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After the sudden shock, Hanji had made it her mission to help cure it. A nurse with a brown bob cut said that there wasn't much point as Levi was more likely to get worse, before he got better. This distressed a lot of people. For a while, some days, life would go on as normal and other days, everyone seemed a little on edge and shifty.

Much too most people's relief, Jean had taken it soon himself to stop teasing Eren for the time being, also proving Mikasa thankful as she was beginning to think she may have to "eliminate" him too.

Eren spent most of the time running around for Hanji, looking after the Captain and keeping that part of Head Quarters clean. Some days later, Eren decided to try and sort out the piles of paperwork on Levi's desk. No one had been in there for a substantial amount of time so it was no wonder that the room felt cold, unloved and abandoned. It was raining outside and the window shutters weren't closed. Running over, Eren went to shut it just as one of the papers flew out but he grabbed it, almost falling out of the window. He closed it and was just about to put the paper away, stealing a glance at it. It turned out that there wasn't much writing on the paper at all, only a few words and a small drawing of two people. The first persons was a girl with two little scruffy pigtails, big shiny eyes and a broad beaming smile. There was a name underneath her but it was smudged. The second person was a boy who's hair was in a pinched fringe in the middle of his forehead and his smile was dorky but charming looking. The name underneath him was a little smudged too but Eren could make out the first few letters, Fa. There was a little message under the drawings  in little handwriting. It spelt out I miss you guys.

Eren wondered around the room for a while staring at these mystery people. Realising he made a mistake, he walked out of the room, with the paper in his pocket and locked the door.

On one particular day when looking for Eren, Mikasa stumbled upon him sitting in the supply closet, dimly gazing at a little drawing. "What're you doing Eren?" She asked. "Do you recognise either of these people!" Eren handed her the paper. "No, why?"
"Oh, I found it in the Captain's office."
"What were you doing in there?"
"Just trying to tidy it up that's all,"
"As long as he wasn't in there with you,"
"Mikasa he can't walk remember!" said Eren as he raised his eyebrows. "There's no need to sound like that, calm it,"
"I'm sorry Eren,"
"No need to apologise," he sighed. Then he sat up. "I know it!" He said. "Know what?"
"When we were outside the walls me and Hanji were talking and she mentioned the death of his two best friends and I'll bet this is who they are!" Eren jabbed at the paper. "I suggest you put it back, I don't want you talk- disturbing him," she said. "Maybe," but he put the paper in his pocket. By a few days later he'd forgotten all about it.

Eren had also forgotten to check up on Levi and felt an idiot for not going. In the late evening he knocked on the door but there was no response. Freaking out, he swung open the door only to find out that Levi was fine, just staring into nothing with an exhausted look in his face. "Sir, what're you looking at?"
"Okey then." Eren sat down next to Levi's bed and glanced slightly at his Captain. About 10 minutes went by before anything actually happened. Hanji came in and perched in Levi's armchair. "So what's happening this fine evening then," she said, trying to put in enthusiasm but found it hard. "Nothing much, you?" Eren sighed.
"Nope. What about the lifelike corpse next to you?" Levi indeed looked alarmingly dead, his limbs completely limp. Eren shook him slightly. Levi weekly battered Eren's arm. "...g-get off..." he murmured.

Hanji got bored later into the night and went back to her own room when darkness fell. Eren accidentally fell asleep in the chair and the whole place was eerily quiet. Feeling a little unsafe, Levi reached down and held Eren's hand before falling into a light slumber.

When Eren woke on a bright morning and looked round. Not knowing why but he had a weirdly bad feeling about today. He passed Armin in the hallway. "Hey Armin,"
"Good morning Eren," Armin said stopping to talk. "Eren is everything alright you look tense?"
"Mmh I don't know, today just feels unlucky."
"Well let's just hope that the only unlucky thing to happen is a pencil snapping."
"Yeh, sure..." The two walked to the cafeteria. Nothing unlucky actually happened until around 2 am when Connie cut his finger on a butter knife. Not bothering to care anymore, Eren made himself scarce and went up to the top floor, wondering around the empty offices and dormitories of the lost members of the Survey Corps. He shoved his hands into his pockets and felt a crumpled piece of paper. Eren pulled ot the picture of the girl and boy, then looked up at the information office. After a while of scrabbling through old files, he eventually found to information pages with pictures of the fairly accurate drawings. It turned out the girl was named Isabelle and the boy was Farlen.

Eren sat for a while before getting up and locking the door behind him and leaving the drawing in there.

The door to Levi's room made a definite creak when it opened. Levi was on his back, breathing slowly, softly. Eren sat next to him. "H-hello sir," he stammered. This is pathetic, what's wrong with me? he thought. Eren tried to talk to Levi for a while but stopped after a while. "Listen... I don't want you to be like this any more..." There was silence. "Please, pull through for us, we all need you," he pleaded, looking away. Levi's hand dropped off of the side of the bed. "Captain?" Eren whispered. But Levi was no longer breathing and no longer making a sound.

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