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Eric's POV

How awkward seeing my ex-mommy/ little. Out of all places! She is Fiona's mommy to... Wow! I haven't talked to her since we separated. We didn't end well.... I was head over heels in love with her. She wasn't.

(Eric's flashback)

I wonder what Maria wants to talk about....She sounded serious on the phone. I get to her house. She opened the door. Her expression is serious as well. "Hey, what do you want to talk about?" I said with a small smile.

"Uh...yeah.... Come to my room, we can talk there." She walked through the hallway. I followed at her heels. She opened the wooden white door and walked in, I went in to and sat down.

"What's up?"

"Umm....Eric..." She was struggling to say it. "I've been confused for a while...but I'm not anymore."

"What do you mean!?" Panic in my voice.

"I love you, but not in love with you. In the beginning I thought I was."

Thought? As in she never was in love with me?

"Eric....I like girls. I didn't know before but I do now. I also know I'm not a switch. I like being dominant." It took me a while to process this.

"So are y-you breaking up with me?" I say fighting back the tears.

"Yes, I'm sorry Eric but I have to be true to myself.''

"I understand." I said, but I didn't. I walked out of her room with me head down. Letting myself out. I walked for a while. Processing what just happened.

(Flash Back ended)

Fiona's POV
When I saw Eric in my class I asked him if I could have his number. I went back to my seat.
"What did you talk to him about sweetie?"
"I asked him for his phone number mommy." I said. I can't lie to her. She knows when I do. I'm bad at it.
"Oh okay." She said looking at me skeptically.
I get a text from my friends group chat.
Angie:Fiona! We are going to be in town soon!
Alisha: You have to hangout with us!
Angie:Yes! And my daddy is coming to!
Fiona is typing....
Me: Okies I'll just have to ask permission
Angie & Ali: OK
Text ended
I type Eric's phone number and text him. I can't just sit here and wonder much longer.
Me: Hewo Eric!
Eric: Hi! What you want kitten?
I can do this! I think.... I nervously start typing.
Me: How do you know my mommy?
Eric: What!? I don't know her...
Me: Yes you do I saw you wide eyed when you saw her.
Eric: okay when you can come to the park on Paule St. I'll tell you there.

Texting ended

I sit there quietly doing my homework because I already did my work.

<Time Skip after school>
I felt the last class like it took forever. "Baby, I have to go home to do some chores. I'll see you later. Be good." She said kissing my lips gently. I feel butterflies. She smiles and leaves me at my house. I go in and wait to see her gone. She won't tell me. So I'll have to find out. Now that she's far gone I go out. Lock the door and head towards the park. When I get there I see a Eric on the swing. He looks nervous. "Hiya Eric! "
"Hai." He says. I go to the swing and sit on the one next to his.
"Eric? How do you know my mommy?" I ask getting to the point.
"Ugh....umm. We sort of worked together before... " He started.
"Go on?"
"He goes on. We started dating.....and all was great... "
I get a little jealous knowing he's her ex. "And... I am a switch and Maria was to... " Mommy was a switch!? Why didn't she tell me!?
"Why did you guys break up?" I ask him. He looks like he's about to cry but he doesn't. He tells me everything that happened.
"Oh no.... That's a bad way to break up..." I say
"Yes but I got over her don't worry. It's just after all this time it's weird seeing her. "
"I see... That's why you flipped when seeing her. "
"Yeah that's why... " He said. But their was something else. I don't know what it was. We say our goodbyes and in get home. When I'm home I see mommy's car. Oh nu!

Thanks chu for readings!Sowy for the wait!Reawy ams! Wove you all!

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