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Chapter 15

“Today is your baby girl big day Ain’t it?”

“Yep it sure is. I tried to call her but they must have already left. I will try again later.” Toni told the girl named Trish sitting across from her as they played dominos.

“Don’t look so sad. She knows that you want to be there. And she knows how proud you are of her.”

“I know she does Trish it just hurt that I am not there for her. It seems like I keep hurting may baby man.” She said putting her head down.

“Toni there Ain’t now perfect parent in this world. Don’t beat yourself up girl. You did damn good by that girl. Shit you was a baby yourself when you had her. Then you raise her the best way you could by you got damn self. Girl you should be patting yourself on your back your baby just graduated.”

“Nah Trish I wasn’t that good of a parent shit my baby was really taking care of me. I was on them drugs bad. I told you girl.” Even though Toni has known Trish for only about a week she felt that she could really trust her.

“Toni, I know that but you weren’t always on them drugs. I am just saying that she had had good times and when you get out make more good times hun.”

“Yeah I hope that you are right I really do.” Toni said looking at Trish smiling.

“Girl I know I am right. Now it’s tour turn to wash the bones.”
She said to Toni as she laid her last bone down to beat Toni.

She started laughing as a guard came over the intercom to announce that it was visiting time. He started calling out all the names of the ladies that had visit for that day. The ladies kept playing their game neither of them was excepting any visits that day. That’s why it was a shock to them both when the guard called out Toni Smith.

“What the hell? I thought you said you wasn’t expecting anyone today.”

“I’m not I know that it’s not Teria I told her that I was going to call her. That girl is a mess I will holla at you when I get back.” Toni said to Trish as she got up to get in the line to walk to the visitation area.

The females walked in straight line quietly not talking or looking at anyone else in the hallway. The guards patted them all down to make sure they didn’t have anything on them.

Toni walked into the room and sat at an empty table. She sat staring at the entrance the visitors come through trying to figure out who it could be coming to see her. She never would have guess who it was in a million years. Her heart stopped beating as she watched a ghost walk in and look around the room. She felt faint when his eyes locked in on her. Terrion was here she thought she would never see him again.

She hated that she felt giddy like a school girl as he walked closer to her. Toni hated to admit that the man was still sexy. He still made her want to jump him then and there. The closer she got to him the more she remembers how much he hurt her. She remembers the way she begs him to stop his daddy for hurting her. What the fuck does he want she thought as he sat down in the chair across from her.

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