Your Business?

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Fiona POV
I have to to see Fiona. I knew she would react like this....I knew she wasn't ready. Why did Eric have to be such a prick! Why did he tell her!? Did he do it to get back at me??
Oh my Fiona....I have to go talk to her, and talk to him.
Calling Eric.....
E- Hello?
M-What's with you telling Fiona about the past! She wasn't ready yet!
E-And when will she be ready? Few months? A year? Fiona needed to know Maria ! She can't be ready.
M-But I wanted to tell her! This wasn't any of your business!
E-It is my business!
M-Since when? You and I broke up long ago!
E- It's not all about you! You know maybe it's about me and her.
Eric ended call....
What the? What does he mean!? He's crazy....I'll talk to him later. Right now I have to go to my Baby's house.

Hewoo guys! Hopes you wikes!!!
Woves you all!

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