05 | Math Class

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Walking into school, all eyes were on me. At first I was shocked and felt awkward. Life I wanted to run inside a bathroom stall and cover myself up, scared of what people would think or say.

But after a few minutes at school, I felt like a boss ass bitch. As I walked, my boobs bounced and boys had they're eyes glued to me. A few comments were thrown around and I bit my lip anxiously.

'I would so do her'

'Tyler cheated on this sexy piece of ass with that ginger'

'I'd never cheat on her'

'She's such a slut'

My heels clicked down the corridor as I sashayed towards my locker, hips swinging n all. Never had I looked so provocative in my life, so slutty. It does something to your confidence, makes you feel invincible and quite honestly I love the sensation of it.

Then again, I didn't want to be dressed like this. All I wanted was Tyler to come to me and want me. That's all I ever wanted, been crushing on him since I was a little girl and then I become a big girl and he chose me. At least I thought he did.

Hijo de puto, madre cabron.

Still in love.

As I reached my locker, I felt someone grab my wrist from behind and pull me. When I turned around I saw a blonde ponytail and shining blue eyes staring back at me with a confused expression on her face, Eve.

"What are you wearing?!" She frowned, her eyes skimming over my half naked

"My Revenge plan." I smirked back as I gave her a cheeky wink, to which she giggled at, nodding her head dramatically.

"Well, I see a lot of boob, leg and a slip of stomach. Give it a few hours and his sorry butt will be wimping for cheating on you." My throat hitched as she said the words 'cheated on you' because I still haven't come with the terms.

Noticing my flinch, Eve sighs loudly and her eyes look into mine in a meaningful way. Her hands pressed down on each of my shoulders as she says, "Don't feel sad please. Let him be the one doing the crying, not you baby."

"Now about that witch face Angel.." Eve starts as she rambles profanities and I loose myself in my own world and I think of how today would come out, outcome and all.

Checking my timetable, worry consumes me as I notice the exact lessons I did not want to have today. Maths and English. In maths I have Tyler two seats down and in English Angel is sat right beside me.

Could this get more cliche?

Maths was first, so I ditched Eve politely and started to head towards the class. My french folder in my hand for second period and a evil smirk on my face.

You wouldn't believe who was sat right next to me, Ryan. Ryan who was Tyler's best friend, stuck in between me and Tyler. A smile creeps on my face as I plan.

When I walked into the classroom I automatically notice that Ryan is already seated along with the rest of the class. Except of course, Tyler who was probably spit swapping with Angel. I stride into the classroom, my hips swaying and my legs drawing in all kinds of attention. Unwanted and wanted.

I took my seat and shot a smile to Ryan, crossing my legs towards him. My leg grazing his slightly and i'm sues that I heart him whimper slightly.

"So Ryan, how've you been?" I questioned seductively, my head slightly tilted.

"G-good, I like your, your hair." Ryan replies, trying his hardest to put on a deep low voice. His face going more red with each words that comes out.

I heard the door open and know exactly who it was, by the way the room quiets down and eyes flicker between him and I. You can do this Octavia, you can do this. The thought of his hands on her body make me want to throw up and go home to cry and eat Ben and jerries.

Tyler took his seat and from my provisional view I saw his eyes flick up and down my body. So far so good, so far so good.

I carried on with my plan as I move my hand towards Ryan's navy blue polo shirt and I straighten the collar. The collar may have already been perfect but it was part of my mental plan. Sometimes you just have to use improv.

"There," I said slowly. "Perfect."

His Adam's apple bopped as he gulped and he turned quickly to Tyler who must've pinched him because he swats Tyler's hand from his arm.

The teacher (Mr Roy) walked in and I thank god that we have a stupid teacher who wouldn't give a flying cow whether I was doing the work or taking action in a Revenge plan. His bald head shining in the light as he grumbled the page to turn to in our text book and then starts reading a book.

I grabbed my pencil and purposely drop it onto the floor in front of our table, using it as my plan for step two. Bending down, my butt perks up in the air as I grab my pen, slowly but surely. When I'm up straight, I notice Tyler's eyes on me as they widen slowly and his mouth gaped open. Anger quite evident on his face.

Sitting back in my seat, I now have Ryan's undivided attention. As well as Tyler's although he tries to be sneaky about it. I crossed my arms over my chest to make my boobs appear bigger and Ryan's voice rings through my ears again.

"So, Octavia, what you doing three weeks from now, Saturday?"

"Why? What are you suggesting?" I played dumb and I hear Tyler groan.

"Well I'm having a party. And god would I love if you came."

Of course I knew about that part, I had planned on going with Tyler and Angel. Prior to the little misdemeanour. I knew it would be hectic and crazy, filled with body shots and stupid games. But what did I know most of all? I knew that I would be there because Tyler was definitely going.

"Lucky for you. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Edging closer to him, my lips are at his ear as I speak the next words in my sexiest voice possible.

"You said you'd love for me to come? Trust me, I would love to come."

This part of the plan didn't come from Ariyane. Nope, it came from me. I would make Tyler's friend obsessed with me to a point and then Tyler would be jealous.

Well if this actually did work. Let's all cross our hands and ask god for help in this little plan.

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