14 <> Nutella sandwiches and cheesy pick up lines

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The rest of the week dragged on and it was finally Friday. The day I had been longing for since I stepped into school on Monday at 8am.

Don't even ask me about Hunter or Darian. Which ever name I'm supposed to call him now. Not that I could call him a name right now, seeing as I had my little kiss with him on Monday since then he hadn't bothered to make an appearance at school. Not that I cared. I am sheesh why would I care... haha.

School life wasn't any better than home life right now. I mean at school I was trying to avoid Tyler and at home Ariyane. Since the day with Immanuel she had been distant and I'm not sure how to get her to open up. After I stormed out, and she didn't follow, a sense of mistrust nailed into my head and I couldn't shake it out.

Tomorrow would be the party that Ryan was throwing, don't even remind me of him. The other day I was casually minding my own business when he came out of nowhere and kissed my cheek calling me 'babe'. I don't think Eve would every let me live that one off.

Stepping into school, I heard the voice of my nemesis (Angel) ringing down the hallway and swerved where I was walking to, instead waiting in the toilets for a bit until I heard her pass by me.

Maths was my fourth period and you know what that meant. Sitting next to Ryan.

The skirt I was wearing today rode up my leg a little higher than recently. But it's not like I was trying to impress a certain guy haha. I mean he rarely comes to school so what was the point.

"Hey babe," Ryan smirked and pulled his chair closer to mine. I had given up with the whole Revenge plan because honestly I'm not sure that Tyler even cared. So having to deal with Ryan was not too of my list.

"Hi Ryan. How's your dad? Still working at the dentist?" I asked, trying to get the topic into the opposite direction of where he wanted it to go. Ryan's Dad, Mitch was my dentist and was the one who pulled my braces out last year.

"He's fine." Ryan mumbled before looking down at his textbook and with a confused look. Same Ryan, same.

The work all jumbled up in front of me as I tried to make sense of what the pages meant. The pages honestly just didn't mean I think. What even are algebraic blah blah blahs?

"Are you a parking ticket? Cause you've got fine written all over you." Ryan spoke confidently while slightly raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nope. But you must be a jury notice because I'm trying to avoid you." I shot back rather loudly to which Ryan looked at me with sad puppy dog eyes.

Even if I tried to be attracted to him, I just couldn't. I know he's just trying to get into my pants before the bell rings indicating it's the end of lunch.

"You're still coming to my party though right?" He required and his hand slowly made its was down to my leg. I flinched at his touch but quickly recovered by placing my hand on top of his and moving it.

"Yes but only if you stop with this whole touchy felt shit, ok?" I practically begged and he just smiled and shook his head slowly.

Obviously way to cocky to realise that I just didn't really like him. Hm, I bet nobody had ever turned down his sorry butt before. It's nice to be a first sometimes.

My eyes trailed over to Tyler who was intently staring at me. His eyes then moved down my body and onto my legs before he gave a side smirk. Why do all guys do that?!?

It's as if he found it funny that I was trying to constantly dodge his best friend. Just wait till tomorrow Tyler, you'll be sorry you ever thought about another girl other than me.

The bell ringing through the school showed that it was lunch time so I packed my school bag and headed for our table in the canteen where I could already see my friends.

As I plonked down next to them, I heard Beckas voice. "Have this. It's a spare Nutella sandwich. Mum gave me two." A tinfoiled square was flinched at me and I grinned at her.

"Are you sure?" I asked with the grin still attached to my face.

"Of course. Hey, don't worry about it, I've got mine here. See?" Becka says and waves her sandwich to which I giggled.

"I brought this massive pack of Doritos and a large coke. Feel free to share," this time it was Eve saying it as she opened up the crisp packet and centred it in the middle.

I couldn't help but scream internally about the food, I was hungry. Today I did eat breakfast because Ariyane bought some bread but the lack of food over the week had really took a hit to me. I put it in my checklist to go shopping. Just with the babysitting and hours of homework I didn't have the time. Also Ariyanes pay check wouldn't come till next Thursday.

I took a bite of the sandwich and practically moaned in delight. Whoever created it honestly deserves an award or medal because it just tastes so damn good!

Finishing it within a few minutes, I ignored the group as my hand shyly went into the crisps and I pulled out a few. This was to good.

"Hey Otter, can I give you a lift home after school, I really need to talk to you." Eve blabbed and gave me a little smile. I nodded in response at her.

"What about me?" Becka cried out and earned a slap on the wrist and I stern look from Eve. She must've know what it meant because Becka kind of went like "ohhh" and then shut up about it.

I tell you, twins really confuse me. The constant brain length that they share is so interesting. On one hand I would love a twin but on the other I would hate having to share everything.

The rest of lunch was filled with stuffing my face and laughing out loud with everyone as Michael made a few snarky comments about Mr Davies.

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