Do You Remember

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Daniels POV

I awake up to a random girl looking at me.

"Daniel!" She says hugging me.
Ok, so she knows my name.

"Who are you" I ask a little scared but mostly confused.
She just stares at me.

"Hello?" I ask her
She comes closer, which made me nervous.

"Daniel, stop playing. It's not funny" she says to me.

"I'm serious, and can you back up? Your making me uncomfortable." I said
She backs up, and goes out the door.

"MOM!" I hear her yell out the door.
She walks back in and so does two other boys. The light-skinned one looks familiar.

"Daniel!" All three of them yell." Coming closer to me.

"Wait." The girl said stopping them.

"Do you remember her?" The girl asked pointing at the lady.
I shake my head no.

They look at her confused.

"What's wrong?" The lady asked.

"He doesn't remember us?" The girl responds.

"What?! not even us?" The brown skin boy asked.

"I remember him" I say pointing at the light skin one.

"That's priceless" The girl said laughing.

"Do you know my name?" The light skin boy asked me.

I thought and though and thought.
"Kevin?" I ask

"Yeah!" He said

"Cool" I said. I looked at the girl, but she was looking at her mom, then they hugged, it looked like she was crying.

"Are you ok?" I asked her. She looked back at me and wiped her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said standing by the window.

Then the doctor came in.
"Hello mister Veda" he greeted me.
"Glad to see you awake" he added.


"So I'm gonna start off with a few questions, If that's ok with you?" He asked

"Sure" I say. The people then sat down

"So what's your full name?" He asked.

"Daniel Antonio SepulVeda" I said.

"Ok great. Who are these people?" He asked me.

I look at them and they look at me.

"That's Kevin." I say pointing to him.

"Ok, do you remember anyone else?" He asked me.

"No." I respond

"Excuse me." The girl said before walking out of the room.

I kind of fell bad that i don't remember her, because I think I should.

Alexia's POV

I had to leave.

How? How did this happen?

I yelled at Daniel. I ignored him when he called me, and when he texted me. I didn't talk to him when he showed up at my house. He felt neglected, and lonely.

I'm the cause of that. I made him feel that way. He couldn't take it anymore, so he tried to take his life, because of me.


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