XXII. Another Christmas

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Draco Malfoy

Draco stood on Platform 9 ¾, waiting for the Hogwarts Express. He smiled at the thought of his son and girlfriend. His thoughts strayed to the same place they had for the last few months: marriage. Maybe going to her house for a week would help him decide when to ask her. The ring felt heavy in his pocket as he waited.

As the Hogwarts Express rolled into the station, he began to look for his son and Albus. He spotted them quickly. They saw him and ran over. Scorpius bounced on the balls of his feet as he asked, "What's the surprise?"

"What surprise?" he teased.


"Fine. Hold on a minute." He looked around for Natasha.

He felt fingers poke his back. "My love."

"Hello, princess. Should we tell them?" he asked with an evil smile.

"I think we should," she teased.

"Alright. Well, we decided that for Christmas we would..." he trailed off for her to finish.

"...go to my house!" she finished excitedly. The boys looked at each other and smiled. "We'll stay till Christmas Eve and go back to the Potters' for Christmas."


They arrived at her house. Nico sat on the couch watching TV. Her mastiff, Moony, jumped up on Natasha. "Hi, hello, how ya doing, Mr. Moony? Huh, bub? Mummy missed you too." She pet him and rubbed his stomach. He barked happily and jumped around. He sniffed Draco, Scorpius, and Albus. Nico stood up slowly and said, "I've been waiting forever. He's been pouting since I got here."

"Shocking," she joked.

"I know. Will says he loves you. Swamped as usual."

"Tell him I love and miss him. See you at New Years."

"You better. Will started crying the other day. It took over an hour to calm him down. He really misses you."

"I know. Give him a hug for me, okay?" she pleaded.

"I will." He disappeared in the shadow.

"You still never told me who he is," Draco said.

"Will's husband," she told him. Draco nodded, but the boys looked at her strangely. "Will's bisexual like me. Nico's gay."

"You're bi?" Albus asked.

"Yep. It's why I've got my pride flag outside. Anyway, I was planning on you boys sleeping out in the camper because I only have one bedroom in here. Sound good?" They nodded, and she led them out and helped set up their stuff. As they worked, Draco asked her quietly, "Are we sharing a room? I have a bit of anxiety about all this now and don't want to be alone."

"I was planning on it, my love." she responded. She kissed his cheek.

"Good," he whispered.

That night, he proved it. He held her close to him the entire night.

Once he fell asleep, he had a dream about himself proposing to her in her house and her saying no. He whimpered in his sleep and woke up with a start. "What's wrong, my love?"

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