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* Khadee's POV*

The week passed by so quickly I woke up at exactly 4:30 I don't have any lecture today it's a public holiday so everyone is at home I checked my phone and I can see reedarh's messages and missed calls I called her back "you know today is the fun fair right?" She asked more like telling me for like the hundredth time I took a deep breathe in and out yeah of cause how will I forget after she kept talking about on our way home yesterday "oh no reedarh common public holiday ma you will not let us rest our arse down in one place ko" she giggled "ke de you just so lazy ne kawai which rest after all the sleep you took haha it's to five fa who sleeps like this if not you" I smiled she complains a lot of my sleeping habit "walahi you better learn how to stop this bacen asara fa you will soon get married" instantly my smile faded into a frown " ke how many times do I..." she cut me off with her annoy "blah, blah, blah,blah,blah I hissed "ke am not going" I said " haba Khadee you are so dry walahi I don't even know..." she kept quite yeah I know what she was going to say "why we are still friends ko wow" "know Khadee that's..."I ended the call reedarh act childish and very annoying first the marriage stuff she knows I hate second she doesn't even know why she is friends with me.she has already change my mood from good to bad I can see her calling again but I kept on declining it, and am no more going to the stupid fun fair I trew my phone to the bed I took my bath perform my prayers and I came out from my room met ya Khalid and the twins in the parlor I silently came to his back and "booooh" I shouted he startled almost running out of the room I held my stomach laugh laugh till my stomach stated arching god see guy fa " ya...ya...ya..." I trailed off laughing again he frown his face and continued what he was doing on his phone " daman ramuwar gayya ta fi gayya zaffi..."I said again trailing off laughing " do you really think it's funny what the heck was that what if...what if" he couldn't hold it anymore and busted out laughing and I joined  him " so kin siya ko" this time giving me a deadly glare am dead Ya Khalid will surely give me a hard time I gave him my best puppy face " ha ha ha, no way sai na rama" I pouted " haba yaya na please now" " it's okay no body can say no to that puppy face of yours.

And then " it is mine," shouted amnee snatching what I guess it's a pencil "no it's mine" armeen snatched it back " a a armee your is in my room fa go get it she pouted and rushed to my room and armeen followed her I heard the door bell reached the door and all I see is black I open and saw reedarh holding a box with a smily face on it as she gave me her puppy face I looked at her in surprise but frown and fold my arms towards my chest " haba Khadee don't treat me that way I already said am sorry I left you like fifty missed calls and at least ten voice mails and maybe five messages and am here to apologize" she looked down this girl got me "awwwwn I love you so much nobody can keep getting angry with you baby and you used this trick of cake so definitely apology accepted she came in and kept the cake in the pallor and we headed to my room I dressed up and we came out just to meet Ya Khalid and the twins eating the cake reedarh brought for me the have eaten almost all fa I reached to carry the cake " keep it" Ya kalid said without even looking at me still digging in i looked at him as he cut another slice and he looked up "go with it I carried the cake straight to the fridge ya Khalid am going out i turn to leave " mmhmmmm" he made a sound both me and reedarh turn to look at him and we both giggled before we left.

We reached syde resort and as usual crowded we struggled hard before we got some space to park my car we came out and and headed in we then entered and as usual straight to food we am it's already dark thanks to me you can see the smoke of shisha from ibies we ate a lot did I ever mention that we eat a lot of junks I looked at reedarh after I was done with my fifth cup of ice-cream " so wai when is badman coming. ne" any moment from now" she answered digging back to her third slice of chocolate cake and then all of a sudden the place became wild and I can hear the beat of 'super' badman's song and there it goes reedarh quickly drag me to the front and then she goes I can see she is hyper she ate a lot of sugar I can see the effect she followed each and every lyrics so after like 10-20 minutes badman was done then YNS came and after them morell my person came I love morell I stated dancing and following the lyrics " Faya faya ya fa ya ya ya faya ya faya" after morell was done it's over we were done here its getting so late so we have to live.

I took my last but not the least ice-cream while reedarh left me to go get more cake I was enjoying my ice-cream not until I tripped and almost fall to the ground but instead I hit a hard wall well not actually a wall but a human being with so much muscles I raised up my head just to meet his light brown eyes with half of his face and shoulder covered with my ice-cream I quickly adjusted my self "what is wrong with you are you blind of crazy hun" he said full of range I raised my head I can see he he is really huge I...I...ummm..." I stamared "just shut up" he shouted which made me jump in fear tears are almost rolling down my eyes which I held back I pulled my puppy dog face but nop that didn't work " where on earth were you in a hurry to go to next time you better watch you steps or else" hehe shouted shakes is head then bit his lips with no sympathy not even with the tears in my eyes,he hissed then walked pass me just then I heard reedarh voice " what just happen" I know am soft but not as soft as this I really don't tolerate nonsense but how did he have this effect on me what is wrong with me I couldn't even make a straight sentence god "Khadee" reedarh said shaking me Khadee what on earth just happened ?" She asked again but I stood numb without saying anything "Khadee " she said again a " l...l...let's leave this place I said wiping away my tears she dragged me and we left she collect the keys and drove immediately we reached home we went straight to my room and fall to my bed reedarh came and sat next to me patting me "wai Khadee what happened"I breath in and out sat up and I told her everything that happened I really can't hide any thing form her " it's this the Khadee I know letting someone shout at her har to make her cry tab di" "walahi nima am shocked how I didn't like retaliate I wanted to say something but he shut me up am just so confused how this happen" "it's all my fault I forced you to go there you didn't want to not I forced you" she said putting her palms on her fire head I dragged her hands to me " no haba don't say that this was writing and it happen so it's okay and it's not you fault okay she nodded I ended up laying back to bed and she later back for a moment " I hope we are not sleeping like this" she asked I looked down to my self "of course not we giggled to our bath and slept off. so reedarh decided to sleep here.

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