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Chapter 13

When I got into the house I heard the house phone ringing. I answered the phone before it could stop ringing. I got excited when I heard the operator announcing the collect call from my mom. It has been almost a week since I have talked to her. I miss her so much. I quickly pressed “0” to accept her call.

“Oh my god ma how is you doing. I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too baby. How is school going. I hate that I am going to miss your graduation. Momma fucked up baby and I am sorry for that. I am supposed to be there to watch you walk cross the stage not in here with these crazy bitches.”

“I know that you want to be here. We worked hard to get here mom. I just hope that you use this time to maybe think about getting off these drugs ma. I really want the best for you. I don’t want to lose you too early.”

“And that’s exactly what I am going to do. I hate that I am here but this might be the best thing for me. I know it’s only been a week but I haven’t thought about them drugs. All I have been able to think about was you baby. This is the longest I have been away from you.”

“I am going to come see you every weekend ma I promise you that.”

“Now baby I don’t I don’t want you to put your life on hold for me. You are graduating so you’re already doing better than me. You saw what I went through baby be smarter than me.”

“I am ma I going to try to make better choices. I ran into TJ today he gave me a ride home from school.”

“Aww little TJ he has grown into a nice young man. You might not remember but I was good friends with Chrissy his mom. Well she or should I say he goes by Christian now. I wonder how he’s doing? Teria your birthday is Saturday have fun baby. Not too much but just let loose a little enjoy yourself. I am going to try to call you again before then, I love you baby.” she said as the operator came on the line to announce that we have one-minute left.

As I was hanging up the phone with my mom there was a knock at the door. Thinking that it was Stelena I opened the door without checking who it was. There stood at a white man he looked kinda of familiar.

“He sweetie pie is Toni home?” he asked.

“No, she doesn’t live here anymore.”

“Really damn is there any way that I can get in touch with her it is very important. I really need to speak with her. Did she leave a forwarding address?”

“Well yeah she did it is Lowes Correctional facility it will be her address for the next three years.”

“Oh my gosh ok. You know that you look so much like your mother. You are so beautiful.” He said as he stood there looking at me with a funny look on his face. He opens his mouth to say something else and I cut him off before he could get it out.

“Look thanks mister but like it said my mom don’t live here anymore so please don’t come by again.” I said to him as I closed the door in his face.

I watched him stare at the closed door for a few seconds through the peep hole before he turned to leave. Who the hell is this man? I put him to the back of my mind chalking him up as a lovesick john and thought about what my mom told me. Maybe is should have a little fun. I mean I have been looking after her for half my damn life. Maybe I can act my age for a change. I should have a party like Stelena suggested the other day. I wasn’t feeling the idea then but now I was ready for a little fun. I picked up the phone to call her.

“Dang Teria I was about to go crazy. Where were you I was looking for you, you weren’t on the bus. How did you get home?”

“I missed the bus.”

“So, you walked all the way home? Why you didn’t call I could have had my mom come scoop you up.”

“I was still pissed at you Lena. I still can’t believe that you did that. You had one thing to do damn. Anyways I caught a ride with TJ.”

“I am so sorry Teria I swear that I am. I love you girl I hate that you are mad at me.”

“I love you too girl. I just think you’re making too many changes for Kevin ass. I’m not mad anymore I have gotten over it.”

“So, you caught a ride with TJ sexy ass what’s up with that?”
“Nothing is up with that. Look I was thinking about having a party Saturday you down?”

“Girl stop playing you not having a party? Are you serious? Don’t play with me Teria.” She said her voice getting higher as she got more excited.

“No, I am serious, so I know that you can handle planning that right?”

“You damn right.” She said as she hung up with me getting the party plans under way. I hung up with her hoping that I will have fun at the party. I wonder if TJ would like to come.

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