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“Here they come right now. You still leaving? Just wait this won’t take long really.”

“Yeah I’m bout to dip. Teria wants me to bring dinner. I don’t want to keep her and the boys waiting.”

I said turning to make my way to my car. I stopped in my tracks and watched a giant of man walking with a small girl beside him. This can not be the girl that Quadd is talking about I thought to myself. She doesn’t look a day over what 13 14? This shy looking girl was the beast that Quadd is talking about. Something told me that I needed to stay to meet these strange people.

I wanted to meet this Mickey anyways. What type of father puts their daughter up to some shit like this? The girl walked passed me and we locked eyes. Yeah, I need to meet this chick. I turned and walked backed to where they had met up with Quadd.

“Hey TJ, this is Mickey and his daughter Serenity. And ya’ll this is TJ.”

“What’s up? So, Mickey Quadd tells me that you have been working with us for awhile now. I’m glad to finally meet you.”

“Yeah what’s up. Good to finally put a face to a name. Quadd tells me you sign the checks. So, you’re good with me.”

“Well actually I don’t. I don’t handle none of this shit. I am a silent partner dog but like to know who I am working with. You report to Quadd and his brother Cadillac.”

“Oh, my bad dog. I just thought.”

“Whatever. Look why would you have this little girl in this type of shit?” I had no respect for a man to put a child in a dangerous situation like this. And his own daughter at that. Serenity stared to stare me down then.

“That’s none of your concern what the hell I do with my daughter. And trust me she is more than capable of handling her damn self.”

“Like you said you don’t handle this so why are you concern with me being here?” she finally spoke to me. I could tell that Mickey was pissed at her. But her voice was a sound I haven’t heard in a long time. She was right they are none of my concern.

“You know what lil mama your so damn right. Alright Quadd I will holler at you later man. See ya’ll when I see ya.” I said to Serenity and her dad Quadd. Who am I to say how he raises his daughter. I got in my car and head to Olive Garden to get my wife dinner like she asked.

“Well I don’t have any problem with her coming on. You really have to run it by Cadillac first though.” Quadd told Mickey.

“O.K. I had told him once that I was going to bring her in the game. He wasn’t hearing it but now you can help me talk to him.”

“Alright I am going to hit him and let you know what he says.”

“Bet. Hit me up.” Mickey told Quadd as he told me to follow him back to the car.

“So how did everything go? That TJ dude looked like he didn’t want to be there.” Angelo said to us when we got back in the car and pulled away from the garage.

“He really didn’t. And I don’t like him.” I told my dad.

“Its something about him that I don’t like either. But he’s not our concern. You must meet Cadillac. He’s the one you must be worried about. He the head man. He tells who what to do what. He has a thing against girls doing hits, but maybe Quadd can get him to change his mind.”

Mickey told us as we headed home. We made it back just in time for dinner. My mom was just finishing setting the table.

“O.K everybody goes wash up.”

She said to us as soon as we walked through the door. We did as she asked and came back to sit at the table. You would have never known watching us sitting there saying grace that we were a family of killers.

“So how was everybody’s day today?”

“it was good.”

“It was alright until you made me come home.” My brother Justin said to my mom. Then the doorbell rang.

“Ya’ll expecting somebody?” Mickey asked. He got up when everybody said no and answered the door.

“I forgot my keys. Surprise I caught an early flight.” I heard my brother MJ saying as he walked in the dining room.

“I guess I came right in time because I am hungry.”

My mom jumped out of her chair screaming and crying. She was so happy to see him. MJ has been gone for over a year at Marksmith Academy where he was training to be a sniper. I couldn’t lie I was happy to see his aggravating ass too. My mom was so happy to finally have our whole family sitting down to eat. She got up to place a setting for him.

“So, what has everybody been up to?” MJ asked.

“You know the same old shit. Your sister though is really starting to show her worth. She is going to meet the boss tomorrow.” My dad said making me smile proudly.

“Oh yeah? That’s what’s up Renity. I guess you’re a little badass huh?”

“She’s going to meet who?”

“The boss Cadillac.”

“Who? When the hell did you start working for him?”

“I told you that he was Quadd brother. I’m working for Quadd, but Cadillac run everything. What the fuck is your problem?”

“Look here Mickey I have sat here and watch your turn my baby into a damn baby tomb raider. It ends right fucking now. This shit is over. My baby will go meet Cadillac over my dead body.” Regine yelled at my dad as she threw her plate at him and walked out the room.

My Harmoni My Love.....a sequel to Family Love (completed Story)Where stories live. Discover now