Actions are taken

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Levi wasn't seen for the rest of the day. This wasn't surprising, given the circumstances but everyone was a little shaken. For the next few days Levi only appeared a couple of times, each day he looked even more tired than the next, despite have been sleeping most of the time. It was only on one evening did he stay out for a substantial amount of time, the day before they were due to leave to another place no less.

The forest had already began to be engulfed by darkness and a cold wind was blowing gently. Levi was stood away from everyone else, turned away, cloak hood covering his eyes. No one had really payed much attention to him and even tried too avoid him. The glow of the campfire made the whole world look darker and there was a thick cloud cover which meant, no stars. That glow shadowed the cadets turning them all to mysterious ghosts and dark figures.

No one noticed when Levi snuck off, hidden in the shadows of one of the tents. This secluded spot allowed nobody to see him. The crackle of the fire was calming but its tranquil noise was cut off by a harsh snap. He twitched his head upwards but only saw darkness. It seemed the few people out hadn't noticed. The bushes rustled. Levi walked forward cautiously. "Hello?" But nothing. Then it happened again. Levi trailed off slightly until he lost the light of the fire. Dammit he thought. There was a noise behind him. Repeatedly, like footsteps. Then he fell a cold hand on his shoulder.

Without thinking, Levi clenched his fist and swung at whoever it was, then took off running in what he thought was the direction of camp. That someone who had crept up on Levi just so happened to be Mikasa and Levi had just punched her. But Levi didn't know this.

Levi kept running when he herd the footsteps behind him. Mikasa grabbed his arm ant threw him onto his back, pinning him down. They tussled in the darkness, the only thing visible was a glint of silver in Mikasa's hand. Nothing could be done when Levi felt something sharp slice clean through his upper right shoulder, dangerously close to his neck. Managing to break free, Levi jumped up but was soon pushed back onto the ground, one of Levi's arms completely useless. Suddenly, Mikasa stood up and sprinted off in a rush. Levi was left in the dark, stiff with shock, shoulder bleeding heavily, his leg aching badly.

Armin was the first to notice Levi's absence. "Wasn't he just hear?" He asked. "I'm sure he's fine," said Hanji, matter o factly. "Don't you say that about, literally everyone?"
"What d'you mean?"
"Never mind," sighed Armin. The only people up at this point were Hanji, Eren, Armin, Mikasa & Jean. "I'm going to go find him," said Eren, standing up. "Jeez Eren, can't you leave the guy alone for two minutes? It's like your obsessed!" Jean commented and laughed. "He'd kill you if you'd said that in front of him," Armin stated. "Trust you not to care horse face, I just... oh you don't care anyway." Eren pulled his hood up and walked off with a small light.

Eren returned 30 minutes later with no such luck. The only thing found was worry. "Anything?" asked Mikasa. "Nothing..." whispered Eren. Mikasa smiled to herself but then looked Eren in the eyes. "If he doesn't come back soon then we'll all help look for him, won't we?" she said sweetly. "Thanks" Eren lumbered off and stared into the sandy coloured flames of the fire.

After another hour, Hanji made the executive decision that everyone go out and look for Levi, apart from Mikasa who should stay back and watch the camp. The search went on and on for another 20 minutes, with no luck at all. "What if something bad's happened to him?" Eren spoke to Armin in a panicked tone. "That's what I'm worried about," Armin said hurriedly.

Meanwhile, Levi was sat with his knees against his chest, free hand trying to stop the blood flow from his shoulder. It hurt like hell and he knew he had to get back but he couldn't stand, so all he could do was clench his teeth and wait till morning. "Captain!" Came a distant voice. Levi didn't have the energy to shout back. "Captain, where are you?!" The voice grew nearer and he could see someone holding a light. Feeling in the dark, Levi picked up a stone and threw it at the cadet. "Ow" then they quickly turned their head. "Captain! Your okey!" Eren breathed a sigh of relief and ran over to the little male. "What happened to you? What am I saying, forget it, you have to come back everyone's been worried sick!" Eren's words all rushed into one but when he tried tugging Levi by the arm, he saw how distressed he was. "What's wrong?" He asked. Levi was light headed so just looked up slightly. "I-I'm sorry I'm just really worried." Eren placed his hand on Levi's right shoulder. With that Armin came running over with a look of exhaustion on his face. "You found him! Now we can... Eren are you alright?"
"You've got blood on your hand." Eren's hand was indeed, partially crimson, in contrast to Levi's mostly bloodied shirt. "Captain what the hell happened?!" Eren exclaimed, shaking him. "Eren stop, you'll hurt him!" said Armin. Eren tried helping Levi up, with the added exception of his damaged leg. Armin lead the way but it took a while to reach camp.

Everyone was up when the three returned. There came collective gasps and whispers at the site of their Captain. He defiantly looked a state with his shirt stained scarlet, pale skin and dark rings under his eyes. No one made eye contact and scurried off timidly. Hanji has gone from her normal bubbly self to deadly serious. "Explain this crap too me," she glared. "I don't know I think something may have attacked him,"
"Someone," Levi's voice wash quiet and horse. "Don't know who but it was someone wearing a Survey Corpes cloak,"
"Oh god," Sasha whispered. She looked as if she wanted to cry, thankfully Connie pulled her away. Levi was sat on one of the makeshift benches, hunched over. There wasn't much Hanji could do as she wasn't a doctor but she did pretty well on stopping the blood flow, slipping his arm in a temporary sling and tying a splint to his possibly broken leg.

They were about to leave until Connie made a comment before sneaking off. "If this mystery person is specifically targeting Captain Levi, then is it safe for him to be alone?"
"I suppose so," said Hanji. They had this conversation without Levi. "I'll swap," Armin perked up. "What?" said Eren and Mikasa in unison. "I'm willing to sleep alone and Eren and Captain can stay together, after all your the only one he trusts Eren." Eren felt himself going bright pink. "You can't do that!" Mikasa protested. "Sorry, I'm afraid it's the only thing we've got. Eren?" Hanji looked hopeful. "Uh...okey..." Eren said uncertainly. Mikasa was horrified. Levi was helped in whilst Armin moved his stuff.

Before everyone left, Eren sat by the burning embers. "I can't believe you actually agreed to this!" Jean smirked. "Piss off horse face, it's not me," Eren mumbled. "Well I didn't hear you protest,"
"Shut it Jean."
"Oh come one! Anyone could've seen you blushing!"
"Shut UP!" Eren shouted and punched Jean square in the face before storming off into his tent.

Levi was lead on one side, staring into oblivion. "Hey," there was an awkward silence. "Your okey now right?" Levi was shivering under the thin blanket. Eren lead down next to him and pulled him close. "Your cold?" It didn't take a genius. They both relaxed after a while, when everyone else was in bed. "You'll be safe with me," he whispered into Levi's ear but Levi was already asleep, softly breathing into Eren's shirt.

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