17 | Raw And Passionate

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"So, why did you come?" I blurt out.

"What is it a crime to want to see you?" He defends himself and pulls himself closer towards me on the bed.

No no no no. I don't want this to happen.

Yes you do.

Fuck off inner head voice.

I inch further away from him and end up almost slipping but catching myself before plummeting to the ground. His hand catches my arm and I turn towards him, my eyes narrowing as I unhook his hand from my arm.

Still unsatisfied with the amazing kiss that he decided to run out of, I was not giving him the satisfaction of being my buddy who gets free kisses.

"I'm angry with you." I slowly admit as I stand up and walk towards the chair that's neatly tucked underneath my desk.

"I'm angry with you." He deflects back.

"You're angry. With me. What did I do?" Anger flushing over me as my voice gets louder in frustration.

I didn't do squat wrong to him. I never have, even when Tyler used to call him a druggy or something utterly ridiculous, I would at least try to defend him by saying 'we don't know him'. Then he has the audacity to be cross with me.

"You make me be kind to you. Do you think I would spare my own time to see a girl who I barely knew? That I would be nice and not do something so common for me like threaten you or use you for a useless fuck? But I don't because I'm feeling things that I didn't think I would be ever able to feel and its all your fucking fault!" Darian expresses his anger and stands up from my bed slowly walking towards me.

No words are able to leave my mouth as I take in the things he said or rather yelled. Nobody had ever said such meanly beautiful words to me in my existence and I could barely breathe.

"8 billion people in this world and I like you? The girl who hasn't got the biggest boobs or the straightest teeth. But you're so much more beautiful and I don't think I can describe it." Darian releases as he pulls me up from my chair and pushes me against my wall. Pinning my back flat and my arms over my head.

"Describe it." I whisper, feeling his hot breath on my forehead as I look up to him through my lashes.

"You're so beautiful that it's as if I'm waisting time when I'm not looking at you. It's not only that, your heart is like no other heart, I've seen the way you care for people and the way you listen to people and make them feel heard." He says and I feel his nose on my cheek as he runs it down.

I'm still unable to breathe and I feel as if any moment I'm going to pass out, the tingles from his nose clearly not making the situation any better.

"I don't think I can resist you anymore. If anybody else in the world knew the stuff that you know, well they wouldn't. I just- my words aren't coming out right. You're lips, they make me so mad. How could god have gifted you with such perfection." His lips are now millimetres away.

Taking control I smash my lips against his, almost immediately erupting with forewords as my hands find their way to his back. The kiss is passionate and raw, not soft. Like all we could crave was each other and there was nothing to stop us getting what we wanted.

Darian grips my legs and pulls me up so that they are wrapping around his waist as he walks over to the bed and lays me down, hovering over me as his lips attack mine. We stay making out for a few minutes until I feel him move on to me neck. Marking me with wet kisses and slightly nibbling.

"Darian!" I moan as he finds my sweat spot, my hands up his shirt feeling his rock hard abs.

He pulls away and stares and me intently, my lips now probably bright red for the harsh kissing and my breath heavy as I slightly pant.

"If we carry on, I won't be able to stop." He admits and sits down next to me as he pulls me closer, my head on his lap as he strokes my hair.

"We can cuddle and watch movies." I suggest and he nods, slightly preoccupied as he plays with my dark brown hair.

Just as I'm about to get up and find a movie to play on Netflix, he pins me down and says, "five more minutes." I eagerly go along with is as I breath in his scent and cuddle up even closer next to him.

Is it bad that I never want this to end? I just want it to be me and him, cuddling on this bed forever and never have to deal with real life shit.

His hands strokes me leg and I'm pretty sure goosebumps cover me head to toe but all I can think about is how quickly I'm falling for him.

I'm falling for Peters.


She's falling for him

And so am I


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