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Days are passing by in a swift ,everything is so complicated and I am so confused. Muna has been blowing my phone with calls and messages.

"Yo!" I heard from the other side immediately the phone landed on my ears. "salam Ahmed salam" He giggled I am on the phone with Ahmed while I dress up "so are you coming?" He asked "nah I don't think so man! I released a deep breath "okay okay bye I said trying to put on my links.

"Ya Azeeeeeeeez!" He dragged. "My fah-fah" I hugged him as he wrapped his tinny hands around my neck,while I try as much as possible so he don't stain me or squeeze my attire.

I exchanged pleasantries with ummarh and I guess Abbarh is out  already. "nooooo Ummarh I am late I can't eat,I promise to eat before I return" I said trying to get loose of her grip without hurting her.i jogged out of the house and zoomed of to work.

Immediately after work I branched to see My guys Ahmed,salman,Abdulrazak,kamal and Aliyu "Asalamu Alaikum pals" I said with a husky tired voice we all handshake. "I thought you said we are not coming sha let me..." I cut him off "walahi Ahamed I am tired and hungry I said with a straight face "hey!" I called a waitress gave her my order "okay so you were saying..." I looked at Ahmed and he smiled I am sure he is familiar with this attitude of mine.

"Oh yes we are talking about the wedding...." "ohhhhh" I mumbled "yeahhhh" they all said in unison. We talked while I am eating my food and in like 2hours we were done setting things right he gave me my I.V. "Guys I have to go madam must be waiting for me" that is Aliyu(he is married) the only married man in the band. I left few minutes after him.

The week passed by quickly and the wedding started yesterday it was the ladies event and a day after too. so we just ate and chatted with the guys and that was it.

"Alhamdulillah" we all said in unison as we heading out of the mosque after dauri Aure. We took pictures exchanged pleasantries with the elders,after that the reception followed immediately.

I had to run back to office for an urgent meeting things have been so tight this week.its has been so stressful.After the meeting I headed home.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I prayed as I entered the house I saw ummarh and Abbarh sited while fah fah is watching cartoon I guess they are talking on something important. "Good evening" I squatted to pay my respect "Ah Ah Abdul an dawo,toh ya meeting din?" (Ah Ah Abdool you are back, so how was the meeting?)Ummarh vocalize I gave her a weary smile "ka chi abinci kuwa?"(have you eaten at all?)she asked again I nodded Abbarh Was concentrating on the t.v,"How was the meeting?" He asked undiplomatic "Alhamdulillah it was okay" he gave me a slight smile at my responds "okay sit,Brief me" he said it with  a mini smile again while he gave me a glance.I briefed him an in no time I was done. I trawled myself upstairs.and laid on my bed,all I saw was blank....

*ring ring ring* urgggghhh my ringing tone for the like fifth time,i pulled it out of my pocket I winced the moment I brought the screen to my face 'Ahmadudu'
It says I jumped from my bed "shit,shit,shit" I shouted how comes 'Oh My God' I mumbled while I grunted. 

I punched the air then rushed to the bathroom to take a quick bath. I still can't believe I slept off and I am already  late.i came out in a swift,dressed up, I dialed Ahmed's number the moment I turned on the engine "yo man what up? I have been calling you,where have you been?Kamal has been... no man all of us have been trying you phone  it kept ringing no answer. Do you..." "ya isa Ahmed I slept off ne but yanzu I am on my way"(it's okay Ahmed I slept off but I am on my way)

I entered the hall and I am so sure I was hell late... "man you don fuck up" Ahmed punches me a little I winced not because I felt a single pain "aswear I know" we exchanged pleasantries with the rest,took pictures and ate and the day was over.

The moment I got home i went straight to my room to sleep I needed a lot of that. Today was a weary day.

Today's event is walimah and after the walimah we the groomsmen and her brides maid are meant to take her to her house to settle the siyan baki and then leave.

I was late again I had to call the bank manager rushed to his house to get  some cash. After that I drove to Kamal's new home.

"Assalamualaikum what did I miss" I vocalized the moment I opened the door and the attention was all averted to me. "yawwwa abokina(my friend) you missed nothing in fact you came on time." Ahmed said moving closer to me and we shared a hand shake.

"They are not acceding to what we have"He said while shaking me."kumma you know our guy is 'eager' salman was just next to me he whispered to me which made me roll my eyes and just then I made an eye contact...wait I know this girl...damn she is that...God what it the world is she doing here?!?

"Khadee talk now why are you so quiet all of a sudden." I looked at her once again and I feel so disgusted,I dislike uncultured ladies I turned my gaze away from her.

"Yes we said 250,000 thousand" of course a girl like her will love money. "Please talk we have thing to do..." I blabbered out "we already said our prize so it's left for you to...." "and what if I say we are not giving that? i asked getting fed up by her,everyone looked muddled 'control your emotions'I whispered to my self.

"Haba Azeez stop being rude" he punches me which made me roll my eyes and sat on a sofa. I felt a poky pain in my heart and I don't know why. We settled, gave them the money and we all left leaving the bride and the groom in their new home.

*Khadee's *POV*

"Uwa ta!"(my mother) Baba called "naam baba"(yes dad)I answered while tying my scarf. "Baba ina wuni"(dad good day) I greeted immediately I entered his pallor "fine fine an dijah how are you and how is school? "Fine Alhamdulillah" I answered playing with my fingers "Ana dai karatu ko?"(I hope you are reading) "A"(yes) I answered with a smile "toh Masha Allah. Daman called you because I want you to prepare some snacks for my friend he is on his way.okay?" I nodded with a baby smile "go and start" he ordered and I stood up with swift.

I  dialed on reedarh's number for help,and in less than some minutes she was here. "Ha baby girl we gat work to do" she murmured tying on her apron.

we were done  in like two hours even tho the twins kept interrupting with complains and requests.

"An dijah" I heard Mama's voice and I quickly wore my hijab and headed out. I carried the snacks with a fresh orange juice "Aslalamualaikum" I said immediately I entered "Waalaikumulsalam" they both answered in unison I greeted them and dropped the tray and I took a quick glance at the man,he looks familiar,something on my mind keep telling me I know him somewhere.

I dragged my leg out still trying to recognize the man and just then it clicked to my mind the airport I snapped my fingers " Are you okay?" I looked up and my eyes met ya khaleed's I gave him a disgusted smile with a nod,he shooed his head and passed me wait why was he in my room I was not there ohhh may be he was with the twins, I smirk am so exhausted to think my brain out. I rolled my eyes and dragged my legs to my room.

The moment I entered i  jumped in my bed ha! "finally" was all I could mumble. Reedarh was laying by my side with her nose stuck to her phone.


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