Chapter one: The Break Up

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                       KAT'S POV

"CUT" the director called out as me and Dom just finish shooting the rune tracking scene. I step back from Dominic

"Hey, you okay?" You seem a little distant today" I ask him concerned

He shrugged "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little upset about me and Sarah calling the quits. I'll see you for the next scene" He pulls his shirt on and walks away.

I sigh and head to my trailer, I grab a bottle of water from my mini fridge and sit back on the lounge, I scroll through the Shadowhunters art hashtag and like quite a few of the fan art that people have done for us, I am amazed by the talent. I suddenly hear a gentle knock on my door, when I open it Dom is standing there.

"Do you wanna come in?" I ask him

"Can we get out of here for a little bit? I could use a friend right now" he says

"Of course" I smile and collect my jacket.

We catch a cab to a small but lavish looking cafe and pick a private booth in the corner, I sip on my iced tea as Dom talks.

"We just fell out of love, you know? I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with her and then it just all shattered. It was a good few years but I guess if it's not meant to be, there's not much you can do."

"Atleast you have good memories with her, you may be heartbroken now but I believe that time heals" I reply

He looks down at his coffee "That's one of the problems though, I'm not as broken-hearted over the break up as I should be. I spent years with Sarah but I'm not overly sad about it like people would expect. I feel bad for feeling like this"

I reach over the table and grab his hand into mine, I lightly rub my thumb over his. "You can't control your feelings Dom, maybe it's a sign that you did a good thing by splitting up or maybe it hasn't hit you yet" We stare at eachother

"Thanks for letting me dwell about my love life" He smiles

"What are friends for?"

I realise that I'm still holding on to his hand so I swiftly let go and we continue to drink in silence.
When I get back to the trailers Harry pops out his

"Hey Kat, we're having a get together at my place tonight with all the cast and some friends that are in town, wanna come?" He asks me

I hesitate to answer, "Yeah sure, what time?"


"Okay cool, see you there"

I walk into my trailer and get my bag, I decide that because my apartment I'm renting out here in Toronto isn't too far away I'll walk instead of getting a cab like I usually do. I stroll past the traffic and the skyscrapers as darkness is starting to take over the bright sky, I check my phone, it's 5:25. I reach my apartment ten minutes later, I lay on my couch and rest my eyes.
A while later I hear text messages coming through my phone, shit I accidentally slept. I look at my phone and see that it's 7:40. I quickly change into ripped black jean, a black-off-the-shoulder crop top and black boots. I get a cab to Harry's apartment and enter. There's a bunch of people, music, drinks and food.

I walk over towards Emeraude and Matt "Hey guys" I greet them

"Hey Kat, you're a little late" Em says

"Yeah I accidentally fell asleep" I laugh

"That's because you're studying aswell as acting, I don't know how you do it" Matt remarks

"It's hard but I'll get through it" I tell them

Em nods in agreement "You're smart, of course you will"

I look around "Hey, do you know where Dom is?"

"Uh, I think I saw him in the kitchen, be warned he's had a bit much to drink"

I head off to the kitchen and spot Dom straight away, leaning against a bench holding a red cup. He looks up at me and smiles "It's Kitkat!"

I can't help but laugh "Dom, are you alright?"

"Hell to the yeah" he replies

I walk closer to him and take his cup out of his hands and set it on the bench, "Dom I'll take you to your apartment"

"I just got here an hour ago, atleast let me have another drink you party pooper"

"Yeah well you're not in a good headspace" I pull his arm towards the door way but he struggles against me.

"Kat" he whispers "I don't want to be alone"

I glare into his multi-coloured eyes which I always thought were beautiful "You can sleep on my couch tonight, okay?" I give in

He nods and we walk to the front door.

Em calls out to me, "Leaving already Kat?"

I point to Dom "Got to look after this big baby"

"Hey!" Dom says offended and we all laugh.

As soon as we enter my apartment I grab a spare pillow and then get a blanket from the linen cupboard, I walk into the lounge room and see Dom watching Planet Earth on TV.

"Didn't take you for someone to watch this kind of show" I tell him and sit on the lounge next to him.

"It's soothing, educational, I like it" Dom informs me, I nod.

After five minutes I hand him the blanket and pillow "I'm going to take a shower" I stand up "Make yourself at home"

I start to to walk to the bathroom when I feel a warm hand wrap around my wrist "Okay" I hear Dom say

I have barely turned around when he has grabbed my face and locks his lips onto mine, kissing me passionately. I stood there frozen.


I have big plans for this story I just wanna see if anyone is actually gonna read it first so show me some love!

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