Part 11

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Eunbi is waiting for Taekwang at the restaurant. They want to spend the last evening together before Eunbi goes to Tongyeong. It almost half an hour, Eunbi is sitting alone on their seat. Taekwang is rushing to get to the restaurant. He enters and goes directly to Eunbi.
"Mianhae." Taekwang said. He has been busy for the last two months and whenever they have plan, he often comes late or even cancel their plan.
"Gwenchana. Let's order first, you must be hungry." Eunbi said. She understands that Taekwang is busy but she can't hide the fact that she feels lonely sometimes. Yet, she doesn't want to add more pressure on him.
They're ordering some foods and drinks. Taekwang caresses her hands and listen to her. She talks about her sister and her mom. Her sister got engaged last week. It's quite sudden but Eunbyul looks really happy when she told her. It looks like Yi Ahn doesn't want to waste time. He proposed to Eunbyul despite they only been together for few weeks.
The foods has come. They eat peacefully, until his phone starts to ringing. He excuses himself to takes the phone. He took some time to finish his conversation. Eunbi was finished her food. Taekwang comes back and he apologized again to her. Eunbi starts to become irritated with his behavior. Taekwang notices it but he doesn't know what should he do.
After dinner, they walk to the park. He holds her hand. The snow starts to fall. They stop walking and enjoy the view. He holds her closely and caress her hair.
"I know I've been a bad boyfriend this few months. I am sorry." Taekwang said
"I understand. I just feel lonely. You always on the phone" Eunbi is confessing
"How about this, I will turn off my phone and do whatever you want now." Taekwang said. He takes his phone but someone call him again. Eunbi saw it but Taekwang is still turning off his phone.
"So what is your wish my princess?" Taekwang said
"Let's releases your stress first." Eunbi said
"How? Sleeping with you?" Taekwang teased her
"Ya! Don't be a pervert! Let's do some shooting." Eunbi said
"Call!" Taekwang agreed with her.
They go to a shooting ranges and start to shoot the target. Taekwang is quite good at shooting while Eunbi needs more practice. They play until they feel tired.
Taekwang takes her home. They arrived at her house. He hesitates to release her hand. He embraces her cheek.
"Do you really have to go back to Tongyeong?" Taekwang asked
"Ne." Eunbi said
"I don't want you to be away from me." Taekwang said affectionately
"Then you should be nice to me when we're together." Eunbi said sullenly
"Mianhae. I will visit you when the merger things finalized." Taekwang said
"Gwenchana. We'll find away to be together. Just don't look other girls beside me!" Eunbi said
"Ya! How's that possible? You're the only one who crosses my mind constantly throughout the day." Taekwang said
"You and your sweet talk. I am going to miss spending time with you." Eunbi said
"Me too." Taekwang said
He kisses her forehead and let go of her hands.
He waves goodbye and leaves.

