Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I followed behind Stelena mom and dad as we walked into the room where she was laying in the bed with various machines and tubes connected to her. It was difficult for me to see her like that looking so helpless. Shelia walked over to the bed and grabbed Stelena hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Richard walked over and stood over her bed and looked down at his daughter. I could tell that it was tearing him up to see his baby like this he turned his head to discreetly brush the tear that felled from his eye. Stelena must have sensed that we were in the room because she slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room at our worried faces. Sheila was the first one to speak up.

"I cant believe that this happen to you baby. Teria and your friend told us what went on. How are you felling?" Shelia asked her as she softly caressed her cheek.

"Did that boy do this to you and don't you lie to me? If hes putting his hands on you I swear." Her dad asked her before she could respond to her mom.

"Now Richard what did I say? This is not the time dammit. She just had a damn seizure give her time to recover before you start pestering her." She said angrily to her husband dropping Stelena hand and turning to him.

"I know that I looks bad daddy but its not like that." Stelena cleared her throat and softly went on, "Kavin loves me and would never hurt me this was an accident. We was fighting over my phone and he messed around at hit me in the eye. And I felled back and hit my head. I swear that's what really happened." She closed her eyes as if it took all the energy she had left to blurt those words out to her dad and she felled asleep. Sheila tenderly patted her hand at looked over at Richard on the other side of the bed.

"She said he didn't hit her let it go Richard."

"OK Sheila I am going to let it go this time. Come on lets go fill out the paperwork that nurse was telling us about on our way up here." They both walked out the room with their arms interlocked and Sheila glancing back to look at her daughter. When the door closed Stelena eyes popped open and looked at me.

"Bitch I knew your ass didn't fall asleep that damn fast. You play too damn much," I told her as I sat in the chair beside her bed. "you know that you really got your momma worried and me to heifer. I almost had a heart attack when your ass fell out. Why did you lie to your daddy like that?"

"I know that I scared you shit I scared my damn self. I never had a seizure before Teria im sorry that I scared you like that but im not lying. Kavin didn't hit me this time I swear to you it was a accident." She replied trying to convince me while she pushed a button on her bed to move her head up to a sitting position.

"This time? Do you hear yourself damn Lena I know that you are not stupid man. If he really loved Lena he wouldn't hurt you why cant you see that?"

"Man don't start with that shit Teria you cant tell me that kavin don't love me. you don't know him like I do. Can you hand me my phone so I can call him to let him know whats going on."

"No need to call him he already knows. We ran into in the waiting room and him and your dad had some words."

"Damn really. How is was he doing? Hand me my phone I need to call him to make sure he is not beating hisself up." She said holding her hand out for her phone like she knew I was going to hand i to her ass. I got up and went to dig in her pants pockets that a nurse had placed in a belongings bag and handed her phone to her.

"Here I don't know what hold that boy has on you but you really need to cut it before he really hurts you. I mean look at you in the damn hospital over an accident. Im not bout to sit here and listen to you talk to his ass. I will call and checkup on you later girl." I said handing her the phone before I walked out the door.

I said my good byes to her parents and they said that they would call me if the were any changes. I walked out of the hospital to my car mad as hell at Stelena dumb ass. I don't care what she said Kavin did hit her ass this time like he did all the other times. While walking to my car to head home my cellphone started to ring I didn't recognize the number but I answer anyways.

"Hi Shateria how are you today?" I instantly recognized the voice of my father on the other line and frowned.

"Im alright what do you want?" I got into my car, closed the door behind me, and cranked the car up to let the cool ac blow throughout the car.

"I just wanted to know if I could stop by to see you today. There are somethings that I need to say to you face to face."

"I don't know there has been so many things going on right now."

"I promise that I will not take of too much of your time. Your mother and I just think I should be the one to tell you."

"You can tell me now." I said to him really getting annoyed to with our entire conversation.

"Teria sweetie don't be like that. I will meet you to your mother apartment in what 30 mintues. See you there." Terrrion hung up the phone before I could tell him I wasn't meeting him any damn where.

I could deny that he had me intrigued of what he wanted to tell me. I sat in my car trying to rack my brain of what it could be that mom wanted him specifically to tell me? I abandon hope trying to figure it out and drove home to get the truth. When I pulled up to the apartment I noticed that his car was already park and he was waiting by the front door for me. I walked up the stairs, the closer I got to him the more piss off I became of how much I really looked like his damn ass. There was no denying our resemblance even with the different skin color. I opened the door and he sat on the couch. I took a seat in the love seat that was across from him.

"So what is so important that you want to tell me face to face.?" I asked ready to get this improntu meeting the hell over with.

"I have been visiting your mom for a few weeks now and we have decided to give our relationship another try."

"And...I really don't see how that has anything to do with me. if my mom think that she can trust you again that's her."

"I understand why you would say that and I know that you are angry with me Shateria. You have every right to be and I am going to make up to your mom and you as well. I hope that you allow me to do that for my sake and your sisters as well." He said looking me straight in the eyes. I thought I was hearing things. Did he say that I had a sister?

"Sister? What the hell are you talking about?"

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