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I opened the door to the rest of the people for the party. They came in carrying more drinks and June turned the music up. I was actually enjoying myself. I put Stelena and Kavin pill popping ass out of my mind. They wanted to throw their life away that's them. The later it got the more depressed I got that TJ didn't show up like he said that he would.

I hear my house phone ringing and ran in my bedroom. I closed the door answered the phone. "You have a collect call from.." it was my mom. I quickly pressed 0 and the operator clicked over.

"Happy birthday baby. I can hear why u didn't answer the phone. This my fourth time calling. I guess you having a party huh?"

"Yeah. Me and Stelena invited a couple of people over."

"Well you are grown now. Just be careful baby. Happy birthday I wish I was there with you."

"Yeah you would be celebrating more than me." I told her laughing.

"You might be right about that. Oh your dad came to visit me today."

"My who?" I know that she didn't just say rhat my dad came to see her. What the fuck do he want after all these damn years.

"You heard me Teria. Your dad. We talked and he really seems to be sorry about leaving us. He wants to apologize and try to build a relationship with him."

"I don't have anything to say to him ma. He had all these years to reach out. Why now?" I said yelling in the phone.

"Calm down honey. It's up to you. If you don't want to see him that's fine. But he did say that he would be stopping by."

"For what? I don't want see him ma. Can you call me tomorrow I'm really trying to enjoying my birthday."

"Yeah baby. I will call you tomorrow. I just hope that you think about it and change tour mind about seeing your dad. Happy birthday again I love you baby." My mom said hanging up the phone.

What the fuck. She just killed my whole vibe. I do not want to see that man he has nothing to say to me. Fuck! I need a damn drink fuck this. I went into the living room and ran into the kitchen where Stelena them were standing in there drinking.

"You alright?" Stelena asked.

"No I'm not. I need something to drink."

"Here." June said handed me a drink after he dropped a pill into it. I took t he drink and took a sip. It was sweet like juice. I downed the whole cup.

There was a feeling that came over me after a couple more drinks. I can't rain it but it made me forget about what my ma told me. I was to busy enjoying myself. I was dancing with any and everybody who came up to me.

"Teria girl I think that you're drunk. How many drinks you had." Stelena came said to me after she pulled me away from a boy I was dancing with. Damn what was his name again.

"Girl I only had two. I'm alright leave me alone. Didn't you tell me to relax. Well I am. Now leave me the hellll alonnnnee." I said to her not noticing that I was slurring my words.

"I did say that. But I didn't mean like this. I have never seen you act like this. You dont need anything else to drink." Stelna said taking the cup from me that inhaf in my hand.

"You can have that I will get me another one. And Stelena go back to Kavin like you have been all night. I got me." I said walking off to the kitchen to get me another drink. Who the hell do she think she is. It's my damn birthday. I can drink all I want. June walked in and saw me pouring a drink. I don't know why but he was starting to look real good to me.

"Can you pour me one too?" June asked me putting down an empty plastic cup in front of me.

"Yeah. You want any chaser?"

"Nah. Straight liqour baby." He said smiling at me.

I ain't gone lie he has a sexy ass smile. I was starting to forget that I can't stand him. He was starting to grow on me. I poured him some liqour in his cup and smiled back at him.

"Man Teria why you be playing with my like that?"

"Like what? Boy I don't know what you're talking about." I said laughing.

"Yes you do. But that's alright though. Hey can i get one dance with you though." He asked me when a slow song started playing.

I accepted his offer and went in the living room and started dancing. June. Oh my God he felt so good holding me. I melt into him as I felt his hands caress my back and grabbed my ass. I shiver from the sensation that his hands was giving me.

"See what you do to me Teria?" June said rubbing against me showing how hard he got.

"Ok I think Teria needs to come sit down in her room for awhile." Stelena said to us breaking up our dance.

"Mind your business man." June said to her.

"Leave me alone Lena. I'm having fun."

"No not with him. What the hell did you do June? What did you do to her. You know she can't stand you. " Stelena pushed June.

"Lena come on. Mind your fucking business. You girl said that she's alright then she alright." Kavin said coming up and dragging Stelena away.

That was really the last thing I remember until I woke up to the sound of TJ calling my name. It took a moment for my eyes to focus on him standing in the doorway of my bedroom. The look on his face broke my heart. Why the hell was he looking at me like that? Damn my head was pounding. Looking down I then notice that I was naked. That wasn't new I always slept naked but what was new is that I wasn't alone.

"Well good morning to you too." My heart dropped to my stomach at the sight of June lying naked next to me smiling.

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