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Jack bolted towards the entrance dropping the photos on to the dust coated floor he was soon followed by Alex while i scrambled across the floor to grab the eerie photos and Jacob froze like a deer in headlights shocked by this chilling discovery.

A pained scream could be heard echoing through the damned structure its source was jack though me and Jacob knew not of the horror he had found. Jacob dashed around the corner while i lay trembling grasping and studying the photos fearing their meaning.

I soon followed after the second scream was heard to discover its blood curdling reason...

Our self made entrance along with all other forms of exit where sealed shut with concrete bricks and cement. Jacob in a fit of rage lunged the closest object to him in this case a wooden beam broken in half. He launched the beam at the concrete windows to no affect the beam simply fell after impact leaving the bricks unsaved, so another was thrown ,and another ,and another until his strength exhausted him.

Alex's reaction wasn't quite as brutish his method was curling into a fetal position on the cold floor while jack merely screamed relentlessly until his lungs couldn't breathe enough air to muster another shriek.

we where trapped.

though no light sources where present the room was as bright as before though i only question this while recounting the tale nobody present that dreadful day was in a mind sate capable of questioning not even i who froze trembling with a spine chilling sense of da ja vu , though this scenario was completely impossible i couldn't shake the felling that it had all happened once before it clinged to my quaking bones and lingered through the remainder of the ordeal we had to suffer through.

nearly an hour had passed and we all remained clueless to the nature of this unnatural occurrence we hadn't made any progress to escape nor any attempt to explore deeper into the bowels of this monstrosity.

Alex now lay in a pool of tears and Jack murmured to himself in a corner isolated.

''Keinan'' Jacob made an attempt to brake through the haze surrounding my brain

''Keinan'' he called once more this time laying a hand on my shoulder 

''how are you holding up?'' Jacob tried to put on a facade of strength though i could see the same fear that run through all our minds in his eyes. I didn't respond immediately i was still bewildered by our dire situation. it's now apparent to me that Jacob needed that conversation to keep his sanity as much as he could but... i couldn't respond my mouth would only tremble when id start to speak.

''its ok where all scared but we'll live right?'' 


I can only imagine the fear that wrought his mind in that moment he had a family a home we all did and none of us knew if we would ever see them again.

Jacob left me there to ponder up on how exactly we where to survive, he tried to comfort Alex hoping to comfort himself in the process my mind was too deep in thought to hear whether he could draw words from the crying boy.

Another half hour passed and i finally gathered the energy to speak. i stood up to address everybody i spoke in a loud whisper.

''OK i think its time we look for an escape so everybody get the fuck up turn your torches on and come on!'' i spoke as a leader though i was not one, i spoke with confidence though a lacked any ,  i spoke without fear though i trembled to think what lay ahead. 

I revived no response until Jacob stood and strolled over to me next followed Alex at a  much slower pace with tear stains down his unshaven cheeks and a frosting of dust on his hair and clothes.

We all looked towards jacks dark corner he stood...

''your all gonna wander and get yourselves killed, we are not safe none of us this isn't natural no amount of strength i numbers is going to change that are best hope is to sit here and wait for a miracle''

He sat back down and continued brooding in his dark corner. the rest of us knew hope was in moving so we would abandon jack so i slumbered over and placed his photo on the ground in front of him and we left without speaking a word.

The Exploration Chronicles: The photosWhere stories live. Discover now