Chapter 19/ meeting the other slashers

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Emelie P.O.V
Michael came down the stairs and grabbed my arm and tugged it to the door but I stood still. "Michael just tell me where we are going" I firmly spoke and he shook his head no.

Michael then came over to me and chuck me over his shoulder and carried me outside and across the road to my house.

He placed me down in front of my car that my parents drove it up for me "you want me to drive?" He nodded his head and handed me the keys. I sighed and unlocked the car then opened the drivers seat and hoped in and Michael hopped into the passenger side.

I put the key into the egnition and started the car. I plugged my seat belt in and adjusted my mirror and drove off out of my street and into the Main Street.

There was a red light so I stopped I looked over to Michael who was just staring at me holding onto his knife tightly. " bro What's with the knife?" I asked holding back laughter

Zoe spotted me and walked over to me...she was pregnant. "Emelie" she chirped happily and waved I waved back.

I told Michael to hop in the back and hide and Zoe came right up to the care "Zoe. You cant be here and your um pregnant." I made eye contact with her belly "yes I am. There was someone else in your car I could see them" she said looking deep into my car "no just me going to um." I looked away for bit then back at her when I thought of a lie "I'm going to New York to visit my parents" I smiled.

"Can I come!" She asked and I shook my head "sorry Zo just me going just just me, I smiled the light had turned green and I drove off waving to her.

I had left town and pulled over for Michael to get back into the front.

He climbed back in "so where are we headed boss?" I asked "Texas, I need to visit an old friend" he smiled and I instantly sped off.

5 hours later.

I woke up and Michael was driving. Wait what... he learnt how to drive. Well he wasn't bad but he wasn't good Michael noticed I was awake and smiled at me "Michael could you keep your eyes on the road" I uneasy told him and he nodded.

We pulled out the front of a mansion and my jaw dropped. I got out of the car same as Michael.

We walked up to the front gate. It had overgrown vines growing the bricks where a bit smashed in and the gate was all crooked it had to be abondoned.

Michael grabbed my hand I looked up to him and smiled he pushed the gate opened it and walked in. There was a massive driveway we continued walking I was admiring the place even though it was abondoned by the overgrown trees cracks in statues.

It was an amazing anyone would love to live here.

This place did look fimiliar so I turned to face Michael "who are we visiting?" He turned his head "a few old friends, you'll see" I formed a fake smile because I was scared knowing Michael to have friends there probably killers.

We walked onto the front porch Michael grabbed his knife out of his pockets "what's that for?" I asked concerned and let go off his hand and backed away a bit.

"Sometimes they get surprised, and try attacking me so I'm just getting prepared" I nodded. Michael began to knock on the front door as I walked off. I was walking around admiring this beautiful place.

When I stumbled across a edgy gate. "Shit!" I muttered to myself as I cut myself on the sharp gate.

I looked up and it was a graveyard, I decided to look around I came across a tomb stone and lightly pressed my hand on the top and slid it across the top.

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