Part 7

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Eunbi is strolling around at the shopping mall. She plans to buy a gift for Taekwang. Tomorrow it's his birthday and she wants to gives him a nice present. A gift that not only for his birthday but also to show her gratitude after all he has done for her. She enters one of the store there. She remembered when she and Taekwang went to the shopping mall, he stared at one of the watches there. She also notice that Taekwang likes to wear a watch whenever he goes. She asks the staff to customize the watch. She wants to gives his initial on the watch. After awhile, the staff finished crafting the watch, she left the store.

On the way home, she meets Yi Ahn father. He carries a lot of stuff. She greet him.
"Anneyonghaseyo." Eunbi said
"Anneyonghaseyo. You are Go Eunbi right?" Yi Ahn father said
"Ne. Can I help you? I can carry it for you."
"You're so kind. But I really can do it by myself."
"It's okay. Let me help you." She said
She takes some stuffs from him and carry it for him. They arrive at his home. She puts his stuffs at his house. Yi Ahn is not there. His father said that he went outside to meet his friend. His father served her a beverage. She drinks it and after awhile, she ask permission to leave. However, Yi Ahn father face looks really pale. He suddenly collapsed and Eunbi tries to catch him. She called an ambulance and they arrive few minutes later.She contact Yi Ahn and he sounds panicked when he heard it.
Yi Ahn takes a taxi and run to the hospital. He meets Eunbi and he sees his father laying down weakly.
"Appa!" He said
"He's stable now. The doctor said that he's exhausted."
"Thank you Go Eunbi."
"Gwenchana. Ah.. you must be his girlfriend. I am Go Eunbi. We met before right?" Eunbi said
"Ne. I am Kim bokjoo." Kim Bok Joo said
"I think I should go." Eunbi said
"Thank you again Go Eunbi."
Eunbi left the hospital. When she's in the bus, she realize that she left the gift at Yi Ahn house. She text him and he says he will look for it.

The next day, Eunbi meets Taekwang at the bus stop. Taekwang waves his hand to her. She waves at him back. They walk together to school.
"Do you have to work today?" Taekwang asks her
"Ani. Wae?" Eunbi said
"Do you want to watch movie together?" Taekwang asked her
"Sure but I need to go to hospital first."
"Ne. Han Yi Ahn dad admitted to hospital yesterday so I am going to visit him." Eunbi said. She can't said that the main reason for going to hospital. She wants to pick his gift that she left in Yi Ahn house by accident.
"Han Yi Ahn dad? Is he okay?"
"He fainted yesterday but the doctor said that he's getting better."
"Did han yi ahn told you?"
"Ani. I was with him yesterday."
Taekwang looks surprised and asks her, "with him?"
"Ne. I was helping Yi Ahn father yesterday and suddenly he fainted so I brought him to hospital. I contacted Yi Ahn and he came."
"Are you okay?"
"Me? I am okay."
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"Ah! I think I should visit him alone."
Taekwang notice she's hiding something. He asks, "why?"
"Ya! The bell will ring soon. We should go to class." Eunbi walks faster than usual. She's leaving Taekwang who looks confused.

During the school break, Taekwang meet Joy at the hallways. Joy gives him a cd with signatures from his favorite band. Taekwang looks so happy and thank her many times. Joy smiles so brightly and she feels delighted when she sees his happy face. Not far from them, Eunbi saw how happy Taekwang is. She feels insecure about her gifts. She pouted and discourages.
After the class, Eunbi goes straight to the hospital. She meets Yi Ahn and his father. His father is sleeping peacefully.
"Hi Han Yi Ahn." She said
"Ah. You're came." Yi Ahn said
"How is he?"
"He's stable. Ah cem, here's your stuff. It's for Taekwang, right?"
"Ne. It's for his birthday."
"He will be happy when he received it from you."
"I don't know. Someone gave him a better present than me. This is just nothing. Ah cem, where's your girlfriend?"
"She has training. By the way, how did you know that she's my girlfriend? I don't think I told you before."
"I saw you and her at the spring festival."
"You went there?"
"Eunbi ah, about her."
"Gwenchana. I am not mad or sad. I am happy actually. I saw you with her and you look so happy. I never saw you like that when we're together. You suffered a lot, don't you?"
"Not really. I was so happy when you finally back again but I don't know what went wrong. Maybe my pride got on the way. I can't stand seeing you worrying somebody else. Or maybe, I haven't entirely moved on from Eunbyul. I don't know.. but I am missing being with you."
"It's understandable. It's hard to moved on from your first love. I know because I felt it. I loved you before."
"But not now right? You like him right?"
"I don't know. Maybe. He makes my heart flutters but this feeling is different from you."
"I always feel that someday you realize that it always him."
"You wrong though. When I'm with you, even though I worry about him, even though I was happy with him, you're the one that I always thought about."
"I'm sorry for hurting you."
"Gwenchana. I am happy now." She said while smiling.
A text message comes when they're talking.
"Ah mianhae, Taekwang text me." Eunbi said
She reads his text. Her facial expression changes. Taekwang canceled their plan.
"Something wrong?" Yi Ahn asked
"Ah ani. I must go. " She said
"Araso." He said
Eunbi left the hospital. She sees the gift and she sighed.

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