Chapter Nineteen

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A/N There's discussion of sex in this chapter, but I just want to let you all know that I'm not going to be posting smut, I'm not comfortable with it, nor can I write it well. 



"This sucks," I whine into Derek's chest. We're standing in our room - which I've moved back into. He hasn't let me go since I've set foot in the room. 

"I know," he says, running his fingers up and down my back. "We have to make it believable though, that means I have to remove your scent from me, so that when I interact at the ball, no one will suspect anything."

"I know," I huff, "doesn't mean I'm happy about it." 

"I'm not happy about it either. But, you have to admit, it's a pretty awesome plan." 

I choke out a laugh and move out from his chest. "It is, isn't it?" I pause to fiddle with the collar of Derek's shirt. "I'm gonna miss you."

He smiles warmly, cradling my head in his hands. "I'll miss you too, but it's going to be a few days. Once the ball ends we're gonna be right here, completely alone and finally make our mateship official." 

I hum and press a long kiss to Derek's lips. "I like that idea." 

"I bet you do," he teases and I playfully shove his shoulder. "After this, everything is gonna be okay." 

I nod and pull him into a hug. "I love you Der." 

"I love you too Stiles." 


"You're going to have to use this scent-remover shampoo and soap," Cora tells me, handing over the bottles. "The ball is in two days, so you should have only a faint scent of Stiles, perfect for a recently broken mateship. How's Stiles doing?" 

"As good as he can be in this situation. He's promised to scent our room as much as he can, so when I get back to our room I can be surrounded by it." 

"Cute, but also gross," she says. "Your new room is directly opposite mine, have fun. And remember-"

"We're still allies with the Argent's until the ball. I know." 

"Good man," she says, patting my back. "You ready to do this? Said bye to Stiles?"

"Yeah, I still want to see him though." 

"Just need to keep an eye on the prize. Which is finally getting the Argent's out of our lives." 

I nod. "Eyes on the prize. Stiles is my prize. I've just gotta wait a few days for it." 

"Good things comes to those who wait." 

"Wait, but also do shit to get the good thing." 

Cora winks. "See you at dinner tonight Der. Don't forget, texting is still a thing. Don't want you guys going nuts."

"I appreciate it," I say and start walking towards my new room. 

Only for three days Derek. Then Stiles is all yours with no more Argent's.

I can do this. 

2 Days Later...

"I can't do this." It's the day of the ball and I'm freaking out. 

"Yes you can Der," Stiles says through the phone. "Tomorrow, I'm all yours." 

I scoff. "The second this ball is over, I'll be in our room with you. I'm not going to waste another second without you." 

I can tell his smiling. "I can't wait. I've spent enough time, waiting for you." 

Humming, I walk into another room, away from prying ears. "I like the sound of that." 

He laughs. "I did some research about scenting." 


"Yeah. Apparently, the best way to get my scent on everything is to have nothing in the way." 

"Is that right?" I say, leaning against the wall. "And what does that mean?" 

"It means, bare skin feels amazing on these sheets of yours." 

Fuck. He's naked. "Jesus Stiles."

"But seriously though," he says, tone changing from his previous, teasing one. "I'm thinking we wait to complete our mateship." 


"I want to focus on my studies as a future king. It's in both of our best interest I think. We mate, we become kings, no waiting period between." 

"Are you worried that we'll ascend before you're ready? Because we won't, I promise." 

"I think I'm worried that we'll ascend while learning about the history of this kingdom will make me want to ascend before I'm ready."

"I see."

"Yeah. Are you mad?"

"I thought... maybe you were keen to have sex with me."

"I am, don't get me wrong. But just so you know, we can have sex without completing our mateship."

"Oh shit, really? Hell yeah."

I laugh. "Don't worry about it, Stiles. When you're ready." The door opens and Laura pokes her head in, waving me over. Meaning that I need to get ready no. "Sorry babe, Laura's calling me. I'll see you in a few hours."

"Okay Der. I'll see you then. Love you." 

I smile warmly. "I love you too." I hang up and go out, following Laura. This should be fun.


The meal has been eaten and now it's time for my mother to make a speech. The Argent's are seated at a table right beside us royals, looking elated about the whole event. There's also a camera crew in attendance to broadcast the speech to the public. Everyone needs to hear the speech, especially the Argent's. 

"Thank you all for attending tonight," she begins. "I felt that what I'm going to announce is something everyone deserves to know from me and my words.

"As you all are aware, my son and Crown Prince, Derek, found his mate at this year's Hunt. However, two weeks ago, I was given the news that his mate is of dirty-blood - one that I would never allow in this family." 

I look over at the Argent's to gauge their reactions. They all look pretty happy and Kate winks at me.

"I received information a few days ago from my son and dear family friends that changed something. It was a DNA test for Derek's mate - Stiles - and his father." 

Their expressions are changing now. 

"He's 100% not of dirty-blood and therefore still remains as my son's mate. He's also my son now and I hereby vow to protect him from any intruders, and this includes the ones who attempted to harm my family.

"We found out quickly after the revelation that my trusted maid, Jennifer, was given incentives to start this harmful rumour. These incentives came from our allies, the Argent's.

"Unfortunately now, they are no longer allies and will be escorted out, banned from our allies and will be escorted out, banned from this palace and kingdom from now on. I refuse to allow anyone to hurt my family, and that includes alliances." 

The room is silent and now I'm the elated one.

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