Part 10

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Time flies so fast. The Sekang high school looks busy today. Today is the graduation day. Eunbi comes with her mother. They take a lot of photos at the school.
Taekwang get off from his car. He walks with his father beside him. People are looking at them and surprised when they realize that Taekwang is the director son. Taekwang brings a bouquet of flowers. He waves at Eunbi and gives her the flower. Eunbi takes it and smile brightly.
Eunbi got accepted at Korea National University of Education. She wants to pursue her dreams to become a teacher. Shijin goes to Seoul university while Songjoo goes to Korea National University of Art.
After the ceremony, the students are gathered and take photo together. They look so happy and relieved.
Eunbi walks to the rooftop before she goes. She meets Taekwang and they sees the school from above.
"I'm going to miss this place." Eunbi said
"Me too." Taekwang said
They look at each other and smile.

5 years later

Eunbi is standing in the airport terminal. She looks at the watch and looks anxiously. Taekwang is walking towards the exit. He saw Eunbi and waves at her. He walks faster than before. He catches Eunbi who run to him. He hugs her tightly.
"Welcome back!" Eunbi said
"Aigoo. You look so beautiful today."
"Wow! This is the first time I heard you compliments me."
"Ya! I do compliments you occasionally."
"How's your flight?"
"It's good. Did you miss me?"
"Aniyo. I am busy these days. Blind date and working are just so tiring." Eunbi teases him
"Ya! I already told you, don't go to any blind date. If your colleagues suggest it just rejected immediately." Taekwang said
"Wae? Do you want me to become a spinster?" Eunbi protests
"Ya! Don't you worry about that stuff! I will find the best guy for you."
"I don't think you're capable of that." Eunbi pouted
"Ya! You underestimate me. Beside, if I cannot find anyone good for you, we can grow old together." Taekwang smiles
"Araso." Eunbi said
"Ah cem, how's yesterday? Something happened? I got a scary message from your sister yesterday."
"Nothing. We just play some games and then reminiscing our old times"
"Weird. She said that I did something terrible to you."
"Just ignore her. Hahaha." She's faking her laugh. She knows what Eunbyul talked about but she won't tell Taekwang the truth.
They arrive at Taekwang place. His father greet them and they are having dinner together. After dinner, Taekwang takes Eunbi to her house. It's still the same house from five years ago.
"Ah this brings back the old memories." Taekwang said
"Did you miss this place?" Eunbi askes
"Ne. I remembered when we're still high school. I can't believe it already six years ago since I met you." Taekwang said
"Ne. Time flies right?" Eunbi said
"Thank you for today." Taekwang said
"Thank you for coming back" Eunbi said smiling brightly.
He pats her hair gently. He step back and they wave goodbye.
"Bye." Eunbi said
Taekwang is not moving and still looking at her. He is smirking and Eunbi asks, "ya! Why're you looking me like that?"
"I am thinking." Taekwang said
"Thinking about what?" Eunbi said
"About this.." he pull her close and kiss her passionately. Eunbi surprised but she kiss him back.
"Gong Taekwang." Eunbi said and put her hand on her lips.
He touch her cheek and says, "mian. I can't hold it anymore. Saranghae Go Eunbi."
"Ya! We can't do this." Eunbi said
"Ara. Just for tonight, okay? I miss you so much."
"Araso" eunbi said.
Taekwang kiss her again and hug her tightly.

After that night, they act like nothing has happened. Eunbi got a job at one of schools in Tongyeong while Taekwang is start working in his father company.

Years has passed yet their relationship remains the same.

Taekwang has been working for almost three years now. The company is growing steadily. His father starts to give him more responsibility. Taekwang is becoming busier than before. He rarely sees Eunbi now. They only meet when Eunbi is back to Seoul.

Today, Eunbi is coming back to Seoul for winter holiday. She wants to spend it with her family. Taekwang pick her up at the station and he looks exhausted. He yawned and look for her.
Eunbi has just arrived and she runs to him. He pats her hair and says, "welcome"
He took her bag and bring it to his car. He drives her to her house.
"How's your journey?" Taekwang said
"It's okay. I can sleep for awhile. You look exhausted."
"A little. I just had a lot of meetings."
"Aigoo. You should rest then. Ah cem, are you free tomorrow? I want to see this new movie. I heard a really good review about it." Eunbi said excitedly
"Ah mian. I have to meet this lady. We want to merge our companies. They ask for few things that we would like to negotiated."
"You really busy."
"Mianhae. How about the next day?"
"Araso. The next day then."
They arrive at her house. Taekwang takes out her bags from the car. He gives her bag to her.
"Good luck for tomorrow." Eunbi said
"Gomawo. I hope I can persuade them to merged the company without using a marriage as a bond." Taekwang said
"Marriage?" Eunbi surprised
"Ne. It's really common for people like us to get married for the sake of our companies. I am glad that my dad let me to decided on my own. But this lady parents are quite tricky." Taekwang said
"Are you going to marry this lady?" Eunbi asked
"Don't you worry, I am not going to marry her."
"I am not worried. Why must I worry?! You can marry any girls that you want. We're just friends right?" Eunbi said
Taekwang is losing his patience and he's getting angry to her. This is the first time he lose his temper to her.
"Until when you want us to pretend like this? Just friend? Have you ever thought how tormented for me to hold back all my feelings for you?"
"Gong Taekwang. I never asked you to have feeling for me."
"Wow you're really daebak. Even in this moment, you can't be honest. Why can't you say your honest feelings for me?"
"You wrong. I don't have feeling for you" eunbi lied while holding her tears.
"Alright then. If this what you really want."
Taekwang left her. He drives away from her house.
Eunbi is entering her house. She goes to her room and cry.

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