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"Dog I'm telling you this girl is something else. I just gave her a hit and it's already taken care of man. And no strings lose either." I half-way listened to him tell me about the daughter of one of the men working for him.

My mind was on my meeting with Dan. I had ran into him at the gas station the other day. He said how sorry he was when he heard the news about my dad Christian. He said he was sorry that he didn't make it to the funeral and that he was locked up in jail in Puerto Rico and that he just got out a couple of weeks ago. I asked for his help with finding Harmoni and he was more than happy to help.

"Man are you even listening to me. I want you to meet her and her dad Mickey. I think that we can make a lot of money with them."

"Yeah i hear you man. I have to meet up with Dan about Harmoni and I will get up with you later. I trust you. If you say they good they good then."

"You think that he can help us with that. I hate that she has been gone for So long."

"Man I don't know. I just know that I can use all the help I can get though. Cause shit the F.B.I and 2 million dollars can't seem to fucking do it. Yea set that up with your boy and his daughter. I will hit you up when I get back."

"Alright bet."


I stood there watching my Shateria clean up the kitchen. She had a smile on her face for a change. And I loved to see her smile she needed to do it more often. Walking up behind her at the kitchen sink. I kissed her on the back of her neck and she relaxed her body against mine. God knows how much I love this woman and will do anything for her. Kill anyone for her. But I couldn't give her what she really wanted. I ran my hands down her body and felt her shiver from my touch. I smiled. Maybe I can talk her into a quickie before I leave I thought.

Shateria turned around to face me. She didn't have to sign anything her eyes told me what I needed to hear. She grabbed my head  and started to kiss me. Damn I guess she wants it as much as I do. I picked her up and placed her on the island in the kitchen. Pulling her pants and panties down at the same time I stood back and admire her. She looked so beautiful laying that there.

"Damn baby you're so sexy. Umm I feel u baby." I said slipping two fingers inside  her. I watched her eyes roll in the back of her head as I massaged her clit. I needed to taste her. Dropping to my knees I feasted on her like she was a dinner buffet. I didnt stop until I felt her legs shaking around my neck. I stood back and looked her smiling and licking my lips. "Damn you taste so good." I said as I slid all nine inches of me inside her. She opened her mouth to let out a soundless moan. God I miss the sound of her voice. I kissed her as we both came together.

"Well that's a great way to start my morning." She signed to me smiling.

"I couldn't help myself you was looking too good. I have to go meet up with Dan. You remember him don't you." I asked her helping her get get back dressed.

"Ain't he the dude that worked with your dad?"

"Yeah I think that he could help us with finding Harmoni baby."

"Do you really think that you can trust him. I don't want any dealing with anyone who knew your dad."

"I'm trusting him as far as I can see him. But we need all the help we can get."

"I just hope that we don't end up regretting this."

"Look Serenity this school is nothing like that preppy school you was just at. Be careful. Don't make me have to come out here to hurt nobody." I sat listening to Angelo . Even though he was only 3 years older than me he was so protective of me. We had just arrived to my new school.

"I think that I will be alright. I will see you when school let out." I got out the car and walked to the guidance office to get my schedule. Once I gave the lady my name she handed me my schedule. And to my surprise it said that in was a freshman. What the hell I asked the lady at the desk what was going on.

"Sorry to tell you sweetie  but the classes you were taking at your old school are not on our requirements. And the only class you were able to credit for makes you a freshman. I'm sorry. And freshman orientation starts in 10 minutes in the auditorium."

"Damn ok." It was bad enough that my mom made me start school late and now  I was a freshman when I'm really suppose to be a junior.

"You are only 2 credits short from being a sophomore. So it's possible for you to move up in your original grade with summer school."

"Thank you." I said to the woman walking out of the office to the auditorium. Walking in the auditorium I noticed how many people are in the room. I also couldn't help but notice that most of them were black unlike my other school. I already felt more welcomed here. I took at seat and listened I sat listening to the principal Mr. Washington introduce himself to us. He went over the names of the vice principal and he introduce Jayden Jenkins the sophomore class president. He went over the rules and regulations at the school and dismissed us.

I guessed that I was looking confused because some girl came up to me and asked if I needed help finding my class.

"Yeah I guess I do. I'm heading to Miss Smith class. She teaches.."

"Algebra 2? Good I'm heading the same way. My name is Phylisha. Phylisha King. Nice to meet you. You must be new here I never saw you before. Come on the class is right this way."

She said turning to walk down the hallway. She kinda of reminded me of Brandy from Moesha. She even had her hair in braids and all. Well I followed her to class and we made it there soon as the bell rang. I sat in the first empty chair I saw.

"Oh no I'm sorry that's my seat. What is your name again?" Phylisha asked me.

"It's Serenity Howard. And how is this your seat? What we have assigned seats or something." I asked confused.

"Nah she just wants to sit next to me. Her boyfriend. I'm Jayden nice to meet you Serenity." The boy from earlier said to me as I got up from the chair I was sitting in.

"Oh shoot my bad. Didn't mean to cause any problems."

"It's alright. You didn't know." Phylisha said sitting down next to Jayden. I took another seat just as the teacher came in to start class.

My Harmoni My Love.....a sequel to Family Love (completed Story)Where stories live. Discover now