Love is a Beast

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Ariana's P.O.V

Dear Diary,
      It's been about a week since me and my ex Cameron broke up. I'm still very sad until I met Shawn. Shawn is so sweet and generous. I want to ask him out but he has a thing with this girl named Hailey. She is ok looking but not the best. I am debating whether I should tell Shawn I like him or not. I don't want to be heart broken. Never mind I will. I will tell Shawn I like him tomorrow.

In the morning....

   I just woke up to my morning music..*Mercy :by Shawn Mendes*.. I jump out of bed and turn the shower on to the perfect temperature. Then I stripped my clothes and got in. I washed my body head to toe. And then washed my hair, first the shampoo. I squeeze the shampoo into my hand and let the soft, fluffy shampoo touch my skin. After that I put in conditioner. While rubbing the conditioner in my hair, I felt the smooth fluffiness pressing against my head. Soon after that I get out dry off and pick an outfit for the day.

  So I walked out of my bathroom and went straight to my closet. There were three out fits hanging there. My sparkly hot pink dress, my outfit with blue jeans, a scarf, a stranger things t-shirt, and some white convers. My last outfit is Shawn's favorite, a grey croptop with black leggings, also with high heels and a black sweatshirt tied around my waste. I look at all the outfit and I thought that I should wear Shawn's favorite. I put that outfit on and I look amazing in it. So I go back in the bathroom and do my make up. After I'm done with my make up I text Shawn.

              Text Message:
Me: " Hey Shawn do u want to hang out or something at the park?"
Shawn: " yeah sure, but can I bring Hailey?"
Me: " yeah sure."
Shawn: " ok, what time?"
Me: " 9:30 p.m."
Shawn: " ok, thanks."

When Shawn said, " yeah sure, but can I bring Hailey?" My heart broke in to tiny pieces. I was balling my eyes out I could hardly breathe. I wanted it to be with just me and him so I can tell him how I feel. But now I can't! I want to text my best friend Camila and tell her all about it.

               Text Message:
Me: " Hey, guess what happened."
Camilla: " What?"
Me: " I texted Shawn, but when I asked if he wanted to hang out he said yeah!?!"
Camila: " what's wrong with that?"
Me: " after he said yeah he asked if his gf Hailey could come.
Camila: " I'm so sorry Boo."
Me: " Ik I'm just really sad."

    So now I see the clock, it's 9:31. I'm late OMG!!!! Now I'm running as fast as I can to the park. When I get there I see that it's only Shawn. YAY!!! I then ran up to him and said " where is Hailey?" He replied back " she got sick so I just came." " Oh " I said back. Then soon after that we hung out and talked a little bit then all of a sudden I see.....

                           Authors Note:
Sorry I left it at a cliff hanger I just need more votes and things like that so plz vote and add to your reading list luv ya all 💕bye!?!

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