Chapter 13: Zoro's Love Child

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Everything has begun to settle down little by little, all at the same time, nothing has took a turn for the good. With every new member to the Straw Hat Crew came some sort of adventure that left everyone on the brink of death.

Nearly freezing to death in the iced over kingdom of Drumm. Nami almost died due to a five day disease she accidentally caught by a mosquito in Little Garden. Sanji fell over useless due to a broken rib-cage as well from an avalanche that Luffy miraculously survived. But the crew gained Chopper the Blue Nosed Reindeer after the struggle of life and death.

Although Nick Robin had already became a member of the Straw Hat family not too long after the Alabasta ordeal, the entire crew including yourself had went to Enies Lobby prepared for the worst. Facing the strongest top secret organization of CP9, each member put up a hard bitter fight. Everyone just barely got out of that Marine Base alive and weaker than before they had arrived. The challenge paid off upon the addition of Cyborg Franky the shipwright and Nick Robin's official recruitment to the crew. Bidding farewell to the Going Merry, the poor girl was on her last leg. Welcoming the beautiful Thousand Sunny!

Thriller Bark was another story of literal life and death. Much like Enies Lobby, nobody was safe. Not even for a second. Your shadow was taken from your body all by force. Impossible you may think, half of the crew had lost their shadow. One step into the sunlight and you were done for... Dead. Racing against the clock, the Straw Hats miraculously survived the vicious attack against an undead army led by Gekko Moriah, Warlord of the Sea. All just to help out Humming Brook get his shadow back. Gaining Brook as the upbeat Musician who'd dance and sing.

What else could the crew face? Clearly, a lot more... But this journey had finally came to a standstill. And not in a bad way either. The last few islands the Sunny had docked at held absolutely no challenge. Just relaxation. A gift brought down by the gods perhaps? A break couldn't sound any better.

The Sunny was approaching the next island in full swing.

"I need medical supplies," Chopper trotted around, stopping in one place. Pulling at his blue backpack before flipping its lid. Looking at the gaping emptiness of his blue doctor's sack a glum face overcame his usually cheerful exterior. Anyone could register that Chopper's sadness was getting to the little boy.

You awed at Chopper, nudging Zoro in the stomach with your elbow in a rushed manner. Originally to catch his attention, but came off as a needy jerk. Zoro growled at you in irritation as you repeated the action as his bandaged chest began to sting horribly with Pain. Zoro caved in, slumping his shoulders downwards as he eyed Chopper in his lonely state of need. "Fine... We can take him shopping," The Marimo had read your mind.

You brought your arm back to your body, giving Zoro the break he deserved. "Normally you'd say yes right away for Chopper. What happened to your soft spot for him?" You held Zoro's rough hand, lacing your fingers between his. Walking side by side awaiting an answer as Chopper looked up at you. Expecting your friendly offer to tag along in his shopping adventure with a cutsie grin that never got old in your eyes.

"I wanted a nap," Zoro let out a jaw breaking yawn with a scratch to the back of his head. Ruffling up his normally messy hair even more than before.

"You just took one..." You couldn't help but glare at Zoro with half squinted eyes and a ghostly frown.

"I'm tired... Leave me alone," the sleepy swordsman yawned again. Quieter than the first. A droplet in his grey eyes due to his everlasting drowsiness.

You opened your mouth to speak but had nearly nothing to say. Being, the subject would just be completely pointless to argue about. Shrugging after a second with a shy unimpressed grin. "I would ask why you're always so tired, but you've always been like this. At least you don't have a minor case of narcolepsy like Luffy, and his brother, and Grandfather..." Zoro couldn't help but agree with your minor insult and complement mashed into a true 50-50 with a low chuckle. Even he was glad to not be in Luffy's shoes.

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