Chapter 10

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        Jack scrutinized Elsa’s stance as she stood firm on the frozen lake in the middle of a pine tree forest. Ever since he had started training her in combat technique, Jack had started acting very serious, stepping up as a teacher. And he seemed to be surprisingly skilled at it. He had already helped her to accept her powers and control them.

 After a second of studying her, Jack shook his head. “You’re hands need to be held higher. Pull your elbows in.” Jack made his way over to her and stood behind her, putting his arms on her wrists. Elsa tried not to blush when he put his hands around her, correcting her arm position. She felt Jack’s icy breath on her cheek when he said, “Like that. You need to defend your heart and chest.”

 After Jack stepped away again, Elsa’s skin tingled where his fingers had touched her. The cold tingling feeling surged through her as a huge jagged sheet of ice shot from her fingers, covering the ground in a sparkling blanket of thick rime. Elsa was pretty shocked at the force of her power, and when glancing over at Jack, she could tell that he was as well. His eyes widened before he flashed her a sneaky grin and asked, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Before Elsa could tell him that she probably wasn’t, Jack had already leapt onto the ice and was sliding downward on his back. “Whoo! Come on, E!”

 Elsa was hesitant at first, but after Jack shouted, “Don’t you ever have fun anymore?” she jumped on and slid along after him. They both skated along on their backs, ducking under branches and dodging curves in the ice path. Elsa cried out in glee before suddenly realizing that around the bend the coating of frost ended. She was about to send another covering of ice onto the ground, but Jack got to it before her. After continuing the path using only the frost from his fingertips, Jack yelled back, “Beat ya to it!” Elsa laughed out loud and, holding her hands out, created a giant slope at the end of the path so that the both of them flew up into the air at the end.

For a heart stopping moment Elsa was flailing around in the air, unable to cushion the landing. But soon, the fall turned into flying as Jack controlled the air currents, lifting her up to him. Jack grabbed onto her hand and screamed above the wind, “Do you wanna take a ride?” And without waiting for an answer, he picked up speed, pulling her along with him. Elsa felt safe with Jack as he whisked her away, swooping above the trees and houses. Elsa gasped when she caught a glimpse of the kingdom from up above. With the lights twinkling in the moonlight, the tiny houses looked like a beacon of light in a world of darkness. She had always thought of her home as an oasis, and she tried to rule it in that way. The crystalline lake surrounding Arendelle mirrored Elsa’s movements as she spread her hands out to feel the wind slip through her fingers.  Forming ice crystals in her hands and casting them out into the night, she created a light snowfall. Then, looking up at Jack’s carefree face, exclaimed, “This is amazing!” And although the breeze carried it away almost immediately, Elsa thought she heard him say,

“I know.” Finally, after circling the castle twice, Jack landed in the castle courtyard for the second time that day. After being set on the ground, Elsa staggered for a moment, trying to regain her balance. “I think that’s enough fun for today. I gotta get-,” Jack stopped himself. Elsa knew he had meant to say home. Instead he finished it with, “I gotta get going. I’ll see you tomorrow.” But before he could disappear again, Elsa grabbed his hand, made eye contact with him, and said, “Thank you.” Jack seemed startled, as if he wasn't thanked often, and she supposed that ihe wasn't.  Jack didn’t even need to say or do anything for her to know what he was telling her. No, thank you. Then he leaned forward and gave her a peck on the cheek, but before she could act in response, he had flown off again, probably back to the ice castle. Elsa walked up to her castle bedroom in a daze. She flopped onto her four-poster bed and fell asleep in her ice dress.

 * * *

Elsa was running through the woods in the dark being chased by…something. Whatever it was, it

was gaining quickly. She could sense the urgency in her steps as she darted through the trees, spreading frost wherever she went. A human figure emerged from the undergrowth and snarled in a low voice, “You can’t run from me Elsa. I will always find you.” When the moonlight shown on his face, Elsa realized that it was Jack Frost. But, why was he chasing her, and glaring at her like that? “J-Jack?” Just then, Jack’s pale face morphed into a dark one with a jagged snout and glowing yellow eyes. Standing before her was not Jack, but a sinister-looking horse made of swirling black sand.

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