Chapter eleven: Distance Between us

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Today is the first day of filming the last episode of season two. All day I've spent thinking about my conversation with Emeraude yesterday, I still have no idea what I want to do about the England trip. I didn't want to stress out about it though because there are multiple emotional scenes I have to film for this episode and I desperately need to be in the zone.

I walk into to the hair and make-up trailer. Alisha who is already inside immediately greets me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask her as I take a seat in one of the chairs, remembering that she was sick with a cold.

"Nothing a lot of Theraflu can't fix," she replies, her voice sounding a little nasally. "Emeraude updated me about what happened the other night."

"Dom and I are just friends," I blurt, perhaps a little too loudly.

Alisha gives me a weird look. "What? I meant about Dom beating up that creep."

Oh. I shrink into my chair.

She narrows her eyes. "What are you talking about?"

I laugh. "Nothing." 

It's obvious that she doesn't believe me. "O-kay?" She says.

Thankfully she has to get to stage so she can't interrogate me.

Soon enough, the make up artist Brian has finished and has stuck on all the runes to my body. I head back to my trailer and put on Clary's outfit – dark pants, a maroon tank top and a leather jacket + combat boots. One of the scenes we're filming today is in the main street of Toronto so we pile into individual cars and drive to the location. It's a short ten minute drive.

"Hey Kat," a voice next to me says as I get out of the car. It's Dominic. I haven't spoken to him since he was in my apartment two days ago.

"Oh hey," I reply as casually as I can.

He's dressed as Jace and looks pretty good. I really needed to stop thinking like that.

"Sorry for walking out of your apartment so abruptly, I was just stressed out about that news article," he apologizes. Dom speaks in his American accent.

I nod. "It's fine, I get it. Guess we better get ready for the scene." I try to leave the conversation. I was following Emeraude's suggestion to distance myself from him.

But as I turn to walk away, he wraps his hand around my upper arm to stop me. My heart jumps in my chest.

He chuckles. "Wait, what's up with you?"

I meet his eyes. "Nothing, I just want to get this scene done today," I lie.

"Right." He doesn't question my odd behavior anymore. "I also wanna thank you for sending that tweet to explain the situation."

"I've always got your back." I smile.

"That's my girl," he says. And I. Almost. Pass. Out.

He didn't mean it in a flirtatious way but it sent chills through my body. I can literally feel myself ferociously blush. 

He didn't mean it in a flirtatious way but it sent chills through my body. I can literally feel myself ferociously blush.

"Guess we better go." He walks away before I can say anything.

Somehow, I manage to get myself together and we film the entire scene within two hours. As we drive back to set, I remember that all my next scenes will be with Dominic and they're all emotional scenes. We also had another kiss, but thankfully we won't be filming that until the end of the week.

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