Part 8

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June 2016

The students are preparing for the exams. They become more busy than usual. Eunbi spends most of her times in the library. Taekwang is with her sometimes. He studies beside her but mostly he sleeps while she studied.
Eunbi is sitting alone at the library. She seems to focus on her study. Taekwang walks towards her and sits beside her.
"Anneyong." Taekwang said while stroke her hair gently
"Anneyong. Don't you have an english course today?" Eunbi said while smiling at him
"Ne. I am going after I bothered you. Hehe." Taekwang teases her
"Ya! I have to study."
"Ara. Will you come here again tomorrow?" Taekwang asked
"Ya! Tomorrow it's holiday and also your birthday. How can you spend your day here?"
"I don't spend the entire day here. I will come in the morning and stay until lunch. And then I am going to have a lunch date with Shijin and Songjoo. Then at night I will spend with my mother."
"Wow what a busy girl."
"It will be so much fun. And tonight I will have a video call with my sister."
"Aigoo. You look so happy."
"Ne! How about you? What time is your test tomorrow?"
"After lunch but then I have to go to my mother house and sleep there for a night. So I don't think I can see you tomorrow. Mianhae."
"Gwenchana. How's the admissions progress? You know, there's a lot of good university here."
"I know but I think living aboard will give me an extraordinary experience. I can learn about other countries and cultures."
"But still.." Eunbi pouted
"Ya! Don't make that face! We talked about this."
"I know and you will contact me everyday."
"Ne. Ups, I have to go now. Bye"
Taekawang leaves her at the library and Eunbi continues her study.

The next morning Eunbi wake up quite early today. She only sleep for two hours. She spend her night talking with her sister. She gets ready and goes to the library. Since it's still early, the library is empty. Only few people are there. She sits on a chair near the windows. She search the books and brings it to the table.
After awhile she starts to fill sleepy. She puts her hands on the table and her head on top her hands. She closes her eyes and sleep.
She opens her eyes and saw Taekwang left. He walks away from her. She sees his back and she smiles. She feels a jacket on her shoulder. She grabs it while she fixes her body. She sees a small box on the table. She opens it and there's a branded wallet inside the box. A small note with Taekwang handwriting on top of the wallet. Eunbi smiles and text him right away.
'Thank you for the gift.'
'Do you like it?'
'Ne. You should wake me before you leave.'
'I don't want to bother you. You sleep so peacefully, I even heard you snore.'
'Ya! I don't snore!'
'Ne. You did hehe'
Eunbi pouted and she puts her cellphone on the table. She takes her old wallet and put all the stuffs in to the new wallet. After she finished, she puts her wallets inside her bag and continues her study.
The rest of her day just like as she expected it. She had so much fun with the girls and her mom. At night, she lays down at her bed. She stares at the ceiling and touch her mouth. She's smiling happily.


The last day of exam has arrived. The students are looking intense. They are being absorbed by the tests. One by one the student has finished. The time has up, the teacher ask all the students to give their answers paper.
"Finally!!! It's over!" Kwon Gi Tae said
Shijin and Songjoo go to Eunbi desk.
"We're finally free!" Shijin said
"Ne! Don't forget this weekend, okay?!" Songjoo said
"Ne! Yi Ahn and Taekwang will join us." Eunbi said
"I can't wait! Ah cem, what time is Eunbyul flight?" Shijin said
"Tonight. My mother and I will picked her up. I can't wait to see her." Eunbi said
Taekwang walk to them and join their conversations.
"Our peaceful time will be over. The witch is back." Taekwang sighed
"Ya! That's my sister!" Eunbi said
"I think you should take a DNA test. I don't think you two are related. You and her are just too different." Taekwang said
"Ya! I don't need to take any test, can't you see we're so look alike?!" Eunbi said
"Ne but your personality and her are just.." Taekwang said
"Gong Taekwang! Don't forget this weekend, ok?!" Eunbi said
"Araso. I should go, Joy already wait for me." Taekwang said
"Have fun." Eunbi said while force her smile
"Ya! Ya! Are you two dating?" Songjoo asked Taekwang about his relationship with Joy.
"Ani." Taekwang said
"But you two seemed close." Songjoo said
Taekwang ignore her and he left the class. He walks to the gate and Joy waves at him. She smiles at him and they walk away from the school.

