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*Khadee's POV*

Ha! I hate morning lectures I woke up as early as 6:30 because am having this fucking chemistry class I pick my phone made sure everything I need is in my bag I dialed reeedarh's number "hello" I said while yawning "sarkin bacci" yes oh if you know me you know I really love sleeping " kin shirya gani nan zuwa" "uhmmm" she reply I rushed out of the house I really don't want to be late our chemistry lecturer dan rani wayyo ne, I pick her up after she wasted my five to six minutes we reached school and quickly rush to class we reached class at seven dot the lecturer eyed us which we all understood that kind look that says you are lucky I smiled at him and got a seat to seat where I normally seat during chemistry lecture and it was over after six hours we came out exhausted I looked at reedarh and I can see she is really exhausted I drove her back home stayed for like an hour before leaving as usual

I reached home tired af I was welcomed by mama and ya Khalid Baba has gone to work and the twins are back from school and I guess sleeping cause I didn't see them "Khadee zo ki ci abun ci" ma said from the dinning area " no mama am okay I ate from reedarh's oh and her mom said I should say hi" " to let me even call her she carried her phone and started dialing  what I guess is reedarh's moms number I reached my room and fall no my bed and I fell into a peaceful slumber

I woke up by a tinny hand tapping me "ya Khadee wai mama said you should wake up and pray magrib" what magrib how did I sleep like this "toh" I said while creasing her cheeks with my tumb cute aneee she smiled and ran out of the room i cheeked my phone for notifications and I saw two missed calls from reedarh and the rest are instagram,Snapchat and co I entered the toilet turn the shower on and enjoyed a hot one before coming out I prayed I reached down for my phone when my stomach made a rumbling sound and then i realize am hungry I rushed to the dinning area and met launch I guess Mom is in the kitchen or her room I fetched some pasta I really hate eating almost cold or cold food so I put it into the microwave to get warm I checked my insta gram "booh" I got scared to death I turn and you know who Ya Khalid of course " ha....ha" I tried to get my breath back while I place my hands on my chest "scary cat"I glared at him "I almost dropped my phone fa and you scared me to "death" we said in union as he continued laughing while the microwave made a pim sound which indicates it's done I carried my food to the dinning and started digging ya Khalid sat close to me while his using his phone 'phone addict' I said in my mind "don't tell me you are just having your lunch"I nodded and continue digging he just shaked his head when I was done I carried my plate to the kitchen to help mama with dinner.

After dinner we gisted about common stuffs and then we went to the pallor and watched a movie as the twins retired to bed immediately after dinner "kalid" Baba said " to kai wai yashe za ka yi aure ne" Ya Khalid looked at me then cleared his throat " ummm Baba" he said scarching the back of his neck " Baba dama wani project ne I want to finish it before I start talking about marriage" he said bowing down his head I can see he is uncomfortable " that is what you said last year Khalid" how much time do you think it will take?" Baba asked again "ummm wai I think it's two or more years " me Khalid kana da hankali kuwa two years" ha Baba can exaggerate kamar wani twenty years mama held Baba's hand to keep him clam " to Allah ya Bada sa' a" mama said Baba just looked at her then to ya Khalid " Amin"we all said all together so when it was twelve everyone retired to bed excluding me I guess when I went to my room I reached like 3:00 before sleeping I chatted with reedarh and my other friend watched some peoples snap and read a some of my handout before retiring to bed.

I woke up at five perform my prayers recited Quran and back to bed I don't have early morning lectures which i love I woke up around 12:50 god am having lectures at 1:15 I cant actually believe I slept this much I took a quick shower and left again without having anything which mama forbid but am always almost late I picked reedarh up as she gisted me all the way to school about the fun fair at Syde resort which am not interested in we reached collage and went our separate ways due too different courses but thank god we have some of the classes together.

After three hours of lectures we branched to havillah for some ice cream before heading home and immediately I reached home as usual I hade a nap wake up during magrib perform my prayers and had something after dinner i headed back to my room while Ya Khalid and Baba are watching a football match while mama is doing what I don't know " ya Khadee"  I looked up from my hand out and looked at the twins with there book in there hands "please can you help us with our home work I  nodded and patted my bed which indicate they should climb up they hop on and and in no time we were done assignment and they requested that I should tell them a bed time story and half way of the story they both fell asleep I continued reading and "Khadee wai ko..." he stoped on his track half way I glared at him so he won't wake them and he understands he shut the door and  I can hear him mumbling something with mama by the door and before I know what was happeing all I can see was dark.

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