Chapter 7

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Elsa's request wiped the grin off of Jack's face. He sighed. He had thought that he would've at least have had a night to think about it, but E was persistent. He had wanted to simply have a chance to reconnect with his past without his future interfering. But what choice did he have?

"Well, you're not going to believe me, but I s'pose you deserve to know. I met you a long time ago when you were little and had lost your way in the woods. I knew the forest well, so I brought you home and visited you every day afterwards. Until..."

"...Until I shut myself in my room," Elsa finished. At first she still seemed confused. Then something like recognition flickered in her eyes. "The boy...but he didn't look anything like you. Not to mention I haven't seen Jack in forever. You couldn't be him...could you?"

"Ah, come on Elsa," Jack said cheerfully, "all a guy does is change his hair and eye color, become immortal, and leave for 300 years and you forget him!"

"Wait what?" asked Elsa. This just seemed to make her more confused. Jack had never been good with back stories. He heaved yet another exasperated sigh and started again.

"All right, I'll just tell you everything, but you might think I'm crazy." And he did. He really couldn't leave anything out because then he would've felt like he was betraying an old friend, even though he could tell that Elsa was skeptical about the whole time traveling part. When he finished, Jack looked up at Elsa expectantly. How would she take it? Elsa was silent, but only for a minute.

"So," she said, "You are a Guardian who has known me since I was little, and yesterday-or 300 years in the future, whatever-you traveled back in time using a snow globe to come here. What makes you think that I should believe you?"

"Well, you haven't run away yet," Jack countered. "Just look at me and tell me that you don't recognize me E."

"Touché," Elsa stated, "but I might just be going crazy and this is a hallucination."

"What if I told you that you weren't?" Jack asked.

"What if I didn't believe you?" Now a small smile was forming on Elsa's face.

"I guess you'll just have to trust an old friend." The smile grew into a grin as she threw her arms around Jack's shoulders.

"Jack, it is you! I could never forget your jokes! But what happened to you?"

"I'm sorry I left so suddenly, but when I became immortal, I didn't think you'd be able to see me. I suppose I was wrong. Only those who believe in me can see me."

"Of course I believe in Jack Frost!" Elsa cried. "I always wished that somebody like me was alive: somebody lonely, secluded and cold. Now I see that I was correct."

Elsa stared at him for a moment, disbelievingly. Her icy blue eyes seemed to bore holes into him. "So, if you're Jack should have similar powers to my own, correct?" Elsa inquired. Jack gave a small nod. He had to admit that he had been waiting for this. He wanted to show Elsa what he could do, that they were the same. He slowly opened his palm and willed thousands of sparkling ice crystals to join together and form a small, delicate ice rose. Jack held it out to her and flashed a sly smile. Elsa grasped the frost blossom between her fingers.

"So you are like me," she murmured. That's when Jack told her,

"Show me what you can do."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I want to see you let go again. Don't hold back." When she just hesitated, biting her lip, he taunted, "don't tell me you're scared!"

"I'm not scared!" Elsa retorted. "I just don't want to hurt you. Maybe you should take a step back."

"Oh sure," Jack commented sarcastically, leading her out into the nighttime light,"like you could injure the great Jack Frost." But Elsa pushed him back playfully anyway. She breathed in deeply and released a flurry of snow and frost from her fingertips. Thousands of sparkling icicles and snowflakes were blasted forward the moment she formed them. Suddenly Jack was grateful he had been pushed back. But apparently not far enough, because soon one of the many ice formations hit him in the face before he had a chance to stop it. It hadn't hurt much, but he didn't let Elsa know that. He landed face-first in the snow, waiting for her to come closer before he threw the snowball being formed in his fist at her.

"Jack, are you all right?" Elsa sounded worried. The ice felt tingly on Jack's face, but he waited until the last possible moment to throw his snowball. When he did, at first she looked shocked. But not for long. She retaliated by launching a larger snowball at his chest. Pretty soon they were laughing and battling each other until they were so tired they couldn't catch their breath. Elsa collapsed onto a snowdrift from exhaustion, her cape trailing behind her. Jack fell down across from her, so that the tops of their heads were opposite each other. Silently they gazed up at the starry sky. Elsa finally broke the silence. "You say that you know all about me, so tell me this: Do you think Anna would've been better off if I had never been born like this?" Jack was surprised when he heard this. He knew that Elsa regretted what she had done to his sister, but did she really regret how she had been born? He propped himself up on his elbow and faced her.

"Don't you dare say that," he said intensely. "You are who you are, and you can't change that. Even Anna has accepted it, so why can't you?" Elsa stared at him for a second before muttering,

"who did you lose?" Jack felt a pang in his heart. He had been trying not to think about Alice for a while. His eyes dropped down to the ice-encrusted roots of a tree.

"How did you know?" Jack asked.

"I can see it in your eyes," Elsa said simply.

"My little sister," he said. "We were on a frozen lake one night, and the ice was cracking under her feet. I managed to push her out of the way before she fell in, but I couldn't help myself. I woke up like this," he uttered, gesturing to himself. "That was when I knew that the Man in the Moon had chosen me."

~This one's longer, so I hope you like it! I decided to name Jack's sister Alice since I couldn't find anything to say otherwise. :)

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