Taekwang and Joy arrive at the cafe. He orders some food and drinks. Joy starts to talk about her training and her new group. She got selected but they have to wait for their debut. Taekwang listens to all her story.
"Do my stories bored you?" She asked
"Ani. It's interesting." Taekwang said
"But you don't seems to like it. Ah cem, are you free this weekend? I have a free ticket to an amusement park." Joy said
"Mianhae. I already have plan. I am going to a beach with Eunbi and some friends from my class." Taekwang said excitedly
"It sounds fun. You sound so excited."
"Oppa, I like you." Joy said so sudden
"What?" Taekwang shocked
"Don't pretend that you didn't know."
"Gwenchana. I know the answer already. You never look at me the way you look at her. She always on your mind right?"
"Then why don't you tell her the truth?"
"I just can't ruin our relationship now. Beside most lovers fail but not friendship. So.."
"I can't believe that I am falling for you. You're afraid right? Afraid of losing her."
"Ne. I finally have someone that makes my life colorful again. I don't want to be leave alone again."
"Oppa, not every relationship has bad ending. If you never tried than you will never know."


Eunbi goes to her mother store. She works with her mother until an hour before Eunbyul arrival time. They go to the airport and wait for awhile. One by one people goes out.
Eunbyul takes her suitcase and she goes out. She sees her mother and Eunbi. She waves at them. Eunbi runs to Eunbyul and help her to push the carriage.
"I'm back!" Eunbyul said


June 2021

Eunbi and Eunbyul spend girls night with Shijin and Songjoo at Songjoo big apartment. Songjoo has becomes a popular actress. Since it's the twins birthday, they want to spend time together away from their busy life.
"Ah mianhae" Eunbi said. She just finished talking on the phone with someone.
"Aigoo. He's coming back tomorrow right?" Eunbyul said
"Ne. He said that he already at the airport." Eunbi said. She sounds really excited.
"Who?" Songjoo seems confused
"Your boyfriend? But I never knew that you have a boyfriend." Shijin said
"Ani. It's Taekwang." Eunbi said
"Taekwang? You still got in touch with him?" Shijin said
"Ne." Eunbi said
"Well. You always close with him so it's kind of make sense. Says hi to him from all of us." Songjoo said
"But not from me!" Eunbyul said
"Araso." Eunbi said
"Okay let's play!"
Since it's girls night, they already preparae many stuffs. They play charades, twister and other board game. They start to feel tired but none of them want to stop.
"Let's play truth or dare." Shijin said excitedly
"Ne! I have this device. This will electric you whenever you told a lie." Songjoo said and show the device to them.
They agree to play and they spin a bottle. First is shijin and then Eunbyul. The third spin is Eunbi. She puts her hand on the device. The girls start to ask the question one by one.
"Have you kissed before? Not on the cheek but on the lips?" Songjoo teases her
Eunbi surprised and she shyly says, "yes"
The girls shocked. They never knew that Eunbi had someone.
"Who? Yi ahn?" Shijin said
"It's a secret." Eunbi said
"I bet that imbecile!" Eunbyul said angrily
"Only yes and no question." Songjoo reminds them
"Do we know this guy?" Shijin asked
"Ne" Eunbi said
The girls become louder than before. Shijin and Songjoo seemed curious while Eunbyul somehow knew it.
"The last question." Songjoo said
"Ask her a hard question!" Shijin said
"Are you still want him to be only a friend?" Eunbyul asks. Eunbi looks surprised, she realize that her sister knew her really well. She knew that the guy they talked about is him.
"Ne." Eunbi said firmly but then the device electric her and said that she tell a lie. She takes her hand off the device and the girls start to laugh.
"Ya! Stop pretending! Just say what you really feel!" Eunbul scolds her
"Ya! Eunbyul tell us! Who is this guy?" Songjoo said
They start to pressuring Eunbyul and Eunbi. But none of them tell Shijin and Songjoo about who the mysterious guy is. Shijin and Songjoo finally gave up and they continue their games.

June 2016

Taekwang stop at the library before the test. He enters the library and start to search Eunbi. He sees her sleeping. He walks to her and sits beside her. He puts his hands on the table and lay down his head. He sees her sleeping peacefully. He stares at her for awhile. He looks at the watch. The watch that she gave him on his birthday. It's time for him to go. He puts the gift on the table near her. He opens his jacket and put it on her. He leans over and stole a kiss from her.
"Happy birthday" he said and he left after that.
Eunbi wakes up and she was awake during the kiss but she doesn't want him to know. It will be their little secret.


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