Part 4

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Today is the first day of a new semester. Eunbi is now a senior. This will be her last year in high school. Eunbi, Shijin, Songjoo and Taekwang are in the same class but Yi Han is in different class. The teacher comes to the class and starts his lectures.
During the recess, Eunbi goes to the rooftop and meet Taekwang who surprisingly is reading book.
"Is this really you?" Eunbi asked
"Shut up! I am hiding." Taekwang said
"Hiding? From whom?" Eunbi seems bewildered
"The freshman. Ya! They're crazy!"
"Why're they looking for you?"
"How do I know. Maybe because I'm handsome" He said easily while put his two hands below his jaw.
"It's weird." She said
"Ya! What do you meant weird?!"
"You know.. you.. handsome.. it just don't feel right." She said while holding her laugh
"Ya! Jugule?! But now I know how Yi Ahn felt."
"Ya! Don't you dare compare yourself to him. He's tall and handsome so no wonder many girls crazy for him but you.. with that height.. it just doesn't make sense." Eunbi continue teasing him
"Ya! Jugule?!"
"Hahaha!" She laughed so hard
"Are you that happy?! You have no idea how charming I am."
"I don't see it. Where is it." She moves his body and pretend to look at something.
He grabs her shoulder and look at her eyes. They look for few seconds and she push him.
"Ya! Are you crazy?!" She shouted
"Just admit it! You feel something right?"
"Ani!" She lied. She did feel something for a second. It reminds her of his kissed before. Her heart was beating so fast.
"Keojitmal" he looked at her suspiciously
She tries to divert their conversations. She asks him, "so have you thought of which university that you like to enter?"
"Am I in counseling session?" He said
She pouted and Taekwang answers her, "mianhae.. to be honest, I haven't thought about it. I always thought that I have fixed future ahead which is continuing my dad companies but my dad said he won't force me if I don't want to. Suddenly I have choices and I don't know what should I do."
"It's hard right."
"Easy for you to say. You want to be a teacher right?"
"Ne. Majayo."
"I'm thinking to follow my dad step or maybe try something bizarre like following my mom step. Few days ago, someone gives me this card and ask me to come for an audition." He show a business card to her.
She read it and ask, "how did you get this?"
"Few days ago, on my home, I met joy at the arcade. She asked me to join her and her friends to go karaoke. I refused of course but they persuaded me so I stayed for one song. After I finished singing, I left. When I open the door, some people were gathered in front of the door. Apparently they listened when I sang and one of them gave me this card."
"Who's joy?"
"Do you remember when you saw me wounded after I helped someone? Joy is her sister."
"Why didn't you tell me that you went to karaoke?"
"I told you know."
"Ya! That's not what I mean." Eunbi looked at him annoyingly
"Ya! Are you okay? You weird today." Taekwang looked at her.
"Shut up!" She gets up and plan to left him. He grabs her and says, "Ya! Where are you going?"
"Back to class." She said and leave him alone at the rooftop.
She walks to her class grumpily. When she wants to enter her class, she meets three girls whose looking for Taekwang.
Songjoo and Shijin told her that out of nowhere, Taekwang suddenly becomes famous. Shijin asked one of the freshman, she said that she heard how brave Taekwang was when he helped a woman from getting hit and also she and her friends saw him singing. She said that his voice is so charming just like him. Shijin and Songjoo almost throw up when they heard that from the freshman.
Not a long after, Taekwang enters his class and the girls looked at him happily. They shouted his name. He looks uncomfortable but still smile at them. They went crazy because of that. Half of his class tease him while Taekwang hides his face with the book.

After school, Eunbi helps her mother at the store. Her mother ask her to stop helping her at the store and just focus on her study but Eunbi insists on helping her. Her mother then ask her to buy some snack for the staffs. She agree instantly.
On her way back to the store, she waves at someone who's called her name.
"Go Eunbi!" Taekwang said
"Why're you here?" Eunbi asked
"I just went back from the academy. Are those foods for you?" Taekwang said
"These for the staffs at my mom store." She answered
"Give it to me." Taekwang takes all the foods and continues saying, "I'll carry it for you."
"Gomawo" Eunbi said while smiling at him
"Are you working at her shop now?" He asked her
"Sometimes when I have free time. It's fun helping my mom because I can spend time with her. I never knew that I will have a mother again."
"Ya. You really kind, unlike your sister."
"Ya! She's my sister! She's kind when you know her well enough."
"No thank you. You're saying that because she's your sister."
"It's the truth."
"Aigoo. I can't even win on this argument. Araso." Taekwang pouted while Eunbi smile proudly.
They arrive at the store. Taekwang greet her mother.
"Annyeonghaseyo" he said politely
"Annyeonghaseyo. He's your friend?" Her mother asked Eunbi.
Eunbi nods and says, "Ne. He is my good friend. He's the one who's always helping me from the beginning eomma."
"Thank you so much for everything. I heard all the good stuff about you from Eunbi." Her mother said
"She's exaggerating. Many people will help her without question. She always treat people nicely." Taekwabg said
"You're really a good kid." Her mother said
"He is." Eunbi said.
"I'm not.. I think I should go." Taekwang said
"Thank you for carrying this." Her mother said.
He waves goodbye at them and leave the store.
After few steps from the store, Eunbi shout his name.
"Gong Taekwang! Wait!" She said
"Ya. Wae geurae?" He stop walking and asked her.
"My mom asked me to come home first."
"I take your home then" said Taekwang
"Gwenchana, I can go back by myself."
"Aigoo.. Ya! Your house isn't that far from my house beside I like spending time with you."
"Ya! The bus is coming. Let's go!" He grab Eunbi hand and run towards the bus. He stop the bus and they get on the bus. They sit side by side.
"We almost miss the bus" he said while catching his breath
"We can take the next bus." She said
"Ya! Can't you see the weather. It's going to rain. If we don't take this bus, we'll be caught in the rain." Taekwang said
"don't you bring an umbrella?" Eunbi asked
"I forgot hehe."
"Ya! Ya! Go Eunbi! Did you remember?"
"I think this is definitely the seat."
"Ya! What are you talking about?"
Taekwang goes silent and look at the window. Then he move his head to her direction and says with his cold face, "one person.. who calls you by your real name. Can't I be that person?"
Eunbi looks at him and says nothing. Taekwang is laughing and says, "hahahah..did you remember?"
"Ya. I can't believe that you still remember. It's been a year right?"
"Ne. I have a good memories, you know?"
"Aigoo. If only you can use it in your study."
Fifteen minutes later, they arrive at her house. He waves goodbye but the rain starts to pour. Before he starts to run, Eunbi stop him. She open her umbrella and gives it to him. He takes it and Eunbi run to her home. Taekwang smile at her and walks home with a smile in his face.


