Chapter two: A Mistake

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listen to the song I put on each chapter to get the vibe of the chapter.


I find myself kissing him back, the taste of alcohol is strong on my tongue. The kiss is fast and getting more rough, we are walking backwards where the lounge hits my legs and I lay down, Dominic lays on top of me. I run my hands through his blonde hair as I indulge in the kiss, his hand sneaks down to my hip then my thigh. Right then, reality hits me and I place my hands on his bulky chest and push him off me I quickly sit up.

"I think you need to sleep" I tell him as I stand up.

Dom lays back down on the couch without so much as a word and is quickly to snooze off. I have no idea what just happened, it's likely he won't remember any of this night though I tell myself, I hit the shower before hopping into bed, wrapping myself in my cozy blankets thinking about that kiss we shared; it is hours before I eventually fall asleep. The first thing I do when I get out of bed early the next morning is check up on Dominic but I find that the only thing on the lounge is the pillow and blanket left neatly, he must have already left for training. I later depart from my apartment and buy a cheese bagel from a local bakery and devour it whilst I walk. Once I turn up to set I stand just outside the gate too nervous of the chance I will run into Dom, and man would that be awkward. I peek from behind a tree to check if the coast is clear so I can defer speaking to him. This is such an immature thing to do I laugh at myself, I continue walking to the trailers when I turn right I crash directly into Dom - exactly what I was scared of, what if he remembers last night?! My heart flutters and I can feel my cheeks turning red. 

He laughs "Ah sorry Kat"

The fakest laugh comes out my mouth "Aha, allgood." I say and walk past him.

He grabs my upper arm to stop me, I turn around waiting for him to say something about the kiss.

"We have a table read tomorrow afternoon for the finale episode" Is all he tells me

I feel relief flood through me, I nod and continue to the hair and make up trailer where I find Emeraude getting hair extensions placed in. 

"Hey, how was Dom?" Eme asks

I slowly sit in the make up chair next to her "Why? did he say something?"

"Didn't you take him home last night? because he was drunk?" She replies

"Oh yeah that, he's fine" 

She raises an eyebrow "What did you think I was talking about?"

"Nothing" I play with my bracelet that sits on my wrist "Nothing at all"

Emeraude turns her whole body towards me "You're doing that thing"

"What thing?" I asked confused 

She sighs "You play with your bracelet when you're nervous or hiding something" 

I snicker, knowing how true that is. "Em, I swear it's nothing" 

I can tell she doesn't believe me but she gives up on asking about it anyways, knowing she won't get anything out of me. How do I explain that Dom and I made out? His excuse is that he wasn't sober, but I kissed him back and I don't have a reason to as why I did it, I don't even know why myself all I know that it was a mistake - a terrible mistake that was never intended to happen, and will never happen again.        

We're almost done filming the scene on the bridge when Will comes up to me. 

"Hey" He greets me

I grin "Hi"

I was wondering" He shoves his hands in his pockets "If you'd like to go out for a drink after we're done filming this scene" 

"I don't know, I'm pretty tired" I reply 

Will chuckles


"It's Dom isn't it?" He says

I become motionless "What are you talking about?"

"C'mon Kat, you think I don't see how you look at him? How he looks at you? I thought the fans were talking nonsense about you two crushing on eachother but it's totally clear that you're into him" 

"I'm not crushing on Dom, you're crazy" I tell Will

"Prove it"

"Fine I'll get a drink with you" I finally agree

At quarter past nine I change back into my clothes and jump into Will's car, we drive a few blocks to a bar called The Pint House the majority of the car ride is silent, what I really wanted to ask is what he meant by him noticing the way Dom looks at me. Is it possible that he only said that so I'd say yes to his invite to go out for drinks? I wondered this all the way to the bar. Will parks the car directly in front, we sit at the bar in stools near the far end. 

"What would you like?" Will asks me

"Just a whiskey neat" I reply 

He tells the bartender our drink order which is quick to be made. 

"Cheers" Will smiles and lifts his glass up

"Cheers" I repeat as we clang our glasses together and we both take a mouthful of our alcoholic drinks. 

"So" he says setting his glass down on the bar "How do you think i'm doing as Sebastian? or should I say Jonathan"

"Pretty well. The fans will love you for sure" I answer 

"Do you have any plans for when filming is done?"

I shake my head "Not as of yet, do you?"

"I'm making arrangements with a good friend to go on a vacation some where"

"Oh yeah that's cool, where do you think you'll go?"

Will does a little shrug "We've been looking at St Lucia" 

"I think I've seen pictures of that place before, it looks beautiful"  I say

He gives me a warm smile "You're invited"

"What?" I almost choke on my drink

"It would be lonely with just two people, you can come with us if you want"

"Are you sure?" I question him 

"I like you Kat, we could get to know each other better. We don't have to be anymore than friends but why not give it a try?" 

 I don't answer, I look down at my empty glass. 

"Unless of course you do fancy Dominic" 

"Why are you using this against me?" I retort

"I'm not using it against you, you're just in denial of your feelings" Will responds

I stand up angrily and slam the money on the bar "Stop making shit up about me and my coworker" I leave and catch a taxi to my place. 

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