The next day, Eunbi goes to the bus station. She gets in the bus and find her seat. She sits near the window and open her phone. She text Taekwang. The bus starts to move. She rest herself and sleep throughout the journey.
She arrives five hours later. She gets off and goes to her apartment.
At night, she goes to the city center to buy some food. She accidentally meet someone who is really familiar. Eunbi bows her head when a lady recognizes her.
"Halo. We met before. You're Go Eunbi right?" Han Soo-A said
"Ne. It's nice to meet you again." Eunbi said politely
"Are you staying here?" Han Soo A asked
"Ne. I'm teacher here. How about you? What brings you here?" Eunbi said
"My family owned several hotel and store here  so they want me to check those out." Han Soo A said
"Ah. You must be busy these days. With all the merging companies and yet you still have to make sure other businesses are running."
"Well actually, my parents don't want me to get involved with the plans since I support Gong Taekwang-si of doing this without marriage. They still want us to do the old ways, it makes him really struggling. I bet he already told you about this." Han Soo A said
"Aniyo. He doesn't talk about his works when we're together. Is his company needs this so bad?" Eunbi said curiously
"They do actually, otherwise they will lose one of their subsidiaries. Many people will end up losing their jobs." Han Soo A said
"That's why he works so hard these few months." Eunbi mumbles
"I think I should go be going now." Han Soo A said
"Han Soo A-si, all they need is for him to marry you right?" Eunbi asked
"Yes I think so. But you don't need to worry about that, he really against that idea." Han Soo A said
"I know but if he didn't do that, many people will suffered." Eunbi said
"Well you can say that." Han Soo A said
"Thank you for telling me." Eunbi said
"It's okay." Han Soo A said and leaves
After their conversations, Eunbi can stop feeling guilty. She doesn't want people suffer because of her. She knows that Taekwang is exhausted and he still wants to be with her. She also wants to be with him but not like this.
Eunbi rarely sleep though the night. She wakes up at dawn and goes to her school after that. She meets her colleagues and her students. They greet her and she greet her back. She tries to focus on lecturing but she just can't get him out of her mind.
On the weekend, she takes a bus to Seoul. She didn't tell Taekwang about coming to Seoul. She arrives at his place. She rings the bell but he doesn't open it. She enters the codes and open the door. She sees Taekwang who just wakes up with his frizzy hairs.
"Eunbi ah." Taekwang goes to her and hug her.
"Are you just wakes up now?" Eunbi asked
"Ne. I worked until very late last night. Ahhh.. I am glad you're here. I miss you so much." Taekwang said and start to act like a little boy.
"Aigoo. You must work so hard. Do you want me to cook lunch for you?" Eunbi asked
"It would be lovely. What brings you here? I thought you're going to Seoul next month." Taekwang asked
Eunbi enters his house and goes to the kitchen.
"I met Han Soo A last week and she told me about the problems in your company." Eunbi said
"Ah. You heard. It's not that bad actually." Taekwang said
"Why're you never told me about it? You always like this! You're not honest when comes a problem like this. I still remember when your father got arrested because you protected me. I know you doesn't want me to suffer but how do you think my feelings when you hurt like that?" Eunbi scolded him
"I am sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt. And also if you knew about it, you will leave me. I know that you don't like to see other people suffer." Taekwang said
"I am thinking about it actually." Eunbi said
"Ya! Don't you ever give me that look! I won't let you go!" Taekwang said angrily
"I am not. Just thinking about it, makes me really miserable. I hate you! You makes me falling for you this hard." Eunbi said
"It's your own fault to be cute like this." Taekwang said and hug her tightly.
"You're not going to fire your employees right?" Eunbi asked
"I am not. I already find some investors to support my subsidiaries company. We're already did something to fix their problems. They're just need more times to make more profits. It almost done. Trust me okay?" Taekwang said
"I will. I trust you." Eunbi said
"Gomawo." Taekwang said and embraces her hair.
"Taekwang-ah, should I move to seoul?" Eunbi asked
"Wae? I thought you like being a teacher there." Taekwang said
"I do but I also want to be with you." Eunbi said
"We really do need this talk. Especially after we're married, it would be more complicated, if we don't make any decisions about it. I will be glad that if you're moving here but I also don't want you to sacrifice your dream." Taekwang said
"Ya! Do you think I will marry you?" Eunbi teases him
"You will. I will make you." Taekwang teases her back
"How?" Eunbi asked.
Taekwang pushes her on the wall. He kisses her passionately.
"That's how." Taekwang said
"Ya. Gong Taekwang." Eunbi said shyly
"You're so cute. We're kiss so many times but you still get blushes when I did it." Taekwang said proudly
"Shut up." Eunbi said
"Stay. I know that sacrificing your dream will be hard and that's the last thing I ever want you to do for me. But I don't think I can be away from you anymore. Those years holding my feelings for you was nothing compare to this." Taekwang said
"Ya. You're become more greedy now. You used to stole a kiss or a touch. Now you're finally have me, you want more." Eunbi said
"I know. I am selfish" Taekwang said
"Ne. But I love you so I don't mind. I like when you touch me." Eunbi smiles at him
"Will you marry me my dear?" Taekwang said
"Ne. I will." Eunbi said
Taekwang smiles so big. He releases his hands and he goes to his room. He takes a small box inside his drawer. He goes back again to Eunbi and gives her the small box.
"I was planning to ask you when all the business things are over. I am going to ask you in place nicer than this. But since I already asked you so.."
Eunbi opens the box and she sees a beautiful ring.
"It's beautiful." Eunbi said
"You're more beautiful." Taekwang said and he puts the ring on her. He kisses her and she kisses him back.

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