Dead Gay Son

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Everyone was at a funeral. Misa was sobbing, Mello was angry, Matt hid his sadness by playing his game, Near was totally emotionless, BB looked kind of happy, Matsuda was crying up a storm, the only task force members were being respectfully quiet.

Soichiro Yagami and Watari stood in front of everyone, beside their son's coffins.

"I am not really sure what I am supposed to say up here... except that my son was a disgrace, he made my family a laughing stock, and when I think about the sick, twisted things my son and L were doin-"Soichiro got cut off when Watari glared at him and started talking.

"Now you wait just a minute Soichiro! It is ignorant, hateful talk like yours that makes this world a place our boys could not live in!"Watari snapped, "They were not dirty! They were not wrong! They were two lonely versus, in the lords great song!" Watari started singing, cupping his hands together.

"Our boys were pansies Watari!" Soichiro told Watari, his face full of surprise from Watari's outburst.

"Yes! My boys a homosexual, and that don't scare me none! I want the world to knoooooow! I love my dead gay son! " Watari sang. The others were all surprised, Misa wanted to scream because she didn't want Light to be gay, but when she was about to, Mello put tape over her mouth and smirked at Matt, who gaves a thumbs up and a smile.

"I've been thinking, praying, reading some magazines, and it's time we opened our eyes!" Watari told everyone, getting back into singing quickly, "The lord made the universe, the lord created man! And I think it is all apart of his gigantic plan! I know god has a reason, for each mountain and each flower! And why he let our boys get busy in the shower!" Watari sang with pride, while soichiro blushed madly and some of the others started cheering, well, Mello and Matt did.

Light and L were ghosts and watching this. L was slightly confused on what was happening while Light was blushing madly and freaking out

"They were not dirty!"Watari suddenly sang.

"Woah!" Everyone else sang, looking at eachother then quickly looked at Watari again.

"They were not fruits!" Watari stood in the aisle.

"Woah!" Everyone did the same thing they had done last time.

"They were two stray laces in the lords big boots!" Watari sang as everyone but Soichiro slowly raised their arms to the sky.

"Wo-ah!" Every quickly snapped their arms back to their laps.

"I never cared for homos much, until I reared me one!" Watari ran back up to Soichiro and wrapped and arm around him. "

"Now I learned to love! "Everyone but Soichiro sang, having fun now. Everyone stood up.

"I love my dead gay son!" Watari sang with a wide smile.

"He loves his son! His dead gay son!" Everyone else but siochiro sang, clapping their hands and bouncing softly. Misa had decided to live with it so she took her tape off and joined them.

"Now I see my boy's in heaven, and he's standing by the pool!" Watari sang.

"But Light-kun and I are ghosts... we aren't in heaven..." L said softly, playing with his bottom lip.

"The charabin walk him and him, and jesus says it's cool!" Watari did the surfer boy hand gesture thing. "They don't have crime or hatred, there's no bigotry or cursin'! Just friendly fellows dressed up like their favorite village person!" Watari raised his hands and sang like his life depended on it.

"Fuck, bitch, shit, dick, slut, damn, crap, prick" Light listed off curse words.
"Light-kun, please, Watari is finally having his musical number" L told Light.

"THEY WERE NOT DIRTY!" Watari suddenly yelled.

"Woah!" Everyone else looked at someone.

"They just had flair!" Watari sang a bit more softly.

"Woah!" Everyone else looked back at Watari.

"They are two bright red ribbons in the lords long hair!" Watari ran his hands through his hair.

"Wo-oo-ah!" Everyone else raised their arms up and quickly dropped them.

"Now I used to see a homo, and go reaching for my gun!" Watari sang truthfully.

"But now I've learned to love!" Everyone turned to their boyfriend or girlfriend and held hands with them.
"And furthermore!" Watari suddenly said, surprising others and causing them to look at Watari, who left the stage-like thing.
"These boys were brave as hell! These boys, they knew damn well! Those folks would judge them, they were desperate to be free!" Watari sang.
"No, it's just that BB murdered us and made it look like suicide!" Light yelled.
"Light-kun, they can't hear you!" L told him and facepalmed.

"They took a rebel stance!" Watari stood straighter with pride. "Stripped to their underpants!" Soichiro quickly walked to where he was, trying to get to the exit quickly.
"Soichiro I can't believe that you, still refuse to get a clue, after all that we've been through, I'M TALKING YOU AND ME!" Watari suddenly yelled, causing Soichiro to stop in his tracks, and all the other people to gasp and look at eachother in surprise.
"In the summer of '83." Watari stared at Soichiro with hopeful eyes.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Light yelled, but was instantly shooshed by L, who wanted to hear this.
"...That was one hell of a fishing trip..." Soichiro mumbled and ran to Watari.
"Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah!" Everyone sang, shock in their voice. Watari and Soichiro suddenly started making out!
"They were not dirty! WOAH!" The other ones sang, raising their hands up.
"And not perverse! NO NO!" They dropped their hands quickly.
"Why us... "Light muttered but was shut up when L kissed him.
"They were just two stray rhinestones in the lords big purse!" The others sang, clapping their hands in time to the music.
"Our job is now continuing the work that the've begun!" Watari and Soichiro sang together, holding onto eachother. Light and L soon stopped kissing to watch.
"Cause now we LOVE LOVE LOVE!" Everyone quickly kissed their boyfriend or girlfriend quickly. "WE LOVE YOUR DEAD-" They started dancing, BB and Mello seemed to be the happiest with the dancing, while Near was trying not to fall and Matt wasn't paying much attention.
"They are up there disco dancing, to the thump of angel wings! They grab a mate and rollerscate while Judy Garland sings! They live a playful after life and fancy-free and reckless!" Watari and Soichiro sang, slowly going to different sides while everyone did a disco type of dance.
"They swing upon the pearly gates!" Soichiro sang.
"And wear a pearly necklace!" Everyone sang, their arms in the air again.
"They were not dirty!" The two dads sang, looking at eachother happily.
"No!" The others sang in the background, shaking their arms.
"They were good men!" Soichiro and Watari told them.
"Woah!" The others continued their dancing.

"Now their happy bearcubs, in the lords big den!" Watari and Soichiro walked back to eachother, the others clapping to the music again.
"Go forth and love eachother now" Soichiro and Watari stopped singing and spoke that part, standing right infront of eachother. Everyone started hugging. Mello rushed to hug Matt, who instantly hugged back and held him close to his chest. BB lifted Near and hugged him, who felt a little uncomfortable but went with it. Misa didn't know who to hug, so she hugged Matsuda, who instantly blushed and hugged back quickly.
"Like our boys would have done" Watari and Soichiro sang softly, holding onto eachother and looking into eachothers eyes. "We'll teach the world to love!" They quickly started singing with more energy, letting go of eachother.
"The world to love!" Everyone stopped hugging and sang again, wide smiles on their faces.

"The world to love! I LOVE MY DEAD GAY SON!" Watari and Soichiro quickly sang, and everyone started clapping again with the music.
"Not half bad, your dead gay son!" Everyone else sang in the background.
"My son!" Watari and Soichiro sang ontop of everyone elses singing.
"Wish I had your dead gay son!" The others sang.
"My son!" The new couple held hands.

"DEAD. GAY. SON!" Everyone sang while Soichiro had a little solo thing.

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