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*Khadee's POV*

This week has been so stressful especially today "Argggghhh" I whined as I am coming out of the lecture hall "haba this is so annoying why will she do us this way? I am so exhausted" I complained "reedarh say something" I punched her a little while eying her "what will I say you know complaining won't do anything it will just work you out so..."she shrouded with a smile while opening the car door. "We need refreshment" I said driving towards frosty slabs I ordered my two favorite flavors and a take away for the twins while reedarh did has. Payed and left and as usual I branched at reedarh's house to drop her tho I didn't stay long mama was out and our ice-cream will melt "byeeeeeee" I dragged while adding force on the accelerator. On reaching home I met mama and the twins seated in the parlor "mama ina wuni" (good afternoon,good day)I greeted "yay"that was.... you already know as they race towards me "ina wuni ya Khadee"(good afternoon ya Khadee) they said in unison "here you go I passed them their ice-cream "mama kala" (mama look) armeen shouted "acikin sanyin nan"(in this cold weather)mama being mama complained "a a mama babu sanyi" (no mama no cold) aneee whined while taking a spoon full "I dab kukai mura nidai babu ruwa na(if you should catch cold I don't care)she said playfully "ohhhhh solo ko?" Came a voice from the dining area "ya Khaleed!!" I giggled he smiled with his right hand behind him he hugged me and guess what? he snatched my cup away "maaaamaaaa Kinga ya Khaleed ko?"(mama look what Khaleed is doing) i whined like a baby. Mama looked at us and shooed her head smiling "kunfi kusa"(you know each other best) "since it's solo I am seizing yours" I whined while giving my best puppy face,he looked at me then to now his cup " okay we will share" I smiled and we took the ice-cream together.

*ring**ring**ring. And that's my annoying ringing tone "who is calling me this early morning it's just 11:45am today is Saturday I need sleep I groaned again while it rings for the second time. it's reedarh calling who else would "ke wake up you know we are going to the market." She said elevated "yeah yeah okay" I mumbled I almost forgot we are going to the market for haleemah's anko,she honored us to do that I dragged my legs to the bathroom brushed,took my bath,dressed up and came down for breakfast and of course the twins are watching cartoon. Mama is no where to be found well maybe... I ate my breakfast and just as I was about to leave I remember where I didn't check their  pallor upstairs and guess what they are both in here cuddled around each other what they always do when it's weekend they leave the children to themselves and they enjoy each others company. I left them without saying a word and headed out.

And this is how the past week and this week has been so stressful due to school and haleemarh's weeding approaching "ke" I looked up from my phone reedarh is trying out her outfit which we collected from the tailor on our way back home from school,the event is starting tomorrow which is a Thursday I nodded in approval "khadee are you alright?" She asked "yeah" I mumbled " I hope so" she said with a thin smile she kept on trying as I compliment her after she was done I did same. We were done in an hour so we ate dinner it was late so reedarh had to sleep here.

Today is the first event which is 'sa Lale' (a traditional event were by the bride bridesmaids and other relatives apply henna)we woke up so early I packed my stuffs in a small box and we headed to reedarh house and this was the agreement: I will stay at reedarh's house till we are done with the wedding so I am here now "AssalamuAlaikum,mommy ina wuni" (peace be upon you,good after noon mommy) we said in unison "wa'AlaikumulSalam 'ya'ya na'' (same to you my kids) she hugged us "Your food is on the table have some" she said while trying to change the channel we dragged our selves to the dinning and ate. "Reedarh hurry up we wouldn't want to be late." I said clipping my heels I wore a fitted gown which was the anko and it fits perfectly same as reedarh I carried my hand bag,car keys and we zoomed. We applied henna danced,ate  haleemah looked so beautiful. "Good night I murmured as I turned to the other side of the bed today was so stressful and tomorrow is not and exception.

