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Everyone was riding through the grassy planes towards the forest. Thankfully they hadn't ran into any titans so far, so they were all bracing themselves for an ambush among the trees. The journey went on for another age and a half before anything happened. It was all silent until a sudden wave of titans emerged from the skirts of the trees. They weren't much trouble for the experienced squads but the newbies had no idea on what was happening and unfortunately, more than a few were wiped out. Some were eaten, others trampled. There were screams of pain and terror though thankfully, none of the older squads were harmed. Yet.

All the while, Mikasa was trying to figure out what she was going to do. The anger had gone to her head and all she wanted to do was see Levi dead, but she had no idea on how to kill him. That was until an abnormal came hurtling round out of nowhere, swinging its arms in an undignified manner, preventing anyone from getting close to its neck. Then it came to Mikasa, she knew how to get rid of him.

Every time that the titan flailed it's arms, Mikasa purposely got in the way, scaring everyone. If she knew Levi enough, he would try and evert her from danger. He didn't say, but he does care about his squad, to some extent. Essentially, he didn't want them to die. She also knew that Levi cares a little more for Eren than anyone else, so anyone that Eren cares for, Levi will protect them. This means he would protect Mikasa.

Noticing her bizarre behaviour, Eren yelled at Mikasa whilst avoiding the titan himself. "Mikasa, get out of the way you'll get yourself killed!" But she carried on. "Ackramen, what the hell are you playing at?!" Levi shouted. Mikasa turned her back, slightly worried that this would all go south and she could get herself killed. "Ackramen move it!" Mikasa stayed put.
"Mikasa what are you doing?!"

There was many merged voices but Mikasa continued to ignore them.

The titans arm swung round almost in slow motion towards Mikasa. Levi came up behind her and grabbed at the back of her collar, throwing her out of the way. Instead, Levi was hit and was thrown backwards and crashed into one of the nearby trees. His blades clattered to the floor, Levi shortly fell after. Eren screamed. "Captain!" Eren landed haphazardly onto the grass, Hanji and Mikasa followed. "Mikasa what the hell?!" He shouted over his shoulder. "It's not my fault I have bad reflexes!" She replied, stamping her foot and clenching her fists. "Bullshit! How can you say that when your one of the most talented soldiers in the entire fleet? You could have easily avoided that!"
"That's not fair to say that!"
"Mikasa you've been acting up today and throwing your life on the line like it's nothing!"
"Will you two please shut up!" Hanji pulled the teens apart. "This is hardly the time."
"Tell that to her, she didn't move," Eren protested. "Christ sake shut it Jager!" Levi interrupted as he tried to unsuccessfully get up off the floor. "S-sorry!"

Levi's body was shaking and one of his arms seemed completely limp. "Okey, we need to get rid of that abnormal, and the rest of the titans, just so we know it's safe to get him out of hear." Said Hanji, standing. "Sure," Mikasa shrugged and zipped off, helping the others bring down the abnormal. "Will you be okey Captain?" Eren asked. Levi nodded but he was coughing, a thin line of blood trailing out of the corner of his moth. "C'mon Eren, we have to clear the area!" Hanji leapt up and vanished into the treetops. Levi was stood at a crooked angle, still wanting to get up and fight but he couldn't as he had lost all feeling in one of his arms. Mikasa stayed out of sight, behind the tree and pulled down her hood so it covered up her face to anyone. Hanji and Eren had gone off to clear a wider space and find another squad who could help.

Mikasa flipped round and pushed Levi to the ground. The tussle had a remarkable resemblance to the fight whilst camping, only this time, she wasn't letting Levi get away.

