Chapter six: Kisses and Awkwardness

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I do what I do best and pretend nothing happened, instead, I scramble inside the gates and escape to my trailer.

Clary's outfit for today is perfectly laid out on the tiny bed. I decide to swallow an Aspirin before getting changed. After I'm dressed I leave my trailer and head to get my makeup and hair done, I pick up my script on the way out the door. In the makeup trailer is Emeraude, who is getting her runes printed onto her glowing skin. 

"Hey Eme," I greet her as I take a seat in the chair next to her.

"Oh my god, what was last night all about?" She immediately asks.

I take a deep breath before finally admitting it. "I think I might have a crush on Dom." 

Emeraude nearly jumps out the chair, shocked and excited, the makeup artist looks annoyed. "No way!" She exclaims.

"Yes, way. And now I'm even in more trouble because he caught me getting out of a car with Will, wearing the same clothes from last night." 

"Wait, did you and Will-"

"No!" I cut her off. "Nothing happened, I just slept on his couch because I was drunk." 

Emeraude doesn't hide the fact that she's enjoying my messy romance life. "Just tell Dom the truth." She says it like it's easy. 

"He doesn't like me like that," I respond.

She shrugs. "Guys are good at hiding their real feelings. " Eme stands up. "And lucky for you, you get to make out with him today." 

Anxiety cages me as I hastily flip to the last page of the script. And there it is, another kiss scene that I completely forgot about. I don't know why I feel apprehensive about it, I've had to kiss him multiple times. We're playing a couple for goodness sake. 



We're filming in the infirmary, I'm trying my hardest to get out of my own head and into the character's but when Dominic is lying down in front of me, shirtless, it's harder than you'd think. The tension between us is so high you could cut it with a knife. 

"Cut!" the director calls out before walking up to me. "Kat, this is an emotional scene. Clary almost lost Jace. Channel those feelings, alright?"

I nod my head vigorously, silently kicking myself for not getting this scene right. "Of course, sorry." I take a few quick deep breaths as the director walks away. 

"From the top!" He tells everyone. 

So we reshoot the scene, and this take is an improvement from the last. It's time for the grand kiss and my heart is thumping hard. Dom leans in, places his hand on my face and before I know it, his soft lips lock with mine, sending chills down my spine. My mind and heart are racing as we hungrily kiss, Dom's hand is moving through my hair and mine is laying on his chest. I wonder if he's feeling what I'm feeling; the feeling of desire that traveled from my heart to my stomach, to my inner thighs. Just as quick as it started, it was over and we drew apart. I felt my cheeks flush red as I avoided making eye contact with Dominic.

The director calls out, "print." Meaning the scene is perfect and will be kept.  

Then we're allowed to back to our trailers. I'm making my way through the maze of trailers when Dominic calls out to me.

I spin around, dreading the conversation that's about to take place. "Yeah?" I say, pretending like I don't know what he wants to talk about. 

"Um, this morning," he trails off, I can see he's trying to think of the best way to bring it up. "I saw you and Will, and I don't know, I'm just curious if there's something going on between you two." 

"Nothing happened between us, he is interested in me though," I respond truthfully.

He nods. "I'm sorry if I upset you last night about the kiss meaning nothing thing. It's just that we've been close friends for years now and I wouldn't want to mess that up."

Ouch, that isn't something I wanted to hear. "No, it's absolutely fine," I lie. "I agree with you, our friendship means a lot to me." 

"Can we just move past this awkwardness? I promise I won't drunkenly kiss you again." He chuckles.

Please do a voice in my head says. "Of course," I reply. We swiftly hug before walking into our own trailer, leaving me feeling unfinished. 

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