Part 3

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Taekwang is buying the christmas presents by himself. He carries a lot of shopping bags. This is too tiring, he thought to himself. His stomach starts to growling. All the restaurant seem to be packed with people. He looks the one that has short queues. He goes there and starts to queuing. Suddenly from behind someone tap him gently.
"Excuse me."
Taekwang sees a familiar face. Two young women standing behind him. One of them is the woman that he helped before.
"What a coincidence" he said
"How's your wounds? Thank you again for helping me."
"Gwenchana. He never bother you anymore right?"
"Yes. The police takes care of it. Are you eating alone?"
"Ne." Taekwang smiles shyly
"You should join us. Ah cem. This is my sister, Joy."
"Annyeonghaseyo." Joy said
"Annyeonghaseyo." Taekwang said
"Thank you for helping my sister. Her colleague treated her bad. I'm glad you're there so he can't hit my sister. Ah cem. I heard from my sister that you're from Sekang high school?"
"Ne. Majayo."
"If it's all going well, I will study there too in the new semester as a freshman"
"Really? You should greet me then."
"Sure." They smile at each other.
Taekwang join them for lunch. Joy is such a fun loving girl. Taekwang seems to enjoy her company. After finishing their lunch, they go to separate ways.

Eunbi is walking alone on cold weather. She waves at her boyfriend and smiles at him. Han Yi Ahn looks tall and handsome as always. She walks closer to him.
"Mianhae. The bus comes late." She said
"Gwenchana. Let's go somewhere warm." He said.
They go to the nearest cafe and they order some hot drinks. He brings the drinks to their table.
"Gomawo." She said
"It's cold today. Isn't?"
"Ne. Ah cem. Unnie said hi. She can't go back to Seoul on this winter break."
"Ah that's too bad."
"Ne. She said that the flight ticket is too expensive. I miss her though"
"Are you still going to Tongyeong?"
"Ne. My mom will also come too."
"I hope you have fun there."
"You too."
Yi Ahn is contemplating. He takes a deep breath and says, "Hmmm.. Eunbi-ah.. should we"
"What do you meant?"
"I'm tired. We've been fighting a lot about the same thing over and over again."
"We can work it out."
"I'm sorry. You deserve to be happy and I can't make it that happened. Let's go back to where we used to be."
"This is for the best. We can focus on our dream without worrying each other feelings. I like you always but we're be happy on our own."
"I understand. No matter what I said won't change anything. I should go."
"Eunbi ah.. mianhae.."
"Gwenchana." No matter how hurt she is, she still smiling at him. She stands up and left.
She walks weakly alongside the road. People are passing her by. Across her road, Taekwang sees her. He follow her from his side. His eyes locked at her.
At the crossroads, he runs to her.
"Hi Go Eunbi." He said
"Gong Taekwang." She surprised
"It's good that you here. Carry all these stuffs, will you?"
She doesn't resist and just accept his shopping bags.
"Ya! Why are you look so weak?"
"Something wrong?"
He takes back his stuffs from her. He titled his face and looks at her face.
"Something must happen."
He put down all his shopping bags on the road. He pull her closer and hug her. He says, "just cry"
"Gong Taekwang.... I..." in few seconds, she cries her heart out.

Taekwang and Eunbi are strolling around the park. There's no words between them, they just walk. Suddenly she sneezes.
"Ya! It's cold." He protested
"You can go home if you want." Eunbi said nonchalantly
"Ya! How can I left you like this?! Go Eunbi stop!"
She stop walking and looks at him.
He puts his stuffs down. He takes his shawl from his neck and put it on to Eunbi's.
"Look look.. you should put more layer. Don't you know that it's getting colder each day."
"Ya.. you don't have to." She said
"Gwenchana.." he pinched her cheek and continues saying, "just don't give me that look. I hate to see you like this."
She looks at his eyes and a snow fall on them.
"You should go home." He said
"I don't want my mom to see me like this." She said
"Beside your big swollen eyes and red nose, you look ugly as always. Your mom won't notice."
"Actually you look nice with the swollen eyes."
"Ya! Jugule?!" She kicks his foot and left him
"Hahaha. Ya! Wait for me. Don't you see i have to bring all these."
"Here let me take some"
They walk for almost an hour and they go to her home.
"Just go inside." He said
"Your shawl.." she tries to takes it off but Taekwang stop her
"It's for you. I just buy it actually but it looks better on you. "
"No but. Just accept it, arachi?"
"No worry. Ah cem.. here.." he gives all his shopping bags to her. He continues to say, "you're going to Tongyeong right. I buy these for them."
"All of these?"
"Ne. You're not going by bus right?"
"Ne. My mom will come too."
"Good then. I can't visit them because this is the first time I spend christmas with my dad"
"They will love it."
"I hope they will. You should go inside. I'm going" they wave at each other.

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