"Khadee khadee wake up its time for prayers" I heard her but I felt so heavy I couldn't stand up I just turned to the other side "Ke you are late it's already 6 fa" to this I didn't know when I jumped then I had her laughing and I eyed her she knows that's the only thing she will do to  make me stand up.I dragged myself to the bathroom prayed,read Quran and then back to bed.Today is the Kamu not really much to do we dreesed up into our casuals by 2 to help out with things over there. "hello mama"was the first thing I  said "ah ah khadee" "mama ina wuni"(mama good day) "lafiya ya kike?"(Good how are you?) "I am fine Alhamdulillah" we spoke a little she asked when I would be returning that she misses me. Mama still treats me like a baby,we said our good byes and ended the call it's  5:20 and we are back at reedarh's house to dress up, the event is starting by 6. " ke reedarh start dressing" I ordered "okay Boss" she said playfully and I rolled my eyes then we chuckled.Today was really tiring tomorrow ha! The main-the main.

Today is the Daurin Aure,yini then at night dinner we have been at the brides house since 12 and now we are done with the yini on our way back to reedarh's house to rest and dress up for the dinner a make up artist came to beat our faces we looked alluring with our anko we both are wearing a rose gold fitted gown and a raw silk while the bride is wearing a red floral dress with a long cape with her groom (kamal) by her side dressed in a red Kaftan.
We trail with the grooms men "ke the guy you are patching with is not here so you have to patch with..." she pointed to a guy I gave him a slight smile we stood for like a minute he was on his phone and so was I "ummmm...I am Ahmed a friend to the groom and you?" Obviously he is if not he won't be here I rolled my eyes "well...I am Khadeejah" that was all I said and turned the other side "you know my best friend is your partner but he is busy so I have to replace him" I smiled and nodded twice "so...why don't you want to say something?" He asked and as I opened I mouth to say the something he wanted to hear I was cut off "okay arrange yourself we are going in" I heard Zeezor's voice (a friend of mine-she is so energetic). And we danced in with the groomsmen after we took the bride and groom to their seat we sat on our seats. "Yan mata" and that is reedarh she stepped out to answer a call and has been out for 10-or more munites. We danced a lot there was these competition between the brides maid and the groom men we danced,the bride and groom did a slow dance it's so cute they are really in love with each other,the way the look at themselves says all. After the dinner we went home we awaits for tomorrow the last event.

Today is walimah(this is where a Malam/Imam is invited to preach,eat and drink.immediately after that,the bridesmaids accompany the bride (haleemah) to her parents place,were by they preach and advice her on the topic marriage. And by the time they where done haleemah held unto her parent crying,I had tears in my eyes too. It's so touching. After all that around 5 the brides maids and Aunties accompany  her to her husbands house where her Aunties left us with the bride (haleemah) we waited for him and the groomsmen to come. " Nooooo we are not reducing anything our bride is expensive". And that was me we are seated in the sitting room  with haleemah(the bride),Zeezor,Rabia,Reedarh,kamal(the groom),Abdulrazak,Ahmed,Me and Salman bargaining "see if you are not giving us we are going with our bride" I cease again. I am a talkative If I want to"Our last price is 250,000 if not... "Haba khadee come down a little mana" Salman said and i shooed my head in disapproval it was quite for a bit.      "Assalamualaikum what did I miss" someone batched in and we all diverted our attention to the person 'WHAT?!?' I said in my mind "yawwa abokina(my friend) you missed nothing infact you came in time" said Ahmed moving towards him and then shakes hands 'What is he doing here?,Who is he?' I kept asking nobody in particular "Yawwa they are not agreeing on what we have,kumma you know our guy is...he giggled his brows. "Salman is a vamp "khadee talk now why are quite all of a sudden" then everyones gaze was on me. Yes he is so right some minutes ago all you could hear is my voice and now this. Well I am not really prepared for this I cant stand this man not even for a minute. "yes we said 250,000" I said regaining my confidence "Haba khadee" Ahmed said coming close to me "please talk we have things to do" says the rude boy,how can someone be so bitter "we already said your price is left for you to...." "...and what if I say no we are not giving that?" He screeched making me to cringe a little "Haba Aziz stop being rude" Ahmed punches him,and he gave him a fake smile. I don't know why I keep bumping into this churlish man. "okay okay we are giving you 150,000 okay?" Said Salman "okay said reedarh and the money was giving to her. "ke is this not the guy from syde resort?" I nodded "he is so rude she mumbled and I gave her a faint smile and we left.


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