. It's clear that there's some massive amounts of tension, I feel like an outsider not welcome.

So just for a bit of reassurance, I take Derek's hand and he immediately relaxes slightly, gripping my hand super tightly. It's good to know that just by holding my hand helps him, it's almost surreal to think that he's the prince of this kingdom.

The queen approaches us with a wide smile. "Stiles," she says kindly, taking hold of my other hand. Dude, her hands are so warm. "Let me introduce you to our visitors." Damn, she practically hissed out the last word. I guess my suspicions were right, something went down here. "These are the Argent's, Victoria, Chris, Kate and Allison."

"Hello," the terrifying red head says, expression completely deadpan.

Honestly, the only welcoming one here is the young brunette, who looks almost as uncomfortable as I am.

"Well," Derek practically growls. "I'm going to help Stiles get settled." He then drags me forward causing me to let out a small yelp in shock at the sudden movement. I hear a taunting laugh come from the bitch blonde before Derek scoops me up in his arms again and up another set of massive, fancy as heck, stairs.

Tch, palaces.

Derek stops walking halfway through the massive second floor hallway, setting me on my feet. "I just want to make sure you're okay with sharing a room with me."

Aww, he's making sure I'm comfortable.

"Of course I'm fine with sharing a room with you," I state and he seems relieved. "Now, show me the way to your quarters my dear prince."

He groans but still takes my hand and leads me to his room.

I'm hoping maybe I'll get some answers once I'm settled, or once Derek feels I am. Who knows with alpha werewolves.

Gotta be honest though, this is pretty freaking exciting.

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