Chapter five: Aftermath

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Apparently people are still waiting for me to update this story so I've come to deliver.


Will pulls away from the kiss and inspects me confused.

"Would you explain what the hell is going on?" He questions with his eyebrows furrowed.

We are still standing in his doorway. "Dominic just pissed me off," I explain, knowing it's a blunt answer.

"So you come to my apartment to kiss me because he made you angry?"

"Well, it sounds stupid when you say it like that," I laugh and put my hand to my forehead feeling embarrassed.

"Is everything alright?"

I sigh. "I'm just confused."

Will nods, somehow understanding. "You and Dom could possibly be filming the next few years together, I don't think making it awkward between you is a good idea," he tells me kindly.

"Yeah yeah, I know."

Will looks at me as if he's trying to figure something out. "Is that alcohol I smell?"

My gaze drops to the grey carpet below me. "It's been quite a night," I reply, feeling ashamed.

He observes me for a moment, trying to decide something. "How about you stay here for the night? Just so you aren't alone," Will offers.

I look at him and smile. "That's so generous of you, thank you."

He gestures me inside, and once I'm standing in the living room, he takes my coat and hangs it on a rack and then starts grabbing pillows and blankets; setting them on the beige sofa. I drop my heavy body onto the couch as Will strolls into the kitchen, bringing back a tall glass of water.
I take small sips.

"Just don't vomit on the furniture or carpet," he jokes, "goodnight, Kat."

I tightly smile. "Goodnight Will."

Thanks to the alcohol, I'm able to doze off quicker than I expected.


A throbbing pain in my head is what wakes me up the following morning. The first thing I notice is that I'm not in my apartment and I groan as the events of last night come flooding back to me. I slowly sit up as the front door slams shut.

Will comes into view, Starbucks in his hands. "I come with coffee."

I lean forward on my elbows, feeling like a disaster. "Sorry about last night."

"Don't worry about it." He passes me a coffee. It's warm in my hands. "I just don't want to be the guy you turn to when the first one isn't available."

I look at him apologetically. "You're a good guy. I would never treat you like a backup option."

There was nothing wrong with Will, he's handsome, generous and caring but I can't help but have another British man on my mind, and I kind of hated myself for it. Of course Dom wouldn't actually be interested in me. He's always treated me like a little sister.

"It's probably obvious that I'm interested in you, but I won't pressure you. I understand that you need time to sort your feelings out."

"Thank you," I softly reply. "What time is it?"

"It's eight," he answers.

"Guess we better go," I say as I stand to my feet, "you're filming your last scenes today aren't you?"

Will nods, "yeah, it's officially my last day as Sebastian."

"You've been incredible, the fans will adore you," I compliment him truthfully.

He grins. "I can only hope."

I follow him out the door.

The drive to set is filled with silence. Which is exactly what I needed if I'm honest. My headache wouldn't leave me alone and thinking about having to face Dom after last night made it ache worse. After twenty minutes the car pulls over and Will and I hop out of the car.

And I freeze as I make eye contact with Dom who is standing in front of the set's entrance. His gaze moves to Will and suddenly I realise how bad it looks with me wearing the same clothes from the night before, getting out of a car with a man.

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