Part 5

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Eunbi gets off from the bus and from far, she sees Taekwang back. She walks fast so she can surprised him from behind. However before she can get close to him, a young girl tap him. Taekwang smiles at her and they walk together.
Eunbi wonders who the girl is. Shijin and Songjoo greet Eunbi but she didn't respon.
"Ya! Go Eunbi! Songjoo shouted
She looks at them and says, "anneyong"
"Ya! Wae geurae? We called you many times." Shijin said
"Ah mianhae. I was spacing out."
The girls walk to the class. Eunbi sees Taekwang and he greet her with his naughty smile but Eunbi ignores him. Taekwang seems surprised and he approach her. He push her head gently and cover his face with his hands. Eunbi looks at him confusedly.
"It's really you. Ya! Go Eunbi! You scared me. For a second I thought that you're Eunbyul." Taekwang said
"Ya! Do you miss my sister that much?" Eunbi said
"Ya! Your sister is the least person I want to see right now."
The bell is ringing and all the students are going to their seats.
During the recess, Taekwang eat lunch at the cafetaria. He sits on the empty table. He puts his foods on his table. A young girl walks closer to his table. She sits beside him and he smile at her.
Eunbi, Shijin and Songjoo arrive at the cafetaria. Eunbi sees Taekwang with the same girl who greet him this morning. Eunbi lead the girls and sit on the same table with Taekwang. Taekwang smiles at her.
"We meet again." Songjoo said
"Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim." Joy said
"Do you know her?" Eunbi said
"Ne. We met during an audition. I heard that you got in. Congratulations." Songjoo said
"Ne. Thank you sunbaenim." Joy said
"What audition?" Shijin asked
"To become a trainee for the A agency. Actually one of our classmates also got accepted too. Ya! I was so surprised when I see him."
Taekwang suddenly chocked his food. He cough. Eunbi asks, "gwenchana?"
He nods while catching his breath. Joy join their conversations and says, "unfortunately he rejected it." She said while looking at him.
"Who?" Shijin still has no clue.
"It's not important. Just eat" Taekwang said while feeding her a sausage.
"Ah where's my manners. Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim, my name is Joy. I am from class 1-2." Joy introduce herself.
Shijin and Eunbi greet her back. Eunbi still curious about something. She asks her, "how do you know Gong Taekwang?"
Taekwang answers her question, "She is the sister of a woman that I help before. I told you before right?"
Eunbi recalls her memories. He did mention her name at the rooftop. So this is Joy, she thought to herself.
"Are you sick? You barely eat your food." Eunbi asked Joy. She eat so little, only couple of spoon.
"Ah, they want me to control my weight so I try not to eat much." Joy said
"But you already skinny." Shijin said
Joy smiled bitterly.
Taekwang has finished his lunch. He gets up and says, "I'm going first."
Joy asks, "are you going back to class?"
"Ani. I need my beauty nap. See you." He said easily
"Just ignore him." Shijin said to her
"Hmm.. sunbaenim, can I ask you something?" Joy looks nervous
"Sure." Songjoo said
"Did Taekwang sunbae has a girlfriend?" Joy said
Eunbi suddenly cough. She looks surprised.
"I don't know but I don't think he has. Maybe Eunbi now" Songjoo said
"Me?" Eunbi asked back
"Ya. You're the only person that very close to him." Songjoo said and Shijin agree with her.
"I heard from my friends that he has someone and it's from here. She even saw them holding hands." Joy said
Eunbi coughs again while shijin and songjoo focus on listening Joy. Eunbi gets up and says, "I go first okay."
The girls nod and continues their conversations. Eunbi put the tray on the tray place. She goes to the rooftop and find Taekwang there. He just start to lay down his body. But when he sees Eunbi, he stop himself and he sits on the bench instead.
"Something wrong?" Taekwang asked
"Ani." She said
"Then why're you here?" He asked
"Ya! This rooftop is not belong to only you."
"She's nice." Suddenly Eunbi becomes soft
"Dugu?" Taekwang confused
"Ah her. Yes she's nice but you're nicer than her. You just met her but you really concerned when she's barely touch her food. Good girl!" Without realizing it, he pats her head gently. She looks at him and he says, "ah mian"
He tried to divert their conversations, "are you free today?" He asked
"Ne. Wae?" She said
"My dad birthday is next week. I want to give him a present so can you help me pick out a gift for him?"
"Sure. I also need to buy a book at the book store."

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