Part 9

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Eunbi, Eunbyul, Shijin, Songjoo, Yi Ahn and Taekwang are driving to the beach. They're rent a van and a driver to drive them to the beach. Shijin and Songjoo sit together while Eunbyul with Yi Ahn and Eunbi with Taekwang. They left at the morning so they won't get any traffic jam.
After an hour, they arrive at the beach. They enter a beach house owned by Shijin family. The house is cozy and clean. They put their bag on the living room. The girls are going to one of the room and change their clothes. The boys are changing in the other room. Taekwang and Yi Ahn have finished changing while the girls haven't. There's an awkward moment between them.
"Is your father well?" Taekwang said. He tries to break the ice between them.
"He's healthy now. Thank you for your concern." Yi Ahn said
"Where's your girlfriend?" Taekwang asked
"She has a training." Yi Ahn answered
"Ah. The girls sure took a lot of time changing." Taekwang said while force his laugh
The girls finally open their room. They look stunning.
"Let's go!" Shijin said while pull Eunbi and Songjoo hand. Eunbyul walk dashingly behind them. The guy is following them.
Eunbi, Shijin, Songjoo and Taekwang are playing at the seashore. Eunbyul read a book under the umbrella. Yi Ahn sits beside her and says, "Ya! We are in the beach now, let's have some fun!"
"This is fun. Beside I'm tired from traveling."
"Ani! I won't let you spend this beautiful day in reading." Yi Ahn swept her in his arm and bring her to the ocean. He throws it and Eunbyul is getting mad at him. She pulls him so he fall into the water. The others join them and attack each other. Taekwang pulls Eunbi to his back so she can't be attacked. Eunbi is hiding behind him and attack others with water.
After they felt tired, they eat lunch together on the balcony. Eunbi and Shijin are preparing their lunch. Songjoo and Yi Ahn are setting the table and help to clean the house. Eunbyul is reading on the sofa. Taekwang just finished his bath. He sees the others are busy except Eunbyul.
"Ya! Don't you think that you should help them?" Taekwang asked her
"They don't need my help. There already too many of them so it's better for me to finish this book." Eunbyul said easily
"There's no use talking to you." Taekwang said
"No one ask you to do that." Eunbyul said arrogantly.
Taekwang feels so annoyed and he starts to walk but Eunbyul stop him.
"Ya! Gong Taekwang!" Eunbyul said
"What?!" Taekwang asked while feeling irritated
"What's up with you and Eunbi? And based on your behavior, you still like her, don't you?"
"Nothing has changed. Beside, you don't need to worry, there will be nothing happened between us." Taekwang said
Eunbyul look at him more intense than before. She asks, "why?"
"Because this is what she wants and I won't do anything that she doesn't likes." Taekwang said
"Don't be ridiculous. You're not her, how come you know what she wants when she clearly doesn't know?" Eunbyul said
"She already know my feeling but she doesn't say anything. It's obvious that she doesn't want us to change." Taekwang said
"Then how about her feeling?"
"Asks her. She's your twins" Taekwang said
"I already asked but she won't tell me the truth. I know she hides something from me. She's in denial right? She do like you, right?" Eunbyul said
Taekwang doesn't say anything. His mouth shut.
"And you already know about her feelings too but you don't do anything. You are a coward then. Don't blame me, if someone took away from you again." Eunbyul said easily
"Her happiness is all the matters." Taekwang said weakly. Eunbyul look at him from bottom to the top.
"You're changed. You become more mature. I have finished talking to you. You can go now." Eunbyul said and she reads back her book.
"Ya. This girl!" Taekwang pouted and left her. Eunbyul doesn't move her eyes from the book. She ignores Taekwang like nothing has happened.
Taekwang goes to the kitchen and he strokes Eunbi hair gently while Shijin was looking away.
"Do you need any help?" Taekwang asks
"Ani. We're almost finished." Eunbi said
"It smells really good." Taekwang said
"Do you want to taste it?" Eunbi asked.
"Sure." Taekwang said. Eunbi take a little food from the pot and give it to Taekwang.
"Is it too salty?" Eunbi asked
"Ani. It's perfect. Ya! You really good at cooking." Taekwang said
"Gomawo." Eunbi smiled
Shijin look at them and says, "are you two dating?"
"Are you crazy?! We're not!" Taekwang said. Eunbi looks at him and she pouted. She surprised when Shijin ask them but the way Taekwang answers it, makes her upset. Yet, what he said is true so there's nothing she can do. She back to cook their dishes again.
"It's true. You two always been close. Beside, I don't think Eunbi will like a guy like you." Shijin said
"Ya! Just shut up already." Taekwang said
"I will but can you please clean the dirty pot over there?" Shijin said
"Araso." Taekwang said and goes to the sink. He cleans the dirty plates and pots. Shijin back to cut some ingredients while Eunbi is stirring the pans. He glances at Eunbi and sighed.

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