Chapter eight: Night Walks

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It's pure chaos in the tavern. The guy that Dom just assaulted in defense of me had a bunch of tissues pressed to his bloody nose. I wouldn't be surprised if his nose was broken. 

Emeraude appears next to me. "What the hell just happened?" She asks. 

"I need to find Dom," I say absentmindedly and immediately start heading for the exit. 

This wasn't good. The media will be all over this soon, and knowing them, they'll probably paint Dom to be an aggressive person who unfairly punched someone. The cold breeze hits me as soon as I step into the night. I instantly spot Dom who is talking to the security. I walk over to them. 

"Hey," I start saying to the security. "That dude touched me without my consent, Dom was just protecting me." 

"Doesn't matter," the taller security responds. "Physical fights always result in a life long ban from the premises no matter the reason." 

I twist my face into a scowl. "That's not fair." 

"Kat, it's fine. Don't worry about it," Dom tells me before I go on a rant.

Will and Eme come outside as the security walk back in the bar. They both look puzzled. 

"I'm gonna need an explanation," Eme says.

I don't really want to get into it. "There was just some sleazeball trying to crack onto me."  I downplay it. 

"Are you okay?" Will asks, concern is written all over his face. 

"Yeah," I lie. Truthfully I was feeling violated, disgusting and overwhelmed. I wanted nothing more than to go home, shower and hide under my blankets.

Eme speaks next. "Lets hope that doesn't blow up on social media."

"He wouldn't dare press charges because he would expose himself for being a creep," Will says. 

I sigh. "Yeah but there's quite a few people in there who could've recognized us. They might run to the media." 

As they discuss what just went down I take a few steps back to order a car to take me back to my apartment. Emeraude and Will leave in their separate cars shortly after, leaving just me and Dom.

"The driver is picking me up on the side street," I explain to Dom.

He nods. "I'll walk you."

My heart flutters at the thought of walking alone with him. I try to ignore these feelings. I didn't want to get weird around him. 

"You don't have to," I tell him, not wanting to be an inconvenience. 

"I want to," he replies. 

Don't blush Kat, do not blush. He's just being friendly. 

I smile at him and we start walking down the street. There's not that many people out and about even though it's a Friday night. We stroll in silence for a few minutes. It's nice. 

"Thank you for what you did back there," I break the silence. I keep my eyes on the footpath. 

"Kat," he starts. I can feel his eyes on me. "Are you really okay?"

I take a deep breath as I meet his eyes. I can tell he's worried about me. "Maybe I should've been more firm with him. You know stand my ground?"

Dom shakes his head dismissing this. "Or maybe he should just keep his hands to himself. It's not your fault."

I don't respond so Dom suddenly stops and grabs me by my shoulders gently. "Repeat after me; it is not my fault." 

"It is not my fault," I repeat firmly and I already feel a little better about the incident.

"Now keep saying it in your head until you believe it."

I grin. On the outside Dominic looks like a macho man, but he's actually one of the biggest softies I know. He smiles back and then drops his hands but not before I catch sight of his bloody, red knuckles that were already bruising. 

I draw my eyebrows together. "Oh my god Dom," I state, taking his hand and observing his messed up knuckles, careful not to inflict any pain.

"It's fine," he says and tries to move out of my grip but I don't let him.

"No it's not. You've really hurt yourself." And he did it for me, I think to myself. God, I did not deserve a friend like him. I hear a car pull up behind us and I assume it's the car for me. "You're coming with me," I instruct him.

"I promise it's not that bad," he replies.

I drop his hand and put my hands on my hips. "Okay, form a fist then," I challenge him knowing I'll win. 

He struggles to do so and I see him flinch slightly. He sighs, realizing that i'm going to get my own way. I drag him to the car and we ride back to my apartment together.


Do you think Dom has feelings for Kat? Or does he really just think of her as a friend?

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