Part 6

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Taekwang just finished his study at the academy. He plans to go home but he saw Songjoo from far away. She walks weakly and looks unhappy. Taekwang tried to ignore her but he can't. He walks to her and greet her cheerfully.
"Anneyong!" Taekwang said
"Gong Taekwang?" Songjoo looks surprised
"Ya! Why're you look so weak?" Taekwang said
"Nothing. Ya! Gong Taekwang, let's go to the arcade!" Songjoo said
"I don't want!" Taekwang said
Songjoo push him and says, "c'mon! I need to releases my stress."
At the arcade, they played a fighting game. Songjoo looks so intense playing the game.
"Ya! You will hurt your hand" Taekwang said
"Gwenchana." Songjoo ignores him and play until she satisfied.
They go to a cafe near the arcade after they've finish playing. Taekwang buys drinks for her. She looks more calm now.
"I got rejected again." She said sadly
"Gwenchana?" Taekwang asked in concerned
"Na An gwenchana.. should I just give up? I worked so hard. I tried many auditions but no agency wants me. I am tired" She said while holding her tears
"Ya! There's always a reason for your struggles. Use that to push harder. Even it's hard, even it's dark but just don't give up. There's always a light in the end of tunnel. I saw you singing, I saw you dancing and it's really good. Someday you will get what you want. Everything will be alright." Taekwang said
"Ya.. Gong Taekwang.. I never knew that you will be this wise. Thank you." Songjoo said
"Geez! I always this awesome." Taekwang said
"Aigoo.. I take it all back." Songjoo said
"It's getting late. We should go." Taekwang said
"Ne." She agrees with him.
They left the cafe together. In front of the cafe, they meet Joy. Joy greet them and likewise.
"Joy. Why're you here this late?" Taekwang asked
"I just finished training." Joy said
"Aigoo. You look so tired." Songjoo said
"Ne. A little bit." Joy said
"Ya! Gong Taekwang! You should take her home." Songjoo said
"How about you?" Taekwang asked
"Gwenchana. My house is not that far from here. Take care of her, okay?" Songjoo said
Songjoo walks the opposite way from them. Taekwang and Joy walk to the bus stop. They take a bus to her house.
"Sunbaenim, thank you. You shouldn't take me home actually. I can do it by myself." Joy said
"Gwenchana. My house is not that far from yours. Beside, Songjoo will kill me if I don't obey her."
"Hahaha. Is she that scary?" Joy asked
"A little but someone is more scary than her. It's Eunbi twin sister."
"Eunbi sunbae has a twins sister?"
"Ne. They may be a look alike but their personality are so different. Eunbi is far more kind than her. So how's your training?"
"It's tiring but I have fun. They plan to make a new girl group. I hope I can get a spot there."
"I hope you get it. Ya! If you got picked, you should introduce me to your teammates. I bet they're beautiful. Ya! Ya! But don't tell Eunbi that I asked you this. She will kill me if she knew."
"You're close to her, don't you?"
"Eunbi? Ne. She's my dearest friend."
"Just a friend?" Joy becomes more curious
"Ne. I don't think we can be more than a friend. Ani.. I don't think we want more than that. What we have now, it's more than enough." Taekwang said weakly
"Wae? You sound that you like her more than a friend."
"It just better this way." Taekwang said
Joy looks at his sad eyes. She sees that something hold him from telling her the truth.
"Sunbaenim, should we listen to a music?" Joy tried to cheer him up
"Sure." Taekwang said
Joy puts her earphones on her cellphone. She gives one side of the earphones. They listen to the song that she has in her phone.


The next day, Taekwang meets Eunbi at the bus stop near the school. They walk together to school.
"Ya! It's miracles that you can come this early." Eunbi teases him
"Geez! I came early so I can sleep more at the class."
"Ya! Can't you stop doing that?"
"I don't want to. Ya! You should try sometime, the teachers voice make a good lullaby. I can sleep really well."
From behind them Songjoo and Shijin greet them.
"Anneyong!" They said. Taekwang and Eunbi greet them back.
"Ya! Gong Taekwang how's your date last night?" Songjoo teases him
"Date?" Eunbi asks
"Ne. He has a date with..." Songjoo can't finish her sentence because Taekwang close her mouth with his hand.
"No one." Taekwang said while drag Songjoo away from them. Shijin and Eunbi look at them confusingly.

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