Mikasa managed to pin one of Levi's arms above his head, towering above his so he couldn't get up. "What the hell is this?" Levi demanded. Mikasa flicked her hair out of her face. "Ackramen? What are you doing?"
"From the day I first met you I hated you but I never thought you'd go this far." She snarled. "What?"
"I'm not letting you go this time. I will kill you."
"I'm not following."
"Don't pretend like you don't know!"
"No, I don't know!" Levi said, struggling still. "You took Eren from me so it's only fair I take something from you! I saw you two before the expedition. You hugged him! You don't understand how that hurt me. Eren is mine and I'm willing to do anything to keep it that way! Your nothing but a selfish bastard!" She screamed and took one of her blades, plunging it into Levi's shoulder. Levi smirked. "Th-this is what it's about? Because I hugged your brother. Pathetic."
"I know you did more!"
"What will your 'precious' Eren think of this? Killing another s-soldier for your own selfish needs."
"He won't! You'll be dead and they'll never find out it was me." Mikasa was getting more and more enraged and stabbed Levi in the abdomen. He jerked but still carried on slyly smiling. "I-I won't let you win."
"Stop smiling!"
"And if you d-do kill me, I'm not going to let you enjoy it!"
"Shut UP!"
"Eren will n-never love you."
"Stop it! I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU!" Mikasa fumed and started stabbing Levi over and over again repeatedly in the chest. Levi stopped fighting but still had a weak smile on his face.

"No!" There was a shriek. She stopped and looked up to see Eren and Hanji hedding towards them. Leaping up, she threw the blade onto the ground and ran for it. The blood on the silver metal trickled onto the soft green grass, glinting in the light. Hanji ran after Mikasa where's Eren skidded on the dirt infront of Levi. "Captain what happened who was that?! Oh god please tell me you're alright."
"D-do I look it?" Eren lifted Levi off his back despite Levi letting out a tormented whimper. "Sorry sir!" Eren didn't know what else to do so he tore through his own shirt and used the pine green material to mop up as much blood as possible. It didn't help. Levi put his hand on Eren's cheek. "D-don't bother it's n-not worth it."
"No I'm not going to let you die hear! We'll get you back and- you'll be fine you can't die on me, not now!"
"I'll be f-fine just, go."
"I'm not leaving you!" Pleaded Eren, tears rolling down his pink cheeks. "Shh," whispered Levi, putting one finger on Eren's lips. "I d-don't want... your stupid tears... on me..."
"Levi please! Don't please you can't do this!" Eren shook Levi hard but he stayed limp and unmoving. "You can't... please..."

Whilst this was happening, Hanji was chasing after whoever it was like a bloodhound. Mikasa was much faster than Hanji on her feet but Hanji was filled with anger. And when Hanji was mad, nothing was stopping her. Mikasa tried to fly off but Hanji came round the side and cut cleanly through the cords of Mikasa's gear so she crashed into the ground. She grabbed Mikasa by her black hair and flipped her to face up, pulled the hood of her face, and stopped. "Mikasa?" She was stunned. "Uh..." Fear was shaking in her eyes. Standing up, Hanji practically dragged Mikasa to the spot they were just in. "May the lord have mercy on you." She told Mikasa, coldly.

They got back to find Eren in a sobbing wreck, curled up with Levi in his arms. "Eren..."
"W-what?" He sniffed, not bothering to look up. "Why did you give Mikasa that red scarf?"
"Um... I g-guess it was a sign of trust, you know, t-to welcome her in to the family, and she was cold, it was for comfort."
"Then I suggest you take it back." She replied, shoving Mikasa forward so she almost tripped up. Eren looked and his eyes widened. "M-mikasa?" He rested Levi on the ground. "How could you?" Mikasa went to deny this The realised her hands sleeves and shirt front were drenched in Levi's dark blood. The rest of their squad landed near them. The majority of them first noticed Levi's body and started panicking and the girls started crying daintily. Jean saw Eren stare strait into Mikasa eyes, then punch her so ferociously that he knocked her unconscious. "Eren you idiot you could kill her!" Jean exclaimed, storming over before being tripped up and flipped over onto his back by a very pissed off Hanji. "Don't always stand up for the girl you fall for." She sneered, her tone emotionless. "Huh?"

On the journey back, Mikasa was carelessly lumbered onto the back of a trailer, next to Levi's neatly lain out body. Thankfully she was out cold otherwise she would've most likely thrown him off the edge.

No one in the special operations squad said a word on the way back

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