It's been a week since Taekwang suddenly becomes famous. He arrived late each days on purpose. He runs to his car when the class over.
"Poor Taekwang. He looks troubled because of them." Songjoo said.
"Ya. The girls are savages." Shijin said
"I know right. But maybe this a good thing, maybe he can date one of them." Songjoo said
"I hope he won't date them." Eunbi said coldly
"Wae? It actually solves the problem. They won't bother him when he got a girlfriend." Songjoo said
"That's actually make sense." Shijin said
"Ya!" Eunbi suddenly shout
"Kkamjjagg!" Shijin said
"Wae geurae?" Songjoo asked
"Mianhae, I have to go" eunbi suddenly gets up and left them.
It's been bothering her when the girls start fangirling him. She walks at the hallway and found two girls stare at Taekwang. She walks past them angrily. Out of nowhere, she heard someone talk to her.
"Ya! Go Eunbi. You look like your sister when you do that." Han Yi Ahn said
"Ah.. hello.." she said to him. It's been awhile since they talked to each other. After their break up, they avoided each other.
"How are you?" He asked her
"I'm fine. How's your training?" She asked
"Good. I miss talking to you."
From her behind, Taekwang answers Yi Ahn by saying, "I miss you too." Taekwang winked his eyes for teasing Yi Ahn.
"Gong Taekwang?!" Eunbi said
"Ya! I've been looking for you. C'mon." He pull her and walk away from Yi Ahn. Yi Ahn stood up silently while seeing them together.
Taekwang brings her to the rooftop.
"Gwenchana? You looked like seeing a ghost" He asked her.
"Gwenchana. Gomawo." She answered him
"Ahhh.. I'm tired.." Taekwang yawns
"Gwenchana? Why're you look tired?"
"Those girls are crazy. I can't sleep peacefully in school now."
"Ya! You supposed to learn, not sleeping."
"We can do both here." He teases her back
"Today will be a long day. My car is broken so I have to take bus home. They will eat me alive." He complained
"You really that bothered, don't you?"
"Ne. I even considered not to become an idol. This kind of life is just not my thing."
"Ah cem.. how's your audition?"
"It's okay. They asked to come again for the next audition but I don't know. Maybe I should focus on finding the university."
"Do you have something in your mind?"
"Not really but I consider studying aboard."
"Ne. Wae? You don't want me to leave? Are you going to miss me?" He teases her
"Ne." She said firmly
"Ya! How can you say that?! I'm just joking."
"But it's the truth."
He surprised when she said that to him. He says, "Ya! I said I consider it, I'm not leaving right away. Beside I don't think I could left my dad alone in seoul."
The bell is ringing and they go to their class. However, before they reach their class, all of sudden Eunbi stop her step and says to him, "Gong Taekwang."
"Ya! Kkamjjag!" Taekwang surprised
"Can we go home together after the school?"
"Huh?!" He looked confused
"Why're you looked me like that? We're going home together few times before."
"Ne! but you never ask me before."
"Are you okay? Someone hit you? Is meeting Yi Ahn make you crazy?"
"Ya! I changed my mind then"
"Ya! You can't take that back."

After the school, they walk home together. Some of Taekwang fan are following them.
"It's really uncomfortable." Eunbi said
"I know right."
"I have an idea." She said out of nowhere
"Just don't ask question or think absurdly."
"Huh? Okay. So what's your idea?"
Eunbi holds his hand unexpectedly. He looks at her and their hand.
"Ya?" He still cannot believe what just happened.
"They will think that you already have someone and they will stop bothering you."
"But..araso." He surprised at first but smiling shyly after few seconds.
At the intersection, she released her hand and says, "no one follows us here."
"Gomawo." He said shyly. She looks at him and sees a cute face that Taekwang makes.
"I have to go" she said and waved goodbye at him. He waved back at her.
She rushed herself away from him. She puts her hands on her chest and thoughts, I am crazy! What have I done?!" Her heart beats so fast and hard. Her face becomes red.

On the next day, the news spread quickly. One by one has stop following Taekwang. In just few days, none of them are bothering him again. His life has back to normal. Shijin and Songjoo are wondering how can he eased them so quickly while Eunbi hides her red face.

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