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Chapter 14

This day has finally come I thought to myself as I laid in the bed. It was so many people that had counted me out. Looking at my momma they thought I wasn't going to mount up to nothing. Forget them it is my graduation day! I hated that my mom wasn't here to see me receive my diploma. Hated that my dad wasn't here even more. I really don't know why I was thinking about him. I hadn't thought about that man in years. It's sad that I don't even know how he looks. Since every time I asked about him my mom starts to cry I stopped asking.

I got out of the bed and started to get dress. I grabbed my graduation gown to put on over the pink dress that I was wearing. I was just getting done dressing when my grandma knocked on the door. She was more excited about this day than I was.

"Teria baby you look so beautiful. You don't know how much I have prayed for this day. I thank God that he kept me alive long enough to see this happen." She said to me with tears in her eyes.

"I know grandma trust me I know. Please don't cry you know that it's going to make me start to cry too. Don't get me started."

"I won't I don't want you to mess up your make up. I wish that your mom was here to see you. I guess that these pictures will have to do." She said pulling a camera out of the purse she had on her shoulder. I started striking different poses as she stood laughing at me.

"Come on grandma I don't want to be late to my own graduation."

"Oh no we don't want that. I don't want to miss this day for nothing in the world."

We got into her car and drove to the school and found somewhere to park. I made sure she had a place to sit before I went to find Stelena. She was hugged up with Kavin talking to June. She walked over to me when she saw me come up.

"Girl we are finally getting out this hell hole. We don't have to look at these dam teachers faces no damn more."

"I know right. I am so glad that it is over. These has been a long four years girl but we made it." I said to her laughing.

"Girl the whole class is talking about your party. This is going to be so fun I can't wait. I told everybody to be to your apartment at 10 o'clock."

"The whole class? Damn girl you don't play around huh? How in hell is the whole class going to fit into my apartment? Girl you are tripping we just need to invite a few people. I mean all them damn people that's too many Lena."

"Yeah you're right. I wasn't thinking about that. Shit and we right next door to my momma house too. Yeah let me go let Kavin know and he can help spread the word."

"And don't let him invite all his damn football friends. It's bad enough that June aggravating ass is going to be there. I want to have fun. And they need to chip in on food or drinks because I will not be supply this all by my damn self." I told her as she walked away to tell Kavin the change of plans.

Our principle came up to the mic on the stage to announce that the ceremony was about to start. We sat and listen to the various people give speeches.

Finally, they started to call out the students' names to come up to get our diploma. Watching Stelena walking across the stage when they called her name brought tears to her eyes. I joined her family to cheer for her as she accepted her diploma from the principle. I watched her run off the stage and jumped into Kavin arms with her diploma in her hand. I heard my name finally called and I walked to the stage with a heavy heart.

This was a bittersweet moment. I accepted my diploma to the sound of my grandma and Stelena screaming my name to the top of their lungs. Turning to blow them a kiss I noticed the white man from last night standing in the back of the room clapping with a smile on his face. Who the hell is he? Why is he here I asked myself as I walked off the stage to give my grandma a hug?

"You did it baby. You did it. You finally graduated from high school. I am so proud of you."

"Thanks, you. Hey granny do you know that man. He came by the house last night and now has here." I asked her pointing to the man as he turned to walk out of the auditorium.

"What man? Where?" she asked looking around.

"He is gone now. It was some white man he came by the house last night looking for momma. I wonder why he is here."

"I don't know who you are talking about. Don't worry about him. Come on I want to take you out to eat before you have your party. Oh, you thought I didn't know about that? Girl you can't get nothing pass me. Come on."

She said laughing grabbing my arm and walking out of the building. I was so excited about graduating that I didn't notice that she was still looking around for the man I was telling